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Summary of Silent Spring by Rachel Carson

Silent Spring by Rachel Carson is an environmental science book published in 1962, September 27th. The book discusses the harmful effects resulting from the indiscriminate use pesticide to the environment. The main argument on the Silent Spring is that the use of DDT to control insects resulted in damage to the fragile balance of nature. According to Rachel, the aerial spray of DDT in attempt to control insects’ population on a large scale. Additionally, the book explains how the excellent relationship that human beings have with nature can result in the growth of deep ecology. The book argues that the best method for minimizing environmental degradation is the avoidance of arrogant quest for easy solution informs of the careless spray of insecticides. People must let go the belief that nature only serves the interest of the human being.

“Consider the Lobster” by David Foster Wallace

David Foster Wallace, an American novelist, essayist as well as English professor talks about the rights of the creatures within the environment in his article dubbed “Consider the Lobster”. The article by Wallace discusses the 56th annual Maine Lobster festival. According to the article, Wallace claims that during the MLF event, a total of 25, 000 Lobsters are caught and taken through cooking competition which draws close to 100, 000 visitors across the entire country. David Foster Wallace argues during MLF; the lobsters often goes under a lot of pain since they are always boiled alive so that people can enjoy watching the way they suffer while dying. The organizer of the events uses this technique to attract people to attend the event thereby making a lot of profit. However, the Wallace believes that such type of smart marketing strategies and as well as trapping to attract customers is not worth the life of the Lobster. In the article, Wallace is interested in providing information that is thought-provoking thereby allowing the reader to come up with conclusion concern the right of the lobsters as well as other creature living on the planet earth. For example, Wallace question the promotional material about the lobster that was provided by the MLF which claims that the nervous system of the creature is decentralized, simple and lack structure within them to resist pain. Wallace rejected the explanation pointing out that the Lobsters have nociceptors which are pain receptors making the creature susceptible to harm and suffering when subjected to extreme temperatures such as boiling water.

Consequently, Wallace argues that the struggling, thrashing as well as lid-clattering that occurs when the lobsters are placed on the boiling water is a clear indication that the creature often feels extreme pain and their death is always agonizing. According to the article, the behaviour of the lobster while in the boiling Kettle, as well as the neurological structure, can be used to proof the pain capacity that the creature often undergoes while dying. After close examination of the MLF, Wallace then questions the readers of his article whether it is possible to protect the act of feeding on flesh without recognizing the act’s inborn selflessness. From his article, Wallace leaves the readers of (The Magazine of Good Living) Gourmet to consider their ethical sincerity, hence reflecting on the Dichotomy between tendencies Roman-circus and that of MLF’s celebratory pretence. Therefore, this enables the readers of the article to have deep reflection concerning their moral not only on the lobster but the whole creature on the earth and think about their carnivorous lifestyles as well as the right of the animals.

The article Consider the Lobster by David Foster Wallace teachers people on the importance of protecting the right of creatures living on the planet earth such as lobster. According to to the article, all creatures play an essential role and deceive to live without being killed or feed on by people. Additionally, David Foster encourages people to avoid torturing the creatures when killing them. The article reveals that killing animals through easy ways such as putting them in boil water is inhuman and ungodly. Wallace argues that the animals also have a nervous system which makes them feel a lot of pain and suffering when they are placed in the boiling water while still alive. The author uses the phrase “ethical conviction” to argue that whenever they are taking away lives of other creature like Lobster, then it should be done by the principles of conducts that are considered right. Additional, the article uses the phrase “struggling, thrashing as well as lid-clattering” to try and give a picture of the painful death that the lobster is made to pass through by people.

David Foster Wallace posed the question “Is it right to boil a sentient creature alive just for gustatory pleasure?” The question is significant to me because it evokes a lot of thinking concerning the right of other living organisms. The question enables people to come back to their senses and stop the reckless killings as well as the violation of the right of other creatures within the environment. Through the question, people can come back to their senses and start comparing their lives with that of other animals like Lobsters. Therefore, the question can mark the begging of the peaceful coexistence between people and other creature living within the environment. Thus, this can helps in increasing the population of the animal thereby minimizing the extinction. Finally, the question also crucial because it helps to restore proper ethical moral in people and have a sense of empathy for the lives of other creature. Thus, this can assist ending the heartless killing of other living organisms as witnessed in the Maine Lobster festive.

From the text, it is evidenced that the Lobsters undergoes a lot of torture and painful death. However, every creature deserves to be protected from unnecessary death. Stern action should be taken to individual taking away the lives of another animal through torturing and cruelness. There is need to carry out a public campaign to educate and sensitize people on the right of living organize. Therefore, this can encourage people to embrace and coexist with another animal peacefully. However, a few changes have taken place since the article was published. More groups have emerged to champion for the right creatures living in the environment. Examples of such groups include the Captive Animal Protection Society, Farm Animal Rights Movement, and Friend of Animals. I hope that in the future, the numbers of animals living in the environment will increases thereby enhancing biodiversity.

The author used to use plain and straightforward language thereby making it easy to understand the information being passed to the people. Additional, the uses a sad tone while writing the article to bring the image of how the Lobsters suffer when being boiled alive. the physical place is captured by the numbers of visitors attending the festive, competition taking place and the live music being played. The types of questions being asked are evaluative since they require a high level of cognitive and emotional judgment.



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