Academic Master

Environmental Science

The Intergovernmental Panel

1. “The Intergovernmental Panel” has discussed some environmental changes which have been caused by climate change. These changes are as follows;

i. Air pollution is discussed to have been caused by the emission of vehicles and fossil fuels, which have been estimated to have caused the deaths of about 3.7 million under premature death circumstances (Economy, 2015).

ii. Floods are discussed to have been caused by CO2 emission, which has caused seasonal weather changes in which high temperatures have led to melting snowy mountains and high rainfalls, leading to floods in many parts of the world (Economy, 2015).

iii. Drought Climate changes have caused drought in many parts of the world through weather pattern changes, which are discussed to have affected the survival of different plants, leading to high droughts (Economy, 2015).

a. “Seizing the Global Opportunity: Partnerships for Better Growth and a Better Climate” has come up with policies that are very concerned about climate change. The discussion below addresses two factors, namely;

Mitigation Policies

i. The commission has encouraged acceleration on how low carbon will be developed in all cities of the world. This is focused on making sure that there is job creation and economic growth as well as lowering air pollution and congestion in the traffic sector.

ii. Protection of forests, land escape, and agricultural lands is needed to make sure that there is a high level of agricultural productivity for poverty prevention.

iii. Increased energy efficiency standards for the best in global. This will lead to a better living standard.


Focusing on climate change adaptation, the commission has come up with some policies to cater for this;

i. Implementation of effective pricing of carbon. The commission has put it across that all the developed and developing countries are supposed to make sure that carbon pricing is strengthening to make sure that there are many innovation and consumption choices made over this for climate change regards.

ii. This is done by ensuring that the infrastructure that is set is very climate-smart so that the countries can achieve global expectations and lower the effects of climate change (Economy, 2015).

iii. By making sure that they drive through a low carbon business, which will be done through innovations and high technologies for environmental conservation.

2. Comparison and contrast of “The National Park Service”, “the U.S. Forest Service”, and “the Bureau of Land Management”

i. Given their similarity, the three agencies aim to improve the environment so that the forest can be protected, increasing agricultural production and reducing investment risks for better financial flow.

ii. On the other hand, the agencies show some contrast in which national park services is more concerned with preservation, the U.S (Calderón, 2015). The Forest Service on Conservation and “Bureau of Land Management” are for the management of national parks and national forests.

iii. These federal land management agencies have sued the policies for habitat protection by giving illustrations of economic growth patterns, which will be seen in both developed and developing countries after cooperating in making sure that all the environmental protection ways are followed to the letter (Calderón, 2015). For instance, the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group has given the strategies through which climate change will be dealt with through best practices for financial net flow facilitation.

The National Environmental Policy Act has given the agencies the framework for how the environment should be protected. This act has focused on federal activities proposed for the purpose of assessing the livelihood requirements and actions in the fight for a great environment and habitats (Calderón, 2015).



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