Academic Master


Biology is the science of life. Biologists study the structure, function, growth, origin, evolution and distribution of living organisms.

Why I am an HIV/AIDS Activist Case Study

Mike learned that he is HIV positive, which will influence his health and psychological state. Accepting the disease can be difficult for Mike because most of people when diagnosed with HIV exhibit emotions of denial and disbelief. They also fear mistreatment due to the stigmas prevailing in society regarding AIDS. The patients, in such cases, conceal their medical condition. Many people, when diagnosed with HIV, face isolation when their families

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Macrolide Antibiotics

Louis Celine once stated, “Even ailments have lost their glory, there aren’t such huge numbers of them cleared out. Think it over… no more syphilis, no more applaud, no more typhoid… anti-infection agents have removed a large portion of the disaster from solution.” ( Uic) February 14, 1929, was per day that changed the historical backdrop of medication (Penicillin). The groundbreaking disclosure of penicillin was the prologue to the universe

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Epigenetics – Our biology and the Environment

Epigenetics is the vast study of the modifications which occurred in gene expressions. There are many causes of the gene expression modifications. Scientists have discovered a lot many ways through which the genetic structures and the endogenous human development are affected. One of the most concerning factors is the environment and the surrounding in which an individual lives. Disease resistance, daily routines, diet, stress, chemicals, and the atmosphere could be

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What is Ribonucleic Acid?

RNA as known as Ribonucleic acid. RNA similar to DNA has significance in biology and biological mechanism. The RNA structure and its use have been in the research setting where the scientist is trying to modify the structure of nucleic acid in the body to find the information and pathway to diagnose the diseases. RNA editing is a process at a molecular level where some cells lead to a discrete

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Human Cloning Essay

With the use of modern technology, man has been able to create life. Scientists have done the research and performed successful experiments that have cloned pigs, sheep, and various organs. While there is virtually no limit on cloning animals, there are vast limitations on cloning anything involved with humans.

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Biological Weapon Essay

Biological weapons are also known as bio-weapons of biological threat agents that are microorganisms or viruses giving rise to diseases in humans and other living things. Bio-agents can cause mortality and morbidity on a large scale targeting huge populations. Humans who are victims of bio-agents undergo adverse consequences in a shorter time.

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Auricular Acupuncture and PTSD Veterans

The key purpose of this study is to make sure how feasible and acceptable is the usage of auricular acupuncture for veterans. The key thing that would be looked at during the research is what are some of the problems that are faced during the course of auricular acupuncture when it is provided to the veterans as well as the sort of impact it has over the long-term health of

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Acute hypoxemic respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)

Some of the major problems in the healthcare field arise from severe sepsis and septic shock affecting millions of people globally every year. Acute hypoxemic respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a complex condition that results from severe sepsis. According to the World Health Organization, health promotion is the act of enhancing people to increase their control over individual health and its determinants,

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Respiratory Therapy Program Selection Committee

I am applying to the respiratory therapy program at your prestigious university for the term (). I have completed all the prerequisites for this program and now I am applying for the 2nd time with the hope that this time around my application will be successful.

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What’s wrong with Adultery?

Adultery is known as one of the most discussed concepts when it comes to the paradigm of the psychical relationship between individuals. Feature of adultery is defined as the sexual intercourse between a married man and someone who cannot be characterized as his legal wife. This particular definition also applies in the case of a woman who builds a sexual relationship with someone else other than her legitimate husband.

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Animal testing should be banned for a variety of reasons. One of the main reasons is cruelty, and the other reason is that there exists no real advantage to animal testing since they are not equal to human beings. The other reason is that there exists another method that is widely available which does not entail the cruel treatment of animals.

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Evaluation of Homeostasis in the Human Body

1.0 Executive Summary The concept of homeostasis is key in comprehending human body works. Homeostasis refers to the process of keeping things in constant. The word homeostasis comes from to Greek words: “homeo” which means ‘similar’ and ‘stasis’ which means ‘stable.’ Thus, homeostasis is a biological word which refers to a system or mechanism that manages its internal environment and tends to maintain a steady, relatively regular, condition of properties

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