Academic Master

Biology is the science of life. Biologists study the structure, function, growth, origin, evolution and distribution of living organisms.

Embryo research to reduce need for in vitro fertilization raises ethical concerns

Embryo Research Introduction Bioethical guidelines are used to define the moral boundaries of medical practice and research. The integration of these principles is imperative to ensure that treatments and research do not involve malpractices. This is especially important when dealing with human subjects. Often researchers conduct studies that may bring benefit to society and help in the development of the scientific field. However, not all studies are free of bioethical

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Bioethical Issues Related to COVID-19

Introduction In medical science, one of the most important aspects is that of bioethics which must be integrated into day-to-day practice to guide an ethical pathway that may always not be clearly outlined. These ethical endeavors are often challenged in case of emergencies and crises, thereby testing the general rules and principles of ethics. In such emergency scenarios where the magnitude of impact is at a large scale, medical professionals

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Introduction Shigella is regarded as one of the oldest human-specific pathogens that evolved approximately 35000 to 170000 years ago. This period is significantly important as the only hosts of this bacteria, i.e. the homo sapiens also originated and expanded during this time. It belongs to the Enterobacteriaceae family. The genus Shigella comprises four species which cause millions of cases of shigellosis every year. Basic Characteristics Shigellae is a gram-negative, non-motile bacterium.

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Annotated Bibliography

Hotez, P. J. (2019, September 5). Immunizations and vaccines: a decade of successes and reversals, and a call for ‘vaccine diplomacy’. Retrieved Juy 12, 2021, from Oxford Academic: Hotez, (2019), details the work done by different vaccine alliances, including WHO, UNICEF, and Gavi. He explains how 300 million children will be immunized by 2020, which will ensure that these children will have a fighting chance against diseases like tetanus,

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Human generations have been facing multiple survival threats across the globe since the start of their settlement. Among them, health hazards and disease spread remained at the top of the list. With the immense struggle of decades and centuries, human beings found a way of survival in vaccines. Vaccines are specific agents that enhance an individual’s immunity against a specific disease and protect the respective individual. Vaccines are weak or

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Vaccinations play important role in the economic growth of a country

Health plays a significant role in making a state powerful and flourishing. Vaccinations play a significant role in potentially improving the health of the population. Whenever a pandemic hits any country, they suffer massive economic crises along with health catastrophes. Only a healthy individual will contribute to the economic growth and accomplishments of the country. Therefore, it can be said that vaccinations play a noteworthy role in improving the economic

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Introduction Shigella is a bacterial virulent that causes shigellosis which is a type of bacterial diarrhea. Its evolution is as old as the origin of homo sapiens and it is characterized as one of the earliest human-specific pathogens. Its progression dates back to 35000 to 170000 years ago. A pathogen from the Enterobacteriaceae family, Shigella encompasses four species. These four strains of this microorganism namely “Shigella dysenteriae, Shigella flexneri, Shigella boydii, Shigella soneii” cause

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Immunizations and Vaccines

The growth and development of global vaccination programs have resulted in extraordinary trends in public health. The global vaccination program is headed by the United Nations (UN), and various agencies such as the UNICEF, WHO, and Vaccine Alliance are a part of it. The measures taken by these agencies have boosted the vaccination numbers among children with hundreds of millions of children being immunized thereby reducing deaths that result from

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Vaccines: Setbacks and Global Immunization Efforts

Vaccines are considered a great win against numerous viral diseases as these help in creating antibodies in people to help them fight against deadly viruses. Organizations like WHO and UNICEF have made huge efforts in achieving Global Immunization so that people all around the globe can lead healthy life. Every decade, Immunization is planned and revisions are made in it so that it can be carried out efficiently and more

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Opposition Paragraph Topic: Vaccines

Anti-vaxxers believe that vaccines are created to cause harm as they do not know what is in them and those who do know are opposed to the idea of being injected with a part of a virus. Perhaps, their concerns are valid as the criticism is based on sanitary, religious, and political concerns. Science has always presented facts that have opposed the religious beliefs of many people and have negated

