Academic Master


A Systematic Review of Validated Studies on the social health phenomenon of overweight and obesity in children between 4-10 years of age


One of the major public health issues in nations around the world is the increasing rate of childhood obesity, alongside lacking health awareness among parents and peer groups. Over the past decade, obesity has increased in children and adolescents. Many an intervention have been associated with obesity and overweight in children and some bad consequences of physical, psychological, and social nature related to childhood obesity have been anticipated. Public health officials and social institutions have been looking for the factors that cause childhood obesity, and intervention strategies of various types are used for the prevention and control of these causes. Communication and information on health issues at the public level in society is an important concern to the government and policymakers of a nation. Official institutions apart from academics are putting efforts to obtain research-based data for valid and helpful data to be used as background knowledge while devising public health policies. This manuscript aims to serve the purpose of a systematic review of validated studies on the social health phenomenon of overweight and obesity in children between 4-10 years of age. The findings suggest childhood obesity can be controlled at the public level by applying effective interventions such as nutrition practices, increased physical activities, and health education for parents, teachers, peers, and children themselves.


“Public Health” is a multidisciplinary topic for research and scientific studies. It has been a concern to scholars from different fields such as social sciences, psychology, medicine, public administration, technology, and education and communication disciplines.

This proposal is anchored to analyse the role played by health education in reducing obesity in children aged between four to ten years. Health education encompasses a variety of factors including communication skills, cultural/social influence, decision-making ability, and so on but is not limited to functional health literacy. Demonstration of the relationship between childhood obesity and health education has been provided in several empirical studies (better health, the increased participation rate in school, reduced obesity among others) among children. However, this protocol will demonstrate the rationale for the study and outline the aim and objectives of the investigation. In preparing this proposal, a methodical approach has been followed to clarify the inclusion and exclusion of the findings. To assist in the execution of database search, the PICO format has been used as some sources have been searched to find relevant articles. Chosen articles have been critically appraised to find relevant and emerging themes. Finally, the events discussed in this proposal will be concluded along with the researcher’s recommendations.

Chapter 1.

Background of the study

Currently, the United Kingdom has a comprehensive policy on alcohol and tobacco that is considered one of the well-devised policies on health issues. Cairney investigated some of the important factors involved in the successful public health campaigns on the consummation of alcohol and analyzed the hurdles causing problems to movement in the pursuit of stringent alcohol control. Both alcohol and tobacco are legal addictions in the United Kingdom. Scholars from the medical science and public health disciplines investigate the dangers associated with the use of these both, gather shreds of evidence, and advocate the policies that are designed to control alcohol and cigarette consumption and the health hazards associated with it (Cairney, 2014).

Public health groups are more concerned with investigating the the extent to which public health policies are contingent on solutions to the problem. They look for the positive relationship of solutions provided by the policies on the reduction of alcohol and cigarette. However, the response has been found weak or disproportionate to the problem by policies. Policy response may take decades to make it required proportion to the problem. Cairney’s investigations suggest that there is a gap between policy response towards alcohol and cigarette. UK health policies regarding alcohol and cigarette consumption are among the best in the world (Cairney et al., 2012).

The United Kingdom’s Department of Health (2009) has devised guidelines for the healthcare sector and the general public to protect the health of the young of the nation from 5-19 years old named as Healthy Child Programme. The HCP has provided recommendations that in what ways different social institutions like family, education and healthcare can put collective efforts to substantially improve the life chances of children and young of the nation between 5-19 years. HCP has also devised guidelines as in good practice framework for interventions and prevention services in the early years of kids. The Health Ministry conducted a survey in 2004 named “Every Child Matters” in which young kids and adolescents identified essentials for their lives which became the foundation of the Healthy Child Programme. These five vitalities of children and adolescents’ lives are; to be healthy, safe, enjoy and achieve, make contributions to society and achieve economic good.

The principle of non-maleficence in healthcare makes it obligatory for the concerns to cause and conduct no harm. This principle is considered important since the systemized healthcare practice exists. It has been advisable for healthcare professionals to act in a beneficence manner, but if in case that it is not possible, they are encouraged not to harm at least. There is a thin line of difference between the two concepts, causing people to confuse these and consider them as the same thing. Nonmaleficence is a guideline that “one ought not to inflict evil or harm” (Beauchamp & Childress, 2013), whereas beneficence is about following the three principles “one ought to prevent evil or harm, one ought to remove evil or harm, one ought to do or promote good” (Beauchamp & Chidress, 2013).

