Academic Master

The action or business of promoting and selling products or services, including market research and advertising.

Global Marketing Environment

Successful marketing doesn’t happen through luck else a lot of research and planning is required to be put into action. However, making use of the required elements may seem to be challenging, but in the long run, the marketing mix framework is always a great help to successfully succeed in marketing. The marketing mix concept was introduced by one man Neil Borden in 1953 during a conference in the American

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Apple Ibracelet Essay

Promotion is critical in marketing, and it deals with the different ways companies use to communicate the existence of their products to potential consumers or users. In deciding the best promotion strategy, the decision is taken as to who are the customers, how to contact them and the message to be delivered.

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Marketing plan for BLACK PANTHER Movie

Introduction Black Panther is a movie that is yet to be introduced into the market. The success will greatly depend on the manner in which marketing will be done. Marketing is an activity that needs certain measures to be in place. If a company or an organization does not have the best team to carry out marketing then the products they wish to sell might not attract a large number

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Derivatives include options and futures which form a big part of financial markets. Derivative securities derive their prices from other securities and hence become powerful tools for speculation and hedging. The history of trading options began in 1973 with the listing of call options by the Chicago Board Options Exchange. Options contract trading is now done in various avenues such as stock indexes, agricultural commodities, interest rates and foreign exchange.

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A Brief Content Marketing Guide For WordPress Users

Many people migrate websites to WordPress as it is a great platform for content marketing and SEO. Such website owners must read this content marketing guide for WordPress users. This will help them create an effective roadmap for achieving the objectives of increased traffic and conversion rates. Creating and sharing informative and interesting material will also be helpful in improving the visibility of a brand. Powerful content is a major

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Marketing and PR

Marketing might look complicated and a cumbersome in some ways. This is because, during the process of marketing any product, one is in the process of winning the ‘want’ of the customer. Therefore it means that there are factors which might affect the willingness of the customer when purchasing any product.

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Marketing Information Systems

When discussing about issues prevalent in the primary market, in association with preference towards the product selection of Fries coupled with the shakes and burgers, has faced a severe problems in the U.S market. Fast food companies have been blamed as being one of the major promoter of bad health and as such advertising in a market with the given criterion, has placed the fast food business into a perilous

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Market Opportunity Analysis (MOA)

What is the outcome of conducting a market opportunity analysis? Examine two components of the MOA and assess how each contributes to an effective IMC. Incorporate concepts and examples from this week’s lecture in your post.

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