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How Britain Is Trying To Control Immigration

Britain believes that immigration enriches its culture alongside boosting its economy. Through immigration laws and regulations, the country aims to attract more foreigners to work, invest and study in the country. The laws and regulations are aimed at simplifying and improving the country’s immigration policy.

Britain tries to control immigration through various actions and laws. The country protects its border by carrying out strict customs checks and immigration. The immigration rules define the laws and entry requirements for living in the UK. There are several applications and permissions which a foreigner fills out to be able to pass in and stay in the country. Besides, there are necessary applications which the foreigner fills out before becoming a UK citizen (Geddes and Scholten,2016, p.56). The UK visas are an instrument to control immigration but still make sure they attract qualified migrants into the country. The immigration rules apply to different categories of individuals, such as tourists, investors, students and those seeking jobs.

Those seeking work must have a work permit to work in the UK besides registering in the workers’ registration schemes. The immigration Law enacted in 2014 aims at fastening the process of removal for those found not to belong to the UK legally. The EU Economic Area rules help to control immigration by limiting non-European economic immigrants. The laws also help to reduce abuse of any migration route (Mavroudi and Warren,2013, 267). Also, workers looking for a job have to pass skills requirements, interviewing student applicants and closing down several bogus institutions. The Commonwealth Immigration Act limits the migration of persons into the country who have a grandparent or a parent who has British citizenship.

The Brexit vote of 2016 is another means of controlling immigration. Indeed, pulling out of the EU meant reducing the number of EU migrants in the UK. The country is aiming to reduce the net migration of EU citizens by extending the work permit for European Union workers and restricting work visas for job seekers from the EU. Britain also tries to control immigration by imposing some marriage restrictions (Mavroudi and Warren,2013, p.269). The foreigner to be married has to demonstrate knowledge of the English language. The country 2012 increased the probation period of non-EU couples to five years against the previous one to two years for them to be granted permanent residence in the country. The minimum income of at least 18600 Euros is the requirement for a British citizen who intends to sponsor his partner.

Work Cited

Geddes, A. and Scholten, P., 2016. The politics of migration and immigration in UK. Sage.pp.45-69

Mavroudi, E. and Warren, A., 2013. Highly skilled migration and the negotiation of immigration policy: Non-EEA postgraduate students and academic staff at English universities. Geoforum44, pp.261-270.



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