Studies on parental and school awareness of health issues have shown that there is a greater need to formulate policies that are more contingent on the health and welfare of children and adolescents of the nation. The United Kingdom has given importance to the issue of public health and scholars from various fields are coming up with their perspectives and theories on public health based on scientific research. The existing substance of research suggests and fosters further ideas to be incorporated in future investigations of public health.


Shockingly, 51 million children were suffering from obesity in 2014 which was only 35 million in 1990; this finding can be termed an “exploding nightmare” (WHO, 2016). Many other studies have also found similar findings regarding childhood obesity, especially in children aged between 4 and ten years.

Numerous interventions have a relationship with general public health and the obesity rate in children. Developed countries have focused this area on development as young nations are a prime concern. If the factors contributing to the increasing obesity rates in children are not addressed properly, they can further cause greater obesity in adults. Healthcare academics and professionals are putting efforts to find the relationships between different factors with childhood obesity to provide background knowledge for the policymakers to better address the public health issues in society. This paper is an attempt to provide a systematic review of the existing research substance on the relationship between health education and childhood obesity.


PICO is a structured format that is being used for the development of research questions based on four areas (Fink, 2013). Following PICO format has been used in case of this proposal for choosing the rese

arch question: “does health education help to reduce obesity in children aged between four to ten years?”

P= Population I= Intervention C= Comparison O= Outcomes
Children aged between 4 and ten years Health Education Not Available Preventing Childhood Obesity


Several combinations of keywords have been used to find the most relevant research articles. Most relevant research articles, especially on health education and childhood obesity, have been searched to find health education and its role in reducing obesity in children. To do so, several bibliographic databases including Medline, CINAHL, Ovid, and PubMed have been searched to find articles using the PICO format. Boolean operators including AND, NOT, and OR have been used to connect keywords and widen the search results.

Article 1

Zilanawala and co-researchers 2013 attempted to investigate the risk of obesity in childhood comparatively in the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The interventions used were the ethnic classifications hand in a rate of obesity in both nations’ children of five years. They obtained data from overweight five years old children from “Early longitudinal Study, Birth Cohort” and “Millennium Cohort Study” and examined those. They investigated the racial disparities’ relationship with Body Mass Index compared to normal weight. The factors and variables of the study were social, demographical, cultural and family to indicate the disparities. The research found that in the United Kingdom Black Children Caribbean had a higher ratio of odds of overweight and obesity at 1.7, Pakistani children had a lower odds ratio of 0.60, and Black Africans had the highest potential odd ratio of 1.40. In comparison, the United States had no ethnic disparities related to obesity odds in children given that the intervention model was fully adjusted.

Article 2

The number of obese children is doubled since 1980. It was found in 2016 that sixteen percent of children between the age of 6-19 years. The rate of obesity was higher among Mexican-American children as 25.5 percent; the Indian-American obese children were 23.2 percent and white adolescents, non-Hispanics who belonged to lower-income families tended to be more obese as compared to their age-mates from higher social classes. Recent years have observed that weight-related health problems present in adults have appeared in the young population. According to co-researchers that eating habits causing obesity are influenced by numerous factors such as families, health care services available, community organizations, religion, mass media, and educational institutes. The study suggests that schools alone cannot help decrease the obesity rate in children yet it cannot be stopped altogether without school-based interventions.

Article 3

Karnik and Kanekar carried out twelve years long research on childhood obesity as a global public health crisis. The research was based on premier databases MEDLINE, ERIC, and CINAHL. The phenomenon under study was the national and international childhood obesity crisis. The researchers posited that an increase in childhood obesity had been observed in the past few years the world over. The major reason behind this phenomenon is an imbalance in the utilization of calories and intake of calories. There are other causal factors as well such as behavioral, genetic, and environmental play a role in childhood obesity. Childhood obesity subsequently causes psychological, physical, and social health problems through succeeding phases of life. Various factors contributing to the phenomenon and interventions on the community and government levels were addressed in the study. The results showed that interventions used to reduce obesity in childhood were school-based, family-based, hospital-based, and community-based. School-based interventions targeted healthy diet education and physical activity.

