Academic Master


Arymo ER Medication

The opening step for Arymo ER Medication administration is patient identification through such things as knowing the patient’s name and age. The significance of knowing the patient’s name and age in this case is that it helps create a friendship with the patient. In addition, knowing the patient’s name makes him or her feel that you are willing to offer help. All these will make the patient feel free to provide all the information relating his or her illness. It will also increase the chances of the patient following the instruction of the physician. The dose of the medication should be prescribed on the basis of age. The dosage for older individuals should be more than that of younger individuals (Wolf, 2015).

After identifying the patient, it is of importance to check the patient’s drug history. It is necessary to check the medication that was prescribed for the patient by his or her previous physician. If the medication is different from the one you intend to prescribe, try to inquire about the problem that the patient was experiencing at that time. When doing this, it will be important to determine whether there is any relationship between the previous problem and the current problem that the patient is experiencing. If no relationship is found between the two problems, it will be wise to ignore the previous problem and deal with the current problem. It is important to check the problem identified and described by the previous patient (Woelfel, 2016).

The next important step is taking necessary assessments after which a physician washes his or her hands before going to pick the right medication which in this case is Arymo ER Medication. The significance of washing hands in this case is that it will help prevent possible contamination of the drugs. What normally happens is that hands accumulate dirt when they come into contact with different surfaces. It is mostly not possible to see the dirt accumulated. This is why most physicians tend to ignore washing their hand are very clean. Failure to wash hands when picking drugs puts the patient at risk of contracting illnesses caused by dirt (Wolf, 2015).

After issuing the drugs, it is important for the physician issuing the drugs to explain to the patient the kind of drugs that are being given to him or her. This particular explanation should include the foods that are supposed to be avoided when taking the drugs. This is because the reaction of this medication with certain foods might lead to the creation of other complications increasing the suffering of the patient. The physician also needs to explain the side effects that are normally associated with this medication. Making the patient be aware in advance will prevent him from panicking when the side effects manifest (Woelfel, 2016).

The physician can assist the patient take the medication to remove any associated fear. After that, the physician should document the medication that has been issued to the patient. One of the details the details that the physician needs to capture is the problem that is being treated. After this, the physician should wait for any feedback with regards to the usage of this medication. Upon receiving the feedback, he or she should conduct an analysis and make recommendations to manufacturers through the laid down channel. Presented here below is a summarized outline of the Arymo ER Medication administration (Wolf, 2015).

Arymo ER Medication Outline

  1. Identify your patient
  2. Know the name of the patient.
  3. Know the age of the patient.
  4. Check patient drug history.
  5. Check referral letter.
  6. Check previous prescription.
  7. Check home care records
  8. Take required assessment
  9. Inquire whether there is persistent pain
  10. Inquire whether there is soreness in pain area
  11. Inquire whether pain area is stiff
  12. Inquire whether pain is stinging
  13. Inquire whether pain area squeezes
  14. Inquire whether pain area throbs
  15. Inquire whether patient has a dull ache
  16. Wash hands.
  17. Wet your hands
  18. Apply soap
  19. Rub palms together
  20. Rub back of palms
  21. Rub back of fingers
  22. Rub ends of wrists
  23. Rinse hands with water
  24. Issue medication
  25. Avoid distraction
  26. Check expiry date
  27. Explain procedure
  28. Assist client take medication
  29. Document medication issued
  30. Write the date and time when drugs were issued
  31. Write the name of the patient
  32. Write your name
  33. Write the dosage
  34. Write the problem the medication is supposed to address
  35. Let the patient sign that he or she has taken the medicine
  36. Discharge patient
  37. Evaluate effects of medication
  38. Record the complaints from the patients
  39. Analyze the complaints from the patients
  40. Report undesired side effects of the medication
  41. Draw conclusions from the analysis of the complaints from the patients
  42. Make recommendations from the conclusions
  43. Make a follow up to find out whether recommendations were implemented


Woelfel, J. A. (2016). Chronic Pain Drug Products with Medication Guides. Pharmacist’s Letter & Prescriber’s Letter22(3), 1.

Wolf, M. S., Davis, T. C., Shrank, W. H., Neuberger, M., & Parker, R. M. (2015). A critical review of FDA-approved medication guides for chronic pains. Patient education and counseling62(3), 316-322.



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