Academic Master


Healthcare is the improvement of health via the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, recovery, or cure of disease.

Evidence-Based Nursing

This chapter is aimed at equipping medical practitioners with the information and the skills they need in ascertaining whether the evidence provided through scientific research can be depended on in the decision-making process. It arms the medical team with the information necessary in conducting an appraisal of the evidence brought in by scientific research conducted by other people. This is because the medical practitioners are mostly not researchers and therefore

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The development of CRISPR/Cas9

The development of CRISPR/Cas9 innovations has empowered relatively boundless quality-altering openings. Not exclusively would it be able to be utilized as a restorative device, but the genome-altering instrument could kickstart a transformation in sedate revelation. To date, a significant part of the consideration on CRISPR/Cas9,

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Piaget theory of cognitive development

Piaget believed that development occurs in exclusive and discrete stages that come sequentially in the life course of a person. These stages also occur at a specific time and equip the child with new capacities (Wadsworth). According to this theory, children are not only passive receivers of knowledge, but they continually investigate and experiment during all their stages of growth. This paper will discuss Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, and

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Obesity, a Health Problem Essay

Obesity is a big health-related problem that is explained by people’s weight that used to be found only in high-income countries. But in this modern life, it is found all around the world, especially in low-income and developing countries. People who are obese are usually overweight and don’t get encouragement from their friends and family to do physical activities such as exercise, jogging, riding bikes, and playing sports.

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Beer Goggles Johnny Essay

In everyday activities, human beings need information about their health so as to keep their bodies strong and healthy to work for their needs. Passing this kind of information to all people and especially the youth will enable them to be focused and avoid some the activities that may affect their health negatively. The aim of this essay is to pass crucial information to the people, especially the youth. Goggles

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Human Digestive System Essay

The human digestive system comprises the intestine tract and the digestion organs. It involves the diet ad assimilation of food we eat. A healthy digestive system is crucial to the body’s immune and helps to overcome almost 70% of health conditions. Acne inflammatory and chronic skin condition characterized by pimples in the skin is common in adolescence. It is caused by inflammation of sebaceous glands.

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Nutrition Program and Health Management for any Species

The Supervised Agriculture Experience project that I undertook was to develop a nutritional program and health management for any species. The type of project is both improvement SAE and placement SAE. The research was done on the nearby farms in my neighborhood and I looked at the various feeding programs for the various farm animals and developed the best way in which they could be fed and managed . Furthermore,

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Research Log

To develop a basic understanding of the topic, random articles related to the topic ‘Food and Health’ were studied.

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Nurse Burn Out and Patient Satisfaction

The performance of nurses in the workplace is significantly and progressively affected by the rate of burnout at the health institutions leading to reduced quality care and patient dissatisfaction. Some health workers are subjected to a lot of stress and extreme measures at work resulting in increased exhaustion rate and reduced job turnout.

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Munchausen Disorder or Factitious disorder

Munchausen disorder is also known as the Factitious disorder; it is a disorder by which the affected persons feign diseases, reassurance to themselves, illness, sympathy, or even psychological trauma to draw attention. However, Munchausen disorder fits within the factitious disorder subclass with predominantly physiological symptoms and signs and the patient got also a history of traveling, dramatic, hospitalization, and extremely improbable tales about their past tales experiences however the condition

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