Article 5

Researching health communication focuses on the relationship between the communication of health-related issues and the delivery of health education and healthcare to individuals. Socio-psychological work on the ideas of diffusion of health-related problems and matters through mass-mediated messages appeared along with the advent of communication technologies and channels in contemporary society (Katz, Coleman & Menzel, 1966). Scholars from medicine and nursing fields are more interested in investigating the interactive communication between the healthcare provider and receiver and such studies have always been published under the head of health communication often in journals such as “Patient education and Counselling”. In recent decades a couple of new focus areas have gained a strong place in health communication research; projection of health-related issues in media content and the role of communication technologies in the dissemination of health issues. The first focus area is how mass media; both print and broadcast including social media, present and project health-related issues, and the second area centralizes the research on information technology and healthcare technology in public health (Bowling, 2014). Analyzing the media campaign on public health and their success or failure is another dimension of research focus in the healthcare sector and mass communication. Early research bodies on health communication tend to depict not a very often use of quantitative methods in investigations rather they were mostly using the qualitative analysis methods. Over the decades, however, health communication investigations have adopted a more sophisticated approach. Recent researches are extensions of the earlier studies or are built upon theories presented by those. Hypotheses developed recently are even narrower and focused on the respective subject of study, and the factorial design of investigations is more in vogue as compared to the early studies that analyzed a single variable at one time. Methods of the study do matter in the production of accurate results. The method used in particular research shows our specific understanding of the health communication topic, is apparently a sense-making instrument, the determinant of data type related to health communication, and determinant of possible knowledge details (Bowling, 2014). The use of the quantitative analysis techniques in research studies helps the researcher to minimize the personal perceptions’ influence on the investigations however assumptions are present underlying the conceptual frameworks of the studies (Bowling, 2014).

Article 6

The overweight health phenomenon is prevailing in children under age in almost all countries around the world in an increasing manner. Renata et al. (2013) investigated the prevalence of obesity in school-going children between 6-11 years. The researcher and co-researchers took a sample of one hundred and nine schools and conducted a cross-sectional study. Alongside a sample of parents using 16,588 questionnaires, a survey was conducted. The study showed results that were contrary to the national average reported officially. The researchers concluded that only a moderate level of obesity prevails in school-going children and they further recommended that the phenomenon shall be monitored further for a raised level of awareness and to provide participative knowledge to the policymakers for the development of prevention policies for the nation.

Article 7

Carnell and his co-researchers 2005 investigated the perception of overweight among parents of children between 3-5 years of age. They took a large sample of 564 parents and children from the United Kingdom. They obtained the demographics of children, their height, and weight. The results indicated increased odds of perceptions of overweight among parents as only 1.9 % of them had overweight children and 17.1% of obese children were able to describe overweight. However, a few numbers of parents were worried about their overweight children’s chances of getting obese in the future. The researchers concluded that parents’ awareness of the phenomenon of being overweight was poor.

Research Methodology

Literature Search Strategies

Public health is a social phenomenon related to the health and well-being of the individuals residing in society and a multidisciplinary topic of research. A substantial body of research exists on the subject, and researchers from some fields such as sociology, medicine, public administration, communication and information technology, and psychology have attempted investigations on the different aspects of the phenomenon. The vast and increasing range of research studies is there and the new researchers to find the literature with the most relevant and helpful material for the topic and research questions development. The present study aims at investigating the relationship between health education and the reduction of obesity in children between 4-10 years. Hence the researcher attempted to break down the topic into some possible terms that could fetch the relevant literature from the huge body of existing research in the field.

i). Search terms.

Public health phenomenon as a research topic incorporates some related variables that can be investigated employing various research designs such as exploring relationships between the variables and the difference. The existing researchers can be reviewed using different terms and “terminology of public health” distinguishing them into categories such as names of variables, number of variables, research methods used, research designs, population, and sample, etc. The terms used to search the literature on the proposed research topic were used as below.

The subject topic “Public Health” was searched for an understanding of the topic and the variables of the present research topic were broken down into possible different arrangements such as “obesity in children”, and “obesity and Children” and were used to search the literature of the topic. The terms used to search the literature on the proposed research topic were used as below.

“Public Health”

“Obesity in Children”

“Obesity and Children”

“Health Education”

“Health education for Children.”

