Academic Master


Intertextuality & Remix Culture

In recent years remix culture can easily be recognized, and it has become more legitimate. It can serve as some civilization that allows people to edit, integrate, and rearrange existing materials to come up with a new piece of art (Aufderheide, 2008). It is now more effortless than before for people to exchange information and ideas through the use of technology this gives birth to remixing. It is easier for

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NFL Litigation

The six billion dollar lawsuit went on for about six years and now is about to close. Despite the closure though, the sort of confusion that has marred the case since its inception is something that is not commonly seen in the United States legal system (McCann, 2013). One of the things that are seriously being damaged is the fact that the settlement amount that the players would be collecting

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Analysis of TESSCO Technologies

Introduction TESSCO Technologies is a company that engages in the supply of electronic material. The company deals with the installation of wireless gadgets that improve the operations of the business. For a long time, the company has been in the industry, and many people now know about it. The industry is currently full of competitors, and every business that joins the industry must always try to come up with ways

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Documentary Analysis of Half the Sky and Young Muslim and French

In the documentary film, Half the Sky Night and Young, Muslim and French try to interrogate the humanitarian issues that affect women in different parts of the world. Women for a long period of time have been devoiced in so many ways that made them seen as inferior beings as compared to men. In the film, Half the sky night and young, Muslim and French try to show how women

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Type 2 Diabetes and Its Association with Lifestyle

Introduction In the recent past, changes in human lifestyles and behavior have been greatly influenced by a rise in the rates of infectious and non-infectious diseases in Africa. It hypothesized that the lifestyle of Cameroonian Africans leads to a positive flux in the risk of type 2 diabetes. Subsequently, the prevalence of type 2 diabetes will expectably rise widely in sub-Saharan Africa, with a double probability in Cameroon. This is

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History of Korea Border Conflict

The “Korean conflict” was based on the major divisions amongst the Republic of Korea in the South, and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea in the North. Both of these States claimed that they were the Government of the entire headland. In the times of the cold war, South Korea was backed by the United States and its allies, while on the other hand North Korea was backed by China,

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Importance of Eportfolio and How it can be used for Personal Marketing of Skills for Future Opportunities

Eportfolio It is a digital platform connected with several platforms. It used by students and other professionals to share their profiles. The ePortfolio includes the relevant artifacts and thoughtful reflection which display student learning to different audience outside the University. It shows a journal to academic achievement and students can used it to connect with other people in the relevant field. It contains an individual resume, background information, achievement and

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