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On 6th December 2013, in a remote village in Guinea, South Africa, a child passed away due to a mysterious disease. Within a few days of passing, his mother, sister and grandmother also met the same fate through the hands of the same disease, so did the two nurses that treated the family. The child’s name remained unknown, however; for epidemiologists, this child became “Patient Zero” as he was the

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Eukaryotic Pathogens

  Organism Disease(s) Symptoms of the Disease Species: Trypanosoma brucei (Genus: Trypanosoma) – African Trypanosomiasis (Sleeping Sickness) – Animal Tryponosomiasis (Nagana) The tsetse fly is the primary carrier of this parasite. The bite of this fly is extremely painful but if it infects the bite with the parasite then it will develop into a red sore called chancre. This is the first symptom. Then the patient will experience the following

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Cancer – Cervical Cancer

The cervix is the lower part or organ of the uterus that connects with the vagina. The growth of cancerous cells in the tissues of the cervix is known as cervical cancer. This cancer spreads slowly and may not reveal any symptoms. Characterized as one of the most commonly occurring cancers among women worldwide, cervical cancer is a sexually transmitted disease. The risk of cervical cancer can be reduced by

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Epidemiology Paper

Introduction Often referred to as a transmissible or infectious disease, communicable diseases are the ones that are easily transmitted between living organisms i.e., humans and animals. These diseases are caused by pathogens which include bacteria, viruses, and different types of fungi. After getting infected by a particular pathogen, people may develop varying degrees of communicable disease. The infection mostly occurs by coming in direct contact with infected people, contaminated surfaces,

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Benchmark – Community Teaching Plan: Community Presentation

Diabetes A chronic health condition, diabetes impacts the body’s function of converting food to energy. The food that we eat is broken into sugar i.e., glucose, which is released into the bloodstream. An increase in blood glucose level triggers the pancreas to release insulin, which then facilitates its use as energy by cells. For individuals with diabetes, either enough insulin is not produced or it is not used effectively. This

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Natural Sciences: Bacterial Pathogens

  Organism Genus Species Gram Reaction Morphology Diseases Caused Symptoms of Disaese Bacillus B. cereus Gram- Positive rod-shaped bacilli with square ends Flagella driven motility Foodborne illnesses such as the emetic (vomiting) syndrome and the diarrhoeal syndrome. severe nausea vomiting, and diarrhea due to indigestion of the infeceted food Bacillus B. Anthracis  Gram-Positive  Rod-shaped bacterium endospore-forming Anthrax:  Pulmonary Anthrax, Gastrointestinal Anthrax Usually caused to livestock and human beings Fever and chills run through body

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An Essay on Heart

All the body organs work in strong coordination under the leading instructions of the nervous system, i.e., peripheral nervous system or autonomic nervous system. Similar is the case with the heart, which reacts differently in a normal and frightening situation. All the events carried out in our heart during a normal morning routine are commonly called the cardiac cycle. This cycle includes four adjacent stages, namely relaxation, inflow, contraction, and

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Question and Answers: Microbe Behavior

What was the overreaching questions the researcher were asking? The overarching question posed by researchers was that “Is there a prevalence of fitness conflict between microbes and the host in a mutualistic relationship?” Also so the weaker microbes turn into cheaters to increase their fitness at the expense of their hosts? What were the overall conclusion drawn from the results? The overall conclusion was that the microbes like independent E.

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Biology Project: Skeletal System

 Introduction The skeletal system is known as the basic framework upon which the whole body gets support. The skeletal system contributes by providing support, stature, and movement of the body. This system is highly connected to the muscular system to fulfill its tasks. This research project tends to analyze the skeletal system and explicate the anatomy, physiology, homeostasis, and disease in femur bone which is one of the long bones

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DNA Extraction from Kiwi and Strawberry fruits Using Salting out Method

Background of the Study: DNA is the building blog and blueprints for life to exist, all living organisms have DNA. The Separation of DNA is the most needed and vital technique used to study DNA. The separation of DNA from its cells and its sanitization is of key significance in the biotechnology field and forensics. The Separation and purification of DNA are the primary phases in the study and analysis

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