“Government Policies in Children’s Health”

“Health Education in Schools

ii). Inclusion Criteria

The researcher developed fundamental criteria of inclusion for the search for relevant research previously conducted on the topic. The search to be done;

  • In English
  • About humans
  • About topics that are most relevant to the “Children’s health, public health, care, health education through mass communication, obesity in children below ten years of age and its relationship to obesity reduction.”
  • Assessment of every article consisting of the topic of research

Prevention policies by the government must include the additional criteria;

Evidently based on public health by the regulatory bodies

Background knowledge of research in the development of public policies

Policies particularly catering health of children under age

The research articles and systematic reviews included containing following additional criteria for inclusion

Systematic (scientific) research

Using either qualitative or/and quantitative method of research

Involves public health education, and official policies on health and human subject.

Outcome measures of a known factor of public health

iii). Exclusion criteria.

“Public health” understandably can have a range of meanings associated with it as it is a broad concept involving various disciplines. Scholars have different views on the concept that constitutes “public health” as a term for an academic and professional research project. That makes it necessary for the researcher to derive an exclusion criterion for the study design so that it is clear and narrowed down to the specific aim of the study. The inclusion and exclusion criteria of this research are exclusively for the present study and may not be representing the views of professionals and scholars or any other on public health. The researcher recognizes that the development of these criteria is not a perfect science and is based on the researcher’s understanding of the topic. The following exclusion criteria have been derived for the present study.

Research published in any other language than English

Research published before 2005

iv). Relevant sources.

Statistics on public health-related issues and sources for obtaining are available increasingly on the internet. Many data sources, sorted neatly are possible to find the most relevant information on the research topic. Governmental studies and official data from practising and academic scholars are considered the most reliable sources. The articles for this paper were searched to fulfill the requirements of the background knowledge and the following relevant sources were used;

CDC Wonder

A handy data source is presenting a list of data sets on health-related issues. A collection of documents is there including CDC Prevention guidelines, and such materials are shown in the form of a table of contents. Full-text articles can be searched through this data source.

HSRIC: Health services research Information Central

Health Services Research Information Central is a great source of data relevant to the health services field of practice and academics. It is a portal where internet links to the research resources such as reports, articles, and group discussions are provided. A massive body of health services research resources can be explored here to base further research and investigation into the public health field. Federal and non-federal data repositories, health statistics, surveys, and international resources are included in the portal.

Fast Stats

Instant access to the statistics on the topic of public health and its importance is available on this site arranged alphabetically. A huge number of publications is available on the site which leads to more data sources, existing statistics, and relevant material containing web pages.

Minnesota Public Health Data Access

This is also a website portal that gives access to the data resources on various public health topics along with environmental topics. All the topics on which data is available are listed arrayed in alphabetical arrangement right on the home page for the ease of use of articles. A separate tab for access to the relevant topics is there such as environmental health topics are all available under one tab, similarly the health behaviors, public health, and risk factors. Besides the definitions of words are available to read at the hover of a mouse pointer; also it shows the numbers of data in charts.

Child Health: World Health Organization

World Health Organisation has vast data resources available on public health generally and child health specifically. Researchers can find an enormous number of data resources through World Health Organization’s data center.

Data Resource Center for Child and Adolescent Health

The data resource Center for Child and Adolescents Health provides data resources on the topics of child health and adolescent health and health care.


This website was beneficial for the search for relevant sources for this paper; a few most pertinent links were obtained from this site to study the public health publications in the United Kingdom.

International Journal of Obesity

A couple of articles studied in the paper were obtained from the works listed in the International Journal of Obesity. This Journal also has a vast range of papers on the topic of obesity in children and adolescents.

v) Data Extraction

Data extraction from the selected data sources proved a challenging task for the paper. As the paper is a systematic review of the literature, the standardized format of using a data extraction table was used for extracting the key relevant information from the studies reviewed.

