Academic Master


Medicare and Affordable Care Act Funding

Funding and maintenance of the Obama Medicare Act raises questions on its relevance to the country. Texas also faces funding problems to projects such as the Women Health Funding (WHP).

Question 2

The national government commenced the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to ensure that all its citizens living “below 138% of the federal poverty level,” are insured (Blumenthal, Abrams, & Nuzum, 2015, p. 2453). The high percent implies many hospitals were established. The funding demand and inefficient practitioners are the Act’s major challenges.

In Texas, regulation on affordable medicare for women especially those in the low income areas was initiated (Shin, Sharac, & Rosenbaum, 2012, p. 2). However, the Women Health Program (WHP) faces challenges due to insufficient funds.

Question 3

The requested changes in the Texas Medicare strategies are reduce the dependence of Women Health Program on Planned Parenthood Federation of Africa (PPFA). The WHP program requires high funding but its health care givers work a lot less than those in PPFA.

Question 4

The federal government funds this projects. However, the government is denied the “dictatorial power in implementing its agenda within states,” (Levin, 2013, p. 32). To solve the funding issue, the federal government seeks to reduce the number of beneficiaries and have more people pay for the insurance. The state of Texas seeks to have the Women Health Program maintained and individually funded.

Question 5

The reform by the federal government will reduce the budget by the national government in funding the Affordable Action Act. However, it will reduce the number of beneficiaries due to introduction of fees. The Texas reform will increase the efficiency of the WHP.

Question 6

The implementation of the proposed act by the Texas state is better because it will ensure more funding to the program increased attendance to hospitals.

Question 7

Texas state and Federal governments face funding and behavioural problems by their healthcare providers. Funding is also an issue but independence of programs and individual funding will help reduce the burden on the governments.

Works Cited

Blumenthal, D., Abrams, M., & Nuzum, R. (2015). The Affordable Care Act at 5 Years. The New England Journal of Medicine, 372(1), 2451-2458. Retrieved from

Levin, E. (2013). FEDERAL STIMULUS IN TEXAS:. The Journal of Public and international Affairs, 29-35. Retrieved from

Protection, P., & Act, A. C. (2010). Patient protection and affordable care act. Public law, 111(68), 759-762. Retrieved from

Shin, P., Sharac, J., & Rosenbaum, S. J. (2012). REVISED: An Early Assessment of the Potential Impact of Texas. Health Policy and Management, 29(1), 2-13. Retrieved from



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