Academic Master

Environmental Science

The Topographical Features in the Region


In this lab write-up type of the report, I will be basing my argument on the data collected and hypothesis analysis for to tackle different areas of concern as far as the survey method was concern in regards to topographical zones were concern.

Sampling technique selected in first season

In the first season I chose to use random sampling I cooperation with systematic type of sampling based on the fact that I will be dealing with collection of small form data from the a large population. I will use computer generated soft ware to aid me in contacting the random sampling through which I will select 20 squares of and in other in systematic form I will be use geometric form of patterns for aid. The reason as to why I will be using the methods is because will be dealing with the terrains and there will much of the unknown contemporaneous numbers of sites and therefore random sampling will be effective to cover at least all corners of the data.

Achievements and effectiveness of the selected method

I achieved in this benchmark based in the fact that random sampling aided me in collection of the data of different varieties. Through this method, I was able to cover different topographical regions. Different geographical regions were covered by this method and therefore it was very viable way of hypothesis interpretation and analysis. The random squares covered different sites having food plans, mountains, foothills and rivers and this type of sampling is basically important for variety coverage.

Hypothesis and how I came about them

In my survey I give the hypothesis that people mainly live on the foothills dues to some reason such as keeping them off the frequency floods which may be occurring due to high networks of the rivers and also give them point of view to hunting activities along the mountains for living. There is less of the economic activities along the river belt due to high level of the floods and which technically prevents the farming activities occur in the area contrary to the fact that there are rivers in the area of survey. I suggested these hypothesis due alignment of the area under survey. Most of the random squares under coverage were basically on foothills proving the fact.

Reasons for selecting judgment method in second season

In the second sampling method I chose to use judgment sampling based on the fact that I was focusing on non probability test. In this method I was focusing on selecting the units which were to be sampled based on my knowledge from random sampling and professional sampling. I found this method very useful since it created specialty for more representation of the samples which brought more accurate results on topographical analysis. I found this method to be more accurate based on the fact that it brought more of the topographical features such rivers and mountains in their reality in counteraction with the settlement and economic activities. In my opinion, I can say that the method was very effective as compared to the random type since it gave me as a researcher the first hand information concerning the individual topographical features and their relation with the way people settle across the region. There were very limited individual population samples of interest and therefore I found this method to be much effective for obtaining the data from such and specific group of the features. I do approve my hypothesis in this survey based on the fact that it gave me the breakthrough on areas to be focused on and the basics to undertake. I found the population pattern in my second season as applied the judgment form of sampling. In this stage I was able to give the analysis of what I was surveying after sampling of the data in crude way in random sampling.

Benefits for survey strategy

My sampling methods helped me in understanding the pattern trough which the population make in the region through application of the computer aided software and different sampling methods. 20% sampling was very sufficient based on the fact that t was not such a big range of the population was I dealing with neither the big area. 40% was much better since it had much of the data cover per square ground. I can suggest my ideal percentage to be 20% since it acted its acts my mean statistical data collection and central data.


I have tackled different areas of concern and based on analysis and interpretation of the statistical data collected by the sampling technique in relation to the settlement verses the way it relates to the topographical features in the region. I Therefore give the fact that the methods I used in this process was effective and it gave be a point of view for analysis of the data and prove of the hypothesis I set across.



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