Study Reviewed Design Setting and Participants Interventions Study objective Summary results
Karnik and Kanekar Review Library-based research Community and Government interventions and activities Investigation of the relationship between parental and school-based education on childhood, adolescent obesity Interventions used to reduce obesity in youth were school-based, family-based, hospital-based, and community-based.
Howel et al., 2015 Longitudinal study 2120 families raising children until 13years of age Risk factors To investigate if childhood overweight has an association with mental health in pre-adolescence age Ross-lagged links, the association between variables differed depending upon child development trajectory
Sarah Baker et al., 2011 Systematic Review library research Infants to Six years kids healthy eating habits, reduced sedentary activity, sustained physical exercises certain interventions are found to be successful in experimental studies to stop or lower the obesity rate in children under six years
Inglis et al., 2012 Systematic Review Post-March and Pre-March Reviews Physical activity, nutritional habits The success of school-based education on nutrition School-based education reduced the outcomes in compared groups.
Haynes, B. and Browne, N. (2016) Survey study N/A Childhood Obesity, Health Literacy, and the Newest Vital Sign Results of this study indicated that children with high obesity were, partly, due to parents’ low health literacy. This study suggested that both child and parent must have health literacy to have reduced obesity among children less than ten years of age.
Renata et al., 2013 Cross-sectional survey study One hundred and nine schools Level of awareness among parents and schools on health issues Investigation of prevalence in 6-11-year-olds Only a moderate level of obesity prevailed among kids
Lobstein et al., 2015 Systematic review N/A overconsumption of food and low nutritional quality of food To analyze the level of obesity in children Obesity in United States and worldwide children has increased over the years
Carnel et al.,. 2005 Survey study Parents and children from the United Kingdom Parents ‘ perception of overweight children To assess the parents’ perception accuracy of overweight 1.9 % of parents of overweight children and 17.1% of parents of children with obesity could describe the phenomenon of being overweight. The odds of perceptions were increased.
Zilanawala et al., 2015 Comparative quantitative study Overweight children of five years from the United Kingdom and the United States Racial/ethnic disparities To investigate ethnic disparities among the United Kingdom and the United States kids’ odds of overweight and obesity The United Kingdom had more minority kids’ obesity odds whereas the United States’ obesity was not related to ethnic/racial disparities

Chapter 3.


The selected articles were studied to construct the present paper. The topic was broken down to search the relevant research material on public health specifically related to childhood and adolescent obesity. Some interventions are associated with the obesity in children phenomenon of public health and assessment of these interventions prove to be of complex nature and context-based, that demand for a programmatic, scientific approach for research. Not a single research approach may be considered efficient enough in an assessment of interventions related to childhood and adolescent obesity.

A variety of research designs were found in the existing literature, and the methods of research most often used were quantitative. The evaluation of the evidence is highly dependent on the criteria of assessment as per failure or success of the interventions. The current paper looked into the studies that were close to the topic and found that researchers have attempted some methods to come up with accurate results of the studies. Survey articles used a quantitative approach, but some of them used a combination of qualitative and quantitative techniques. Longitudinal studies especially used a high combo of research methods and analysis techniques as the studies were big and involved interventions demanding both qualitative and quantitative analysis for their assessment.

It is not always the use of research techniques applied to the interventions causing the failure of evidence; sometimes the interventions inherently are faulty. The study design wholly or solely is not adequate in determining the success or failure of public health interventions.

Chapter 4.

Analysis of Evidence

Studying and evaluating the given number of studies on public health issues especially related to kids and adolescents is invaluable to research scholars as a systematic review of the literature. The evidence-based researchers have fostered some conceptual frameworks within which rigor and validity can evaluate the research. However, there is developing acknowledgment that even evidence‐based rules from firmly controlled investigations, in a perfect world controlled by arbitrary tasks, may not be an adequate system to measure the majority of the data expected to outline a mediation suitable for a group of people.

How best to place evidence into powerful practice to accomplish a planned reduction of obesity has for quite some time been an issue of worry in inquiring about on damage field. Research‐to‐practice holes have dependably existed, and advance in this subject has been moderate. Variables that add to this issue incorporate passes in communication amongst analysts and specialists, and administration conveyance issues, for example, the absence of open mindfulness, poor financing, and a non‐supportive political air. Logical distributions of research on intercession viability, which don’t give data valuable to wide-scale general health spread, likewise add to the problem.1 Additional issue referred to by general health experts are that mediations might be too barely engaged, mind-boggling, troublesome, and expensive, or may not draw in or meet the apparent needs of the community.2,3,4 Once settled, anticipation programs must be managed with adequate foundation and long‐term force, requiring significant asset venture. The articles studied in the present paper are one by one summarised as below;

Article 1

Karnik and Kanekar completed twelve years in length inquiry about on youth corpulence as a worldwide general wellbeing emergency. The examination depended on the chief databases MEDLINE, ERIC, and CINAHL. The marvel under examination was the national and global youth stoutness emergency. The specialists set that an expansion in youth corpulence has been seen in recent years the world over. The significant purpose of this wonder is lopsidedness in the use of calories and admission of calories. There are other causal factors too, for example, behavioral, hereditary, and ecological assume a part of youth weight. Youth corpulence in this way causes mental, physical, and social medical issues through succeeding periods of life. Different elements adding to the marvel and mediations on group and government level were tended to in the examination. The outcomes demonstrated that mediations used to lessen heftiness in youth were school-based, family-based, healing facility-based, and group-based. School-based intercessions focused on sound eating routine instruction and physical action.

