Academic Master

Healthcare is the improvement of health via the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, recovery, or cure of disease.

Workflow Assessment for Health IT Toolkit

The main aim of using a workflow assessment for a health IT toolkit is to improve the experience of working in a given healthcare organization by increasing the rate of information sharing between the different stakeholders. Improved productivity can also be enabled through the use of an extended interface with the integration of external applications. The incorporation of different concepts in the user interface makes it possible to serve varied

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Lifestyle Inequalities: Explaining Socioeconomic Differences in Preventive Practices of Clinically Overweight Women after Menopause.

Qualitative research designs are determined by the research topic being used. The choice of design determines how well the research questions will be answered. The design used in this research was case study designs. The design included the use of semi-structured questionnaires to investigate the use of preventive healthcare practices by postmenopausal overweight women from different economic status in Canada. The use of a case study design was the most

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Nearly 45% of all pregnancies occurring in the United States are unplanned. Men, women, and couples have a variety of safe and effective contraceptive methods to choose from. Some of these are long-acting reversible methods such as intrauterine devices and implants to reduce the risk of unplanned pregnancies. Below is a comparison of two contraceptive methods analyzing their indications contraindications, side effects, affordability, and mechanisms of action.

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Benefits of Medical Marijuana

Medical marijuana is a term used to refer to unprocessed marijuana extracts or plant. It is a plant that can be used in treating either the symptoms of a disease or other conditions. In 2737 BC, the Chinese emperor Shen Nung writing states cannabis was first used as a psychoactive agent. In this writing, cannabis had power against, malaria, gout, rheumatism as well as absent mindedness. The medical value importance

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Heart Failure Essay

According to research, heart failure causes substantial burdens in healthcare settings which leads to an increase in mortality, morbidity, and the cost of healthcare. Heart failure is one of the leading causes of death, killing approximately 610 000 people in the United States annually.

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Diet Analysis

Body mass index (BMI) is a measure of the amount of body fat. It is a simple, non-invasive and relatively cheap method based on the individual’s weight and height. BMI indicates whether an individual is underweight, normal weight for height, overweight or obese. It is calculated as Weight (kg)/ Height (M2) BMI =70.34 ÷1.572 = 28.4kg/m2. My nutrition status is overweight. Normal nutrition status is in the range of 18.5-

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Dementia Analysis

The report provides an analysis of dementia, its causes and effects, and how it must be treated. The ways of preventing of the disease have also been described

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Comparison between Addiction and Diabetes

The new Millennium society has initiated to identify severe worries with concerns that people have to a pact with nowadays. Some concerns have permanently been there but are currently approaching the senses of society to discover explanations. Other problems are new styles as civilization instigates to familiarize to a quicker leap of the lifecycle. Along with the other issues, there is one biggest worry is the in present among youth

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Cross Post 2: Ethical Dilemma in Palliative Care

Palliative care is an essential model of care for terminally ill patients. With the increased prevalence of chronic conditions such as cancer, palliative care has been advocated as moral responsibility. However, ethical dilemmas are usually encountered during the provision of palliative care.

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A Debate about the Privatization of the Public Healthcare in Canada

Healthcare is among the basic structures of an economy that ensures citizens get access to medical care and medical resources. The management of the healthcare system in many economies around the world is undertaken by the government in an attempt to ensure equality regarding services offered to the public. The structure offered by the government always contains some gaps, and this is where the private sector including religious healthcare units

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Health Program Planning and Evaluations

Casualty is not a single entity instead it is multifactorial. Often there is confusion of correlation and causality, and it is thought that they can be used interchangeably which is not true. A correlation is merely an association between two variables whereas causation refers to the concept that a change in the values of one variable will lead to a change in the values of another variable (Russo & Williamson,

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Role of Vaccine in Disease Prevention

Developing vaccines to fight HIV infection has become quite difficult even though scientific studies show that vaccines such as anti-inflammatory stimuli can help protect one from HIV infection. HIV usually multiplies in activated T-cells and developing a vaccine that reduces their immune activation in the T-cells can help stop the replication of HIV. HIV type 1 which is common among women can be curbed by developing a vaccine that targets

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Healthy Nutrition Advocacy Campaign

Obesity is mostly as a result of unhealthy eating habits that result in the consumption of excess sugar and fats. The biggest contributor to these foods is the food manufacturing industry. Obesity is a condition that develops with time. In children, it starts as overweight and progresses to obesity either during the adolescence stage or later as adults.

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In the healthcare sector, data standard is a term used to refer to the techniques, procedures, terminologies and particulates in regard to collection, sharing, storage as well as retrieval of information and data related to healthcare uses which include medications, medical records, payments and reimbursements, radiological images, monitoring systems and medical devices and administrative processes.

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Discuss and explain how the nurse failed to use critical thinking and analysis skills effectively in this situation leading to unprofessional conduct? (150 words)

1.  Scenario A Nurse Provides prescription medicine without authority A Nurses Board received a complaint concerning allegations that a nurse (medication endorsed), whilst working in the emergency department of a hospital, practiced outside the scope by knowingly providing prescription-only medication to a patient without the authority of a medical officer. When interviewed, the nurse stated the patient attended the emergency department for treatment and the department was busy at this

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Clinical Reasoning Essay

In the health field, there are certain practices that a health scientist must experience. Not everything is always smooth in the daily to daily patient work activities. There are rules that should be followed to strengthen the relationships between the nurses. Those rules also do make sure that everything is done accordingly.

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