Academic Master

Medicine is the science and practice of establishing the diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, and prevention of disease.

The Drug Abuse and Alcohol Addiction

The drug abuse and alcohol addiction are said to be surpassing the class difference because it is linked with various other factors including income, employment, education and family relations. The cultural and social stereotypes are associated with people belonging from different classes. For example, middle and lower class people have no access to many life luxuries, so they are under attack of various preconceived notions.

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Cardiovascular Alterations

Concerning the data presented with the young boy, mitral regurgitation is a diagnosis that would is favorable for determining the possible cause of dilated cardiomyopathy. the flow of blood from the left ventricle is facilitated by the mitral regurgitation towards the left autrium.

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Acute hypoxemic respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)

Some of the major problems in the healthcare field arise from severe sepsis and septic shock affecting millions of people globally every year. Acute hypoxemic respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a complex condition that results from severe sepsis. According to the World Health Organization, health promotion is the act of enhancing people to increase their control over individual health and its determinants,

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Diagnostic Manual on Mental Disorders-DSM-5

The goal of any diagnostic classification is to create an information basis for a correct assessment of the situation and effective action. In the field of medicine, in particular psychiatric and addictive pathology, this means that the diagnostic system should form an information statement on the basis of which clinical decisions are made, and therapeutic practices are implemented. In this case, diagnostic criteria do not form an exhaustive definition of

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HIV/AIDS Disease Essay

HIV/AIDS is one of the modern emerging infectious diseases which emerged a century ago when the virus got transmitted from one primate to another and later on found its way into the human population due to social and demographic factors. This disease was not well recognized until 1981, when it was noticed among certain risk groups such the gay people, donors of infected blood, and among drug users who shared

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An exhaustively interpreted doctrine; an empty vessel to be filled according to the whims of rulers.

In my LLM study of Comparative Constitutional Law and Human Rights I became increasingly interested in the relationship between executive legislature and judiciary in general, and executive judiciary in particular. Since my research work will focus on the system of government of Britain, how successfully it works, and the relationship between the institutions of the state, and how it is constraining governmental power that is crucial for maintaining rule of

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An Essay on Stress

Stress is any alteration in the surrounding that makes you feel uncomfortable hence making your body adjust in response to the changes. The body can react to these changes in many different ways depending on the nature of the stress.

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How Stress can Affect our Health. Are there any positive effects of stress

Most people experience a degree of stress in everyday life. Explain how stress can affect our health. Are there any positive effects of stress? Stress is a widespread problem that is faced today by almost every person at one or another time. Stress is defined as a state of emotional and mental pressure or tension due to adverse circumstances. From a Medical and scientific point of view, stress is described

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Eric is 25 years old and has been diagnosed with diabetes for ten years and controls his blood glucose. He coughed for the past two weeks. He feels breathless and now spits out significant yellow mucus. A constant cough can be disturbing to anyone, but as far as people with diabetes are concerned, it complicates things. To start with, a diabetic cannot merely go for cough syrup over the counter

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Progeria Disease Essay

Progeria is a rare condition that can be fatal. It is also a sporadic disorder, that is recognized as being an autosomal dominant syndrome that includes premature aging. Most of the time, people with this condition do not live long. In fact, research shows that those with this condition die at 13.

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New Porphyrin Based Photosensitizers

Porphyrins are chemical compounds that are key in the development of large number of photosensitizers assigned for use in the photodynamic therapy (PDT). Porphyrin play a very important role in the photodynamic therapy (PDT). These roles include the transmission of oxygen and photosynthesis. Porphyrins have many areas where they are applied such as light imaging. In medicine it is used to cure cancer through photoimmunotherapy that leads to the treatment

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HIV in Pakistan

Pakistan is going through a transition of the HIV epidemic to a concentrated epidemic from a low prevalence state. The condition of HIV is defined to be AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. It occurs due to the exposure with infection known as HIV (human immunodeficiency virus). The problem of AIDS IS particularly increasing in Pakistan since last five to six years. The number of infected persons in Pakistan is supposed to

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Obesity in the United States Essay

Obesity is debilitating for the individuals and it is a major health problem in the United States. It has many negative impacts on the individual and society. It has negative health consequences causing high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, some cancer, asthma, gout, Osteoarthritis, fatty liver disease and sleep apnea. It also causes emotional distress and social isolation as obesity is stigmatized (Landsberg

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Introduction The feature of renal care is known as one of the crucial paradigms of the health setting. The particular focus of the functioning of the renal care perspective is to provide necessary medical aid to the patients and their families who suffer from the different chronic kidney diseases.

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Animal Testing And Cognitive Drugs

Animal testing should be banned for a variety of reasons. One of the main reasons is cruelty. Another is that there is no real advantage to animal testing since animals are not equal to human beings. The third is that there is another widely available method that does not entail cruel treatment of animals. Testing on animals, as well as the use of cognitive drugs on animals, is cruel and

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Therapeutic Agents used in Dentistry

Introduction The aim of this essay is to discuss therapeutic agents used in dentistry. It wills discus codeine and ibuprofen in terms of class, nomenclature, indication for use, phrmacodynamic, phrmacokinetcs, drug interaction and side effects. It will also provide knowledge regarding principle of prescription writing.

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Facts about Zika Virus, Lyme Disease and Influenza

Zika Virus Lyme Disease Influenza, which is also Pertussis(whooping cough) Restricted to human Yes Certainly Absolutely Limited persistence in the environment is resolved in a matter of days or weeks. No. To a point, it requires professional medical doctors to cure it. Yes, because it is easily preventable and cured. Absence of long-term carrier state Yes Yes, but it may occur regularly in people with weak immune systems Yes

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The Growing Heroin Epidemic

The heroin epidemic is a rapid widening of the use of heroin in the United States. The continued usage of cheap opioid painkillers encouraged the use of heroin. The heroin epidemic crisis has increased because of the easy accessibility of opioid drugs since the 2000s. These strong painkillers include oxycodone, hydrocodone, and other strong painkillers. Since 1972, the substances have been popular for formal medical treatment and recreational drugs. The

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