Article 2

The quantity of hefty youngsters is multiplied since 1980. It was found in 2016 that sixteen percent of youngsters between the age of 6-19 years. The rate of heftiness was higher among the Mexican-American youngsters at 25.5 percent, and the Indian-American hefty kids were 23.2 percent, and white teenagers, non-Hispanic who had a place with bringing down wage families had a tendency to be more stout when contrasted with their age-mates from higher social classes. Late years have watched that weight-related medical issues introduced in grown-ups have shown up in the youthful populace. As indicated by Howel and co-scientists that dietary patterns causing stoutness are affected by various factors, for example, families, social insurance administrations accessible, group associations, religion, broad communications, and instructive organizations. The investigation recommends that schools alone can’t help diminish the corpulence rate in kids yet it can’t be halted by and large without school-based mediations.

Article 3

In August 2011 Sarah Baker a Public wellbeing nutritionist and her associates composed a paper on successful general wellbeing intercessions to stop the stoutness increment in youngsters from newborn children to six years of age. The exploration question they tended to was “what are viable general wellbeing intercessions to keep corpulence in youngsters from birth to six years.” It was an efficient audit of writing brought out utilizing optional information through library research of PsycInfo, Medline, and CINAHL. The conclusion showed that specific intercessions are observed to be fruitful in trial concentrates to stop or lower the corpulence rate in kids under six years. These intercessions included good dieting propensities, diminished stationary action, managed physical activities, socio-social and financial affectability, and association of family and schools

Article 4

General wellbeing Ontario’s look into “Tending to Obesity in Children and Youth” was an optional information-based research-led with the administrator; s help utilizing dark writing sources and electronic information bases. The analysts displayed the report in April 2012. The exploration assessed the articles and papers distributed on four factors, corpulence, intercessions, viability, and kid. An aggregate of 838 papers distinguished mediations that were viable for the counteractive action of youth corpulence. The majority of the surveys were observed to center around the youngsters, and youth deceived by heftiness in a school setting and had intercession of nutritious propensities and physical action. Five of the examination papers’ outcomes exhibited that school-based intercessions were fruitful in decreasing the anthropometric results of the gatherings thought about. Notwithstanding, the two examinations did not demonstrate any noteworthy distinction in the result of the gatherings under test.

Article 5

A place for Community kid Health imperial Children’s clinic’s investigate group arranged a report for OzChild: Children Australia titled “To advance familiarity with the hazard factors that add to youth heftiness and survey the capacity of guardians to create shared techniques to diminish such dangers.” The analysts set that difference in ways of life of kids and teenagers in the created nations have changed the methods for their physical exercises level and also their eating g and nourishing propensities. The intercessions contemplated were physical movement and eating practices created by the impacts of family, schools, and financial variables. The report recommended that the sustenance training given in schools center around teaching the children about nourishment as well as building up the practices and abilities identified with sustenance arrangement, safeguarding, socio-social parts of eating, and dietary patterns connected with individual preparation and positive self-perception.

Article 7

Zilanawala and co-analysts 2013 endeavored to research the danger of obesity in childhood nearly in the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The intercessions utilized were the ethnic characterizations that deliver the rate of obesity in the two countries’ children of five years. They acquired information on overweight five years of age children from “Early longitudinal Study, Birth Cohort” and “thousand years Cohort Study” and analyzed those. They essentially examined the racial differences’ association with Body Mass Index similar to the typical weight. The components and factors of the study were social, demographical, social and family to demonstrate the aberrations. The exploration found that in the United Kingdom Black Children Caribbean had a higher proportion of changes in overweight and obesity as in 1.7, Pakistani children had brought down chances proportion as in 0.60 and Black African had the most noteworthy potential odd proportion as in 1.40. In the examination, the United States had no ethnic inconsistencies identified with obesity chances in children given that intercessions display completely balanced.

