Training Methods
Training and learning strategies vary from organization to organization. Every organization has its own way of training employees to help them meet the job’s challenges and the organisation’s goals. Training methods have certain pros and cons, too. To determine the right training methods suitable for the employees of the organization, , the members of the organization must think what kind of jobs are available, which type of job require specific training, will the training produce intended outcome or will training will help individuals to meet job goals. Thus, many points must be kept in mind before designing a specific training program for employees. Training programs help employees to learn skills and to acquire experience to do their jobs well. Training methods usually fall under two categories. These two broad categories are on-the-job training and off-the-job training.
The organization I worked for had different training programs for different job titles. I worked as a human resource assistant. I was new at the job. At that time, the organization had a formal classroom training program to teach new employees in the human resource department. I attended the classroom training program with a few other employees who were appointed with me. In the classroom training, we were taught the same way as we were taught at the university. We were taught about organization, mission, vision, goals, and culture. Specific procedures and guidelines to follow. We were taught about human resource procedures used in the organization, such as evaluation methods, training methods, appraisal methods, compensation policies, and many other procedures followed by the organization. We studied these procedures in detail. After completing a formal training session, we were then allowed to work under the supervision of the human resource manager. The formal classroom training program helped us learn about different human resource procedures that the organization follows and how to use and implement them. We also had the opportunity to meet other fresh employees in the same field. During classroom training, course contents were designed to deliver knowledge about different human resource procedures that the company follows and how we must use the same procedures. The classroom training lasted about four weeks. At the end of the training session, we had to pass the assessment before formally starting the job (cchand, n.d.).
The most effective parts of the training included the opportunity to learn specifically about human resource policies and procedures. Such policies and procedures require in-depth study before they are required. I believe that classroom training does not provide real experience. It is just like learning course contents in the class. During the formal training session, we were not allowed to practice the learned skills in real until we completed the entire training program. I believe that assessment at the end of the training program does not specifically judge how well-learned skills can applied.
The learning program should have used a combination of classroom and on-the-job training to help fresh candidates not only learn new skills and knowledge related to the organization but also have the opportunity to practice those learned skills in real. Practising those skills would have given a learning experience to fresh candidates. Also, their abilities to work in a real environment would have been judged too (Diorio, 2015).
Classroom training is effective in teaching specific content. However, classroom training alone cannot produce the intended outcome. Classroom training combined with real experience will give trainees the opportunity not only to learn the course contents but also to see how they are implemented and used in a real environment. Classroom training alone cannot judge the real skills of trainees until they work in a real job setting (Philips, 2017). Case studies introduced in the training program would also enhance analytical and critical skills.
cchand, S. (n.d.). Methods of Training: On-the-job Training Method and Off-the-Job Methods. Retrieved from
Diorio, E. (2015, October 1). Pros and Cons of popular training and development methods. Retrieved from
Philips, C. (2017, September 26). Advantages and Disadvantages of Training Methods for Employees in Customer Service. Retrieved from