Academic Master


Kraft Marketing Oreos Globally

Key Lessons

The first lesson learned from the video is that companies that have the goal to reach an audience from all over the world must investigate the specific desires and expectations of the consumers living in a particular culture or a country. For example, people in China do not consume sugar much and, therefore, Oreos decided to keep sugar levels 27% less for their cookies being sold in China (Kraft Marketing Oreos Globally, 2013). This ensures that despite being the same brand and same product, consumers’ expectations are preferably met. This further highlights the importance of regional marketing strategies to compete effectively with local brands.

Similarly, the consumer’s habits are also very important to understand for proper marketing strategy as this directly impacts the sales and consequently the growth of the company. For instance, knowing the social and economic factors, Oreo offers its cookies in larger packages as compared to that in other countries because people in the USA shops on weekly basis, and they have enough space at home to store such items (Kraft Marketing Oreos Globally, 2013).

Another thing with great significance for marketers is to involve cultural affiliations into promotional campaigns so that campaign can be targeted rightly to produce optimum results. Otherwise, since different regions of the world have different cultures, values, and traditions which are sometimes contrary to as well, a single promotional strategy can have negative consequences based on what people understand from the content being presented. This can be more easily understood by cultural heritage which Oreo has preserved as well as created for many years (Kraft Marketing Oreos Globally, 2013). Lastly, the marketing channels are also an important factor for international marketing when consumers in different countries spend their life in a quite different way. For example, in China, the best source for promotion is TV advertising as compared to outdoor advertising in Venezuela (Kraft Marketing Oreos Globally, 2013).

Although all these lessons are very important, I did not find anything surprising in the video because I have already studied Oreo’s strategy from a news article.


Kraft Marketing Oreos Globally. (2013, August 11). Kraft Marketing Oreos Globally. YouTube.



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