Academic Master

Health Care, Nursing

Nurse Burn Out and Patient Satisfaction

The performance of nurses in the workplace is significantly and progressively affected by the rate of burnout at the health institutions leading to reduced quality care and patient dissatisfaction. Some health workers are subjected to a lot of stress and extreme measures at work resulting in increased exhaustion rate and reduced job turnout. It is possible that health institutions with sufficient core staff that is amply supported and functioning cooperatively records higher levels of patient satisfaction than other facilities with low workforce turnout and poor administration. An empirical study comprising about 800 participants in several hospitals shows that staff nurses’ quality care to their clients is progressively declining due to the rise in work environment stressors that are putting the health workers at risk of burnout (Vahey, et al. 2004). The rate of role neglects and in attendance is rapidly increasing in health institutions due to poor administration and unfavorable working conditions. More staff nurses are reporting job exhaustion-related burnout currently at 40%, and resignation due to unhealthy and unsustainable measures is augmenting at a rate of 1 per 5 health workers. The reduced workforce and employee complaints are having a significant negative impact on the quality of services provided to patients and the latter’s satisfaction.
Therefore, staff nurses are facing a lot of challenges in the workplace due to laborious tasks assigned to them resulting from understaffing. The exhaustion and stressors are leading to high rates of nurse burnout as some feel they cannot continue working in these conditions and others fail to report due to health complications resulting by the extreme measures in the health institutions. Poor administration is one of the primary variables influencing most of these undesirable outcomes because there are inefficient strategies to ensure a sufficient, reliable, and cooperative workforce among the staff nurses attending to patients. Hence, the government has a duty of ensuring that nurses are provided with the right and appropriate resources in the health facilities to reduce the rate of burnout and enhance patients’ satisfaction.


Vahey, D. C., Aiken, L. H., Sloane, D. M., Clarke, S. P., & Vargas, D. (2004). Nurse burnout and patient satisfaction. Medical care42(2 Suppl), II57.



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