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Discuss Reasons for Measuring Health Behaviors Essay

Health behaviors are one of the major causes of illness and death in the United States. Many Efforts are made to transform the health necessitate info on the occurrence of health behaviors in inhabitants, not only to mark packages to parts of furthermost essential but also to appraise the efficiency of interference energies.

Telephonic reviews, for instance, the Hubs for Sickness Regulator and Prevention’s Social Risk Factor Reconnaissance System, are decent ways to measure health behaviors among people. These facts have provided approximations at the general and government levels but frequently need numerous years of statistics to deliver consistent approximations at the local level. With the modifications in telephonic usage (for example quicker decline in possession of land-lines phones), state-of-the-art approaches to gather statistics on health behaviors, for instance, in health care situations or surveys that are based on the internet, need to be established(Mokdad & Remington, 2010).

The dimension of health behaviors in inhabitants is valuable for both program development and program appraisal. For the development of the program, estimates of the prevalence of behavioral risk factors could be used to set the significance or to relate rates over the communities. For instance, to deliver further consistent appraisals, the Wisconsin County Health Positions syndicates seven years of statistics from BRFSS to relate the rates of behaviors in all of the regions in the nation. In contrast, further accurate trials are required when appraising variations in health behaviors over time. E.g., 95% self-assurance limits of +/- 3% might be enough to approximate the occurrence of smoking in a populace but are insufficient to prove variations in the rates of smoking with the passage of time. Hard work to recompense societies for better health results. It will necessitate a detailed estimation of the health behaviors so that inducements can be carefully related to the execution of programs or strategies(Mokdad & Remington, 2010).

Identify at least two methods to assess/measure smoking behaviors among the adolescents in your community

There are many methods to measure smoking behaviors among the adolescents in my community.

Survey-based measures of tobacco use behaviors

A common plan of the variables that are inured to observe the regular past of tobacco usage is obtained with the help of surveys.  A picture of thorough query pieces for nearly all modules of the procedure, and certain explanations on each are made, and their pup flits are distributed among the adolescents in the community. This survey’s analysis gives the overall picture of the smoking behavior of the adolescents in the community. These surveys help to identify the brand of cigarette that is popular among adolescents and the effects of smoking on their health(Warren, Jones, Eriksen, Asma, & group, 2006).

The intensity of use:

The Intensity of using cigarettes reveals the usual number of cigarettes, pipes full, or cigars of tobacco that is being smoked by adolescents daily for daily cigarette smokers, or on the days in which the accused burned for a nonregular cigarette smoker. Particular questionnaire forms stuff are made to measure the intensity of smoking cigarettes. Concentration reduces after the application of smoking-free strategies and its value rises. Intensity of the smoking cigarettes is contrariwise related to the chance that a smoker will stop smoking, and it has a direct relationship with the chance of raising a tobacco-based attributable illness(Prevention, 1998).

In Your opinion, do you agree or disagree that measurement of health behavior is useful for program planning? Defend your position by providing empirical evidence 

Effective program appraisal is a methodical technique to progress and account for public health actions by involving procedures that are valuable, practical, moral, and precise. The framework helps public health experts in their usage of program assessment. It is useful, no rigid instrument, intended to précis and establish vital basics of the program appraisal. The framework includes phases in program appraisal preparation and values for operative program evaluation. Following the phases and morals of this agenda will permit a sympathetic of each plan’s setting and will progress how program evaluations are considered and shown. Moreover, the framework inspires a method to evaluate that is unified with tedious program processes. The main importance is on real-world, continuing appraisal policies that include all program participants, not just appraisal specialists. Understanding and relating the essentials of this outline can be a motivating force for preparing active public-health-related plans, refining current platforms, and signifying the outcomes of resource investments(Glanz & Rimer, 1997).

Program evaluation is a vital structural practice in the public health system though; it is not accomplished reliably through program parts, nor is it adequately well integrated into the everyday management of furthermost packages. Program evaluation is also essential for satisfying the CDC’s working values for supervisory public health actions, which comprise science as a foundation for policymaking and public-health acts; increasing the pursuit of communal fairness over public health act; acting efficiently as a service support; production energies result- focused on, and being answerable. These functioning values suggest some conducts to progress how public-health actions are deliberate and achieved. They underline the essentials for the programs to progress vibrant strategies, complete enterprises, and response schemes that let knowledge and continuing development happen. Another method to confirm that novel and current programs integrate these values is for every program to demean the monotonous, useful appraisals that deliver evidence for management and increase program effectiveness.


Glanz, K., & Rimer, B. K. (1997). Theory at a glance: A guide for health promotion practice. US Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute.

Mokdad, A. H., & Remington, P. (2010). Measuring health behaviors in populations. Preventing Chronic Disease, 7(4).

Prevention, C. for D. C. and. (1998). Tobacco use among high school students–United States, 1997. The Journal of School Health, 68(5), 202.

Warren, C. W., Jones, N. R., Eriksen, M. P., Asma, S., & group, G. T. S. S. (GTSS) collaborative. (2006). Patterns of global tobacco use in young people and implications for future chronic disease burden in adults. The Lancet, 367(9512), 749–753.



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