Academic Master

Health Care

Reasons Why Vaccination Should Be Free And Mandatory

Many diseases have been known to disturb people, and most people have no clue where to get the right medication after infections. Most of these diseases were a result of a lack of vaccination for people at a certain period of their lives. Therefore, they have ended up being physically handicapped in one way or another. Failures to administer immunization to people have resulted in people having diseases that are unbearable and untreatable. Failure to vaccinate people has made it hard for the family and the government to treat such kinds of people. The answer is that the window period that they could have helped the affected person has passed. To avoid all this, it is vital for the government to start giving free mandatory vaccination so that they can prevent diseases while still, it is manageable. So it is important to provide free mandatory vaccination to all people.

First, vaccination will help to keep a person alive. A lot of diseases have been disturbing people, and they are known to kill both children and adults. Such unnecessary deaths can be avoided by vaccination, which will ensure that whenever such diseases show themselves in the body, they can be dealt with immediately. This vaccination is given; for instance, the tetanus vaccine will always help the body fight against germs that cuttings have exposed. This vaccine has benefited both children and adults as they have been protected in case of tetanus virus that wants to disturb the immune system (Largent,2012). Therefore, it is important to take vaccination seriously because it keeps a person alive.

Secondly, vaccination saves future generations; for an extended period, some chronic diseases were considered a curse. These diseases were known to be deadly and untreatable. There were diseases such as smallpox, which is known to have killed large populations and Rubella, which was a common killer of newborn babies. All this has been eliminated as some have been reduced by vaccination. Mandatory vaccination has helped a lot of people as newborn babies are born safely from those other disturbing diseases. Nevertheless, vaccination has freed a generation of people from contracting diseases that would have enslaved man. Therefore, free mandatory vaccination has helped a lot of generations, and it is important to be vaccinated.

Thirdly, vaccination helps people from getting physical disorders. There have been diseases such as polio and measles that have been disturbing children’s growth for a long period. These diseases have left most of the children physically handicapped, as others have died (Lund and Nielsen,2005). Once the vaccine for these diseases was discovered majority of the children who got vaccinated lived a normal life. It is because once the child is vaccinated, he or she will grow up normally as other children do and live a normal life. This vaccination has prevented a lot of children not to losing their lives and their bodies from remaining strong. Therefore, vaccination should be free, and everyone should get it.

Fourth, vaccination helps people with expenses that they could have avoided. For those who have been sick because of certain diseases and there is not enough money to treat them. This kind of situation could have been avoided if that person could have got vaccinated. From children to adults, vaccination is given to prevent them from certain diseases, as most of them are free of charge. Getting this vaccination helps a person save a lot of money and time to treat them. Also, their families get to have an easy time. So vaccination is good as it will keep you safe all the time as you can be able to go on with your life without disturbing the rest of your family.

Fifth, vaccination help a person to easily adapt to a new country easily if he or she is a visiting those people who have been visiting foreign countries it is better if you get vaccinated to prevent you from the weather, typhoid, diarrhea, tetanus and many other diseases (Needham,2000). This vaccine helps a person to develop a strong immunity that will help her adapt to the new environment. Without this vaccination, it will be hard for people to live in other countries that they are not used to. With this vaccine, people are able to live freely anywhere, so it is better for people to be vaccinated as it helps them in everyday life.

Sixth, vaccination helps a man reduce the risk of infecting others; some diseases are known to be affecting one generation to another. These diseases can be prevented by only vaccination. It is whereby if one person is sick in a generation the diseases will be transferred to the other generation, and it would look like a pattern. So by vaccinating one person or the infected people the generation that follows will be safe forever because a strong immunity has been built into the body that will help. These vaccinations have worked for those people whose generations have been known to be owned by a certain disease. With this free and mandatory vaccination, many lives have been saved.

Seventh, vaccination prevents people from getting sick every time. As you know people with low self-immunity have always been the ones falling sick (Fiore, Bridges, and Cox,2009). To prevent being sick at all times, this person should get vaccinated to improve immunity in the body. Those people who do get this vaccination, for example, children, will grow strong day by day they will become active in everything they do. For adults, they will be stronger than they are.

Lastly, vaccination is necessary because it gives a second chance to people who thought that their lives were over. This vaccination has helped a lot of families who thought they would be over because one of them is suffering from certain diseases. By vaccinating them a second chance is given to them to ensure that all is okay so they can continue with their day-to-day task which ensures that the family remains together. A lot of people who have been vaccinated feel safe all the time because they are confident that all is okay. That is why there is a need to make vaccination free and mandatory for all.

In conclusion, a majority of people who have been vaccinated against certain diseases feel easy when doing their day-to-day activities. Without this free and mandatory vaccination, many people in the world would have perished a long time ago. But these vaccinations have helped man to adapt to any environment that he or she is taken. Without this vaccination, a man could have been living in a world infested with diseases that would have been affecting them from time to time. So, with the introduction of this free vaccination, man has been triumphant over those diseases that were affecting man. Also, man has been able to prevent himself from conditions that will harm him one day. With this scientific improvement, vaccination has become a mandatory thing because many diseases are being discovered at the same time, and they are being prevented from affecting man. So, it is good for a person to be vaccinated against any diseases that can affect him.

Works Cited

Fiore, Anthony E., et al. Seasonal influenza vaccine. Chicago: Chicago Press, 2009.

Largent, Mark A. Vaccine: The Debate in Modern America. . Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2012.

Lund, Ole and Morten Strunge and Lundegaard, Claus Nielsen. Immunological Bioinformatics. New York: MIT Press, 2005.

Needham, Joseph. Science and Civilization in China. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000.



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