Academic Master


Medicine is the science and practice of establishing the diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, and prevention of disease.

Drugs and Narcotics

With expanding weight on general doctors by overseeing mind associations and people in general to treat and promote for drug and liquor-dependent patients, it is more vital than any time in recent memory that doctors have the learning and abilities to properly address this fragment of the populace.

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Control and Prevention of Infection Essay

Expanding alarm exists that resistant microorganisms that are antimicrobial in natute can be obtained in the group they can be brought into the group since facilities provided by the health regulatory unit. Antimicrobials protection may likewise advance or exist obtained in the group and be brought into a health care services office from the group, infection can extend broadly.

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Breast Cancer Personal Essay

For my patient I chose a breast cancer patient who is in the second stage of the disease. The patient is currently a thirty-year-old female. The patient is married with two children one who is six years old and the other four years old. The patient’s lab reports that as it is less than growth is small and still contained within the breast and it extends to only the nearby

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Medicaid and Medicare

Medicaid and Medicare are government programs that aim at providing healthcare to marginalized groups like the elderly and the disabled. Medicaid and Medicare seem different but both fall under the same federal department and that is the Centre for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

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Theoretical Approach to Counseling

I embrace behavioral theory when approaching counseling. This is basically on my humanistic level cognitive behavioral approach therapy. I prefer much of the internal dialogue in counseling and self-defeating in case of any negative challenge.

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Zinc as a Micronutrient in Humans

Zinc is a micronutrient found in foods that we consume. The nutrient has many benefits to the human body, and it is essential for us to consume foods that are rich in zinc for proper body growth. The mineral was first established to be essential to the body of humans in 1961. This paper will focus on how zinc is essential to the body and what benefits it brings to

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Human Growth Hormone

The study aims to discuss the structural and biological detail of the human growth hormone. The human growth hormones being to the class of biosynthetic hormones that work inside the body and people use it for various biological functions such as getting muscular strength, body toning, weight loss and anti-ageing.

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Why I am an HIV/AIDS Activist Case Study

Mike learned that he is HIV positive, which will influence his health and psychological state. Accepting the disease can be difficult for Mike because most of people when diagnosed with HIV exhibit emotions of denial and disbelief. They also fear mistreatment due to the stigmas prevailing in society regarding AIDS. The patients, in such cases, conceal their medical condition. Many people, when diagnosed with HIV, face isolation when their families

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Respiratory Therapy Program

I have a dream to join the medical field as a professional career and have secured good grades in my academics. I have completed my college with excellent grades. My teachers were impressed by me which resulted in my earlier completion of the high school as well as collage. I am mainly from Turkey and studying in the United States.

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Case Study: Luc Montagnier and Robert Gallo

This paper examines the role played by Montagnier and Robert Gallo and their differences in the inventory of the cause of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). Both are in the field of biomedical and have been involved in many types of research although the discovery of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) appears to be the major one.

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Medicare and Affordable Care Act Funding

Funding and maintenance of the Obama Medicare Act raises questions on its relevance to the country. Texas also faces funding problems to projects such as the Women Health Funding (WHP).

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Case Study Best Diagnosis

The given case scenario presents a woman displaying symptoms of fatigue, backache, and severe headache. These symptoms, accompanied by the irregular heartbeat of the female and the rash and the related risk factors, in this case, all point towards the probability that the woman is suffering from Lyme disease. The cause of this disease is the infection by B. burgdorferi. This infection is generally carried by certain vector insects, such

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Arymo ER Medication

The opening step for Arymo ER Medication administration is patient identification through such things as knowing the patient’s name and age. The significance of knowing the patient’s name and age in this case is that it helps create a friendship with the patient. In addition, knowing the patient’s name makes him or her feel that you are willing to offer help. All these will make the patient feel free to

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