Academic Master


A Symbolic Interaction Approach to Cigarette Smoking: Smoking Frequency and the Desire to Quit Smoking


This study relates a symbolic interaction viewpoint to the study of the smoking occurrence and an individual’s aspiration to quit smoking cigarettes. The link with a non-smoker and trying to hide smoking damagingly wedged smoking incidence, while observing encouraging results from smoking has an optimistic outcome on smoking rate; and observing optimistic significances of smoking was damagingly linked to the wish to left smoking, however an undesirable smoker identity has an encouraging effect on the want to quit it. Taking all together, the symbolic interaction stimulated variables used robust and liberating impact on both the smoking rate and quitting rate of smoking. Upcoming smoking intrusions must be emphasis on senses and apparent results of smoking in common.

Smoking of Cigarettes and its consequences on health are extensively recognized as the foremost source of avoidable demise amongst the adults in the United States. Afterward, more than a decade-long drop and a fresh plateau in smoking popularity, initial figures from the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) demonstrates a rise from 19.7% to 20.8% from 2007 to 2008. Smoking of Cigarette in the U.S sources thoughtful disease amongst a projected 8 million individuals, and it costs $167 billion in yearly health linked harms, kills aptly more than 438,000 Americans people per annum, and smoking is responsible for around 5 million deaths worldwide. Broadcasting campaigns, smoking constraint lawmaking, and tobacco duties are amongst the plans that are applied as aim to lessen cigarette smoking ratios(Macionis, 2016).

From a sociological viewpoint, generally, and a communal psychological viewpoint, in precise, the main faintness of the previous researches of smoking of cigarette has been the lack of a wide-ranging standpoint that incorporates both the social contextual and social interactional aspects with discrete level and self-concept aspects. A further comprehensive consideration of the subtleties of smoking needs identifying both the social contextual and interactional situation that may inspire (and constraints) smoking and the individual and social psychological senses that inspire (or deject) smoking(“Publisher: Pearson Prentice Hall: Upper Saddle River, NJ | Open Library,” n.d.).

A media group has proposed to counter this weakness of previous smoking researches by relating the symbolic interaction theory to allow the people to enhance the understanding rate of smoking of cigarette and the aims to stop smoking cigarettes. Three groups of fundamental norms of symbolic interaction theory deliver the basis of the media group studies. First of all, as a sociological theory, the symbolic interaction theory identifies that both the dissimilarities in age, session, civilization and other organizational basics produce diverse financial and social changes and restraints on the conduct of persons; and differences in social connections and system link makes further social purposes for deeds.

Therefore, in step with earlier demo-graphic researches, a symbolic interaction method distinguishes that there could be gender, age, and instructive and work-related differences in smoking performances. Furthermore, social system links with smokers, significance other individuals who smoke cigarettes, and a readiness to hide smoking from dis-approving other individuals also affect smoking rate and strategies to stop smoking cigarettes. Secondly, symbolic interaction theory adopts that people experience everything in-directly over their communal social senses, and social senses impact actions. Aimed at cigarette smokers, this suggests that their thoughtfulness of the forecast impacts of their smoking effects their smoking performances. Third, it is expected that persons are inspired to preserve their beginnings and individuality senses. Hence, smoking is not only the outcome of social changes or noble burden but likewise the wish of individuals to preserve an overall intelligence of self-regard or self-worth along with a precise individuality as a heavy smoker(Macionis, 2016).

The symbolic interaction theory is applied to study diverse socially permitted and branded individualities from characters as workforces, females, and American residents to correctly identified as homeless, drug-users and drug-dealers to identities as physically disabled persons, the theory is appealed to explore the smoker correct identity or smoking activities. One of the aims is to spread the scope of symbolic interaction theory by relating the theory to a novel individuality (smoker individuality), groups of activities (smoking rate), and predicted tactics (give up smoking). A media group examined 485 Atlantic zone heavy adult smokers to deliver an assorted, public based illustration of wedded and single males and females, that are aged from 18 years to 70 years old with a total range of their salary, schooling, and work-related involvements. Numerous reversions are used to examine the statistics to discover the link to a group of communal demographic and communal interaction aspects, individual valuations of smoking variables, self-conceptions and the smoker individuality to smoking rate and leaving smoking. The media groups are involved in the usage of theoretic basis and experiential studies to propose a novel way for both improved consideration smoking conduct and the programmatic insinuations of smoking senses, self-concept, and smoker individuality for deterrence and intrusion programs(Macionis, 2016).


Macionis, J. J. (2016). Sociology (16 edition). Hoboken, NJ: Pearson.

Publisher: Pearson Prentice Hall: Upper Saddle River, NJ | Open Library. (n.d.). Retrieved October 2, 2017, from,_NJ______



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