Academic Master

Criminology is the study of crime from a social perspective, who commits crimes, why they commit them and their impact

Criminological Theories of Drug Use Essay

The three categories of criminological theory used to explain drug use The three broad criminological theories for drug use include biological, sociological, and psychological theories (Akers, 2013). Biological theories argue that certain individuals are susceptible to drug use and addiction due to genetic reasons. According to biological theories, such individuals have a higher likelihood of experiencing extremely powerful effects and, consequently, become psychologically and physiologically dependent on certain drugs. Psychological

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Strain theory by Robert Martin

Robert Martin proposed structural strain theory and according to him social structures and social pressures are put on people to achieve the desired goals and therefore lead the individuals to commit crime. There are five modes of adaptation which are conformity, innovation, Ritualism, Retreatism, Rebellion

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Prosecution of Pregnant Women Consuming Substances

Indeed, no mother in her right sense can give her newborn child crack cocaine or heroin including other intoxicating substances. Moreover, it’s a crime to harm a toddler right from birth. If not, why would a pregnant woman be allowed to engage in irresponsible activities like the usage of harmful substances that will affect the growth of the innocent being inside her womb?

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Criminal Justice: Legal and Cultural Aspects of Crime in Africa

Cultural factors can affect behavioral approaches and personal beliefs, needs, values, and desires a person has in life. For many decades in Africa, the majority population was subjected to manifestly unjust rulings to keep them as hewers of wood or drawers of water. Comprehensibly, a “culture” of flouting, resisting, subverting, and patently disregarding such laws grew, abetted, and aided by unconcerned law enforcement whose objective was that the masses be

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The Critical Criminology Essay

Critical conflict practices are better in understanding the causes of developing responses to pipe vandalism in comparison to earlier perspectives of social ecology, opportunity, and situation identified by Hasley. Critical criminology practices uncover reasons for crime across wider structural and institutional contexts. The approach is more practical as it assesses crime and focuses more on its production and relies on multifaceted standpoints.

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Criminals are Not Born Essay

Although crime has a punitive connotation, it is not universal. An act crime in the US might not be categorized as a crime in India. Crime is usually punishable and prohibited by the legal system and crossing those legal boundaries engenders crime if the place where a person lives considers it offensive and criminal.

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Sociological Theories of Crime

Anyone can become a criminal. Society labels those who commit an offense in the neighborhood as criminal, and at times they embrace and become mast ermines. To control a crime first, a person has to point out essential elements of the social bond. Secondly is to define society to bring out necessary people and institutions who are criminal and delinquent behavior steers.

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Alternatives to Incarceration

Various historical and economic reasons lead to the preference of alternatives to incarceration in jails for the offenders. Thus, the alternatives are meant to ease some burden that is caused by having too many offenders in government jails. Some of the reasons behind the decision include the following:

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Drug Abuse and Addiction

Drug abuse and addiction refer to a condition that is characterized by excessive consumption of drug substances available for use by the population. This leads to self-destruction in the usage of the substance which subsequently leads to health complications and stress (Dryden-Edwards and Stöppler).

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Hate Crime in the United States Essay

Hate crime is an illegal act against a specific person that is prompted by the culprit’s prejudgments regarding the victim. A lot of these crimes are based on distinctions in race, gender, religion, political affiliations, social class, and other ethnicities in the US. Victims of these crimes are mainly Native Americans and immigrants. For a long time, many people have found themselves in the middle of hate crimes and limited

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Major Trends for Online Gambling in 2018

With the year being so young, there is no doubt that online gambling is becoming more and more popular. This has to led to more profits streaming in for the operators. Well with New Year, there any definitely new developments that come with it. And the gambling industry is no exception.

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