Academic Master


Documentary Analysis of Half the Sky and Young Muslim and French

In the documentary film, Half the Sky Night and Young, Muslim and French try to interrogate the humanitarian issues that affect women in different parts of the world. Women for a long period of time have been devoiced in so many ways that made them seen as inferior beings as compared to men. In the film, Half the sky night and young, Muslim and French try to show how women are struggling to get their place in society.

There are many instances in the film, Half the sky night that portray how gender discrimination in the united states is different from those of other countries. For instance, most women in the United States are economically empowered. They can work at any job they want and make decisions that can be helpful to the family. Women also cannot be harmed by laws that men create for them like they are not supposed to get genital mutilation like in Somalia. There are instances of gender discrimination similar to sex trafficking in the United States is common. A majority of young girls are abducted every year just like in Cambodia also there are instances of rape in the United States just like in Sierra Leone.

The majority of women are affected by poverty in different parts of the world just in the same way girls are in poverty. Most of the women are not given a chance to go to school as most of them married when they are girls. So most of the girls end up married just like the women who are their mothers. This kind of circumstance makes it hard for most women to emancipate themselves from poverty.

The empowerment of women is the only hope that is there to end global poverty. Because with it women will have power and a voice, that will be out there fighting for other women not to be in poverty. Women empowerment will bring equality that will give women a chance to work like other men and add something to what they have. This will bring the world together to put an end to poverty

In the film, young, Muslim, and French, Manal, the headscarf is a reminder to her that she is just like any other girl who wants to live free the way she feels. This is through the headscarf which he wears every time. The headscarf to Manal is a sign of honor and respect she has for God and her Muslim religion.

Secularism refers to the separation of the state from religious affairs. The majority of people think that secularism is important because anybody anywhere is free to practice any religion that he or she feel is the best for him or her.



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