Article 8

Baillie and Black (2015) discussed the sic Cs of minding created as a result of across-the-board conference practice held by the Department of Health in England, examining the “benefits of nursing”, ” values for medical caretakers” distributed in ” Comparison in Practice: nursing, nursing and Care Staff: Our Vision and Strategy” in 2012. The vision supported the joining of six mindings esteems into nursing practice. Baillie and Black investigated these six esteems; Care is the prime business of healthcare associations in the general public, and the arrangement of care helps people and groups as an entire to enhance health. Minding is the meaning of nursing and attendants’ work. Individuals looking for such care anticipate that it will serve them properly all through their medicines amid the traverse of life. Sympathy alludes to the method for conveying care in light of the relationship of regard, compassion, and nobility. The factor of insight in the arrangement of nursing care is additionally epitomized in the vision spinning around the possibility that how individuals see care from healthcare experts. Capability alludes to having the required information, aptitudes, and conveyance techniques alongside a capacity to comprehend the importance of care to a person according to health needs and furthermore a comprehension of minding parts. Correspondence is a focal idea in an arrangement of compelling healthcare given connections of sympathy. To comprehend the issue and needs of patient “no choice about me without me”, it is imperative to have viable listening abilities and impart him “give it a second thought” to an agreeable level. The way to adequacy in the working environment is correspondence. Fearlessness includes the execution of the right routine with regards to wanting to the individual, the imaginative approach, and individual quality to take a position for honesty. Responsibility implies an absolute devotion to the calling care without ambiguities and redirection. Duty fabricates quality to address the difficulties in the work environment and the field general (Baillie and Black, 2015).

Article 9

Looking into the health interventions associated with correspondence of health-related issues and the education of health training and healthcare to people. Socio-mental work on the thoughts of dissemination of health-related problems and matters through mass intervened messages showed up alongside the appearance of technological advancements and diverts in contemporary society (Katz, Coleman, and Menzel, 1966). Researchers from pharmaceutical and nursing fields are keener on examining the intuitive correspondence between the health mind supplier and recipient and such investigations have dependably been distributed under the head of health correspondence frequently in diaries, for example, “Persistent training and Counseling”. In the current decades two or three new concentration zone have increased hospitable places in health correspondence explore; projection of health-related issues in media content and the part of correspondence innovations in a spread of health issues. To begin with, the center territory is how broad communications; both print and communication including web-based social networking, present, and task health-related issues, and the second region brings together the exploration of data innovation and health mind innovation in general health (Bowling, 2014). Breaking down the media crusade on general health and their prosperity or disappointment is another measurement of a research center in healthcare division and mass correspondence. Early research body on health correspondence tends to delineate not an all-the-time utilization of quantitative techniques in examinations rather they were utilizing the subjective investigation strategies. Throughout the decades, be that as it may, health correspondence examinations have received a more refined approach. Late explores are expansions of the prior reviews or are based upon hypotheses exhibited by those. Theories grew as of late are much smaller and concentrated on the separate subject of study and factorial outlines of examinations are more in vogue when contrasted with the early investigations that broke down a single variable at one time. Techniques for the study to make a difference in the creation of specific outcomes. The method utilized as a part of specific research demonstrates our particular comprehension of the health correspondence

Article 10

The overweight health phenomenon is winning in children under age in all nations around the globe in an undeniable way. Renata et al. (2013) explored the pervasiveness of obesity in school-going children between 6-11 years. The analyst and co-scientists took an example of one hundred and nine schools and directed a cross-sectional study. Nearby on a sample of parents utilizing 16,588 polls, a review was directed. The study indicated comes about that were in opposition to the national normal revealed formally. The scientists reasoned that an exclusive direct level of obesity wins in the school-going children and they additionally prescribed that the phenomenon might be screen assist for a raised level of mindfulness and give participative information to the arrangement creators for the advancement of anticipation strategies for the country.

Article 11

Carnell and his co-specialists in 2005 researched the impression of being overweight among parents of children between 3-5 years old. They took a substantial example of 564 parents and children from the United Kingdom. They got the socioeconomics of children, their stature, and their weight. The outcomes showed expanded chances of an impression of being overweight among parents as just 1.9 % of them have overweight children and 17.1% of stout children could depict overweight. However, some parents were stressed over their overweight children’s odds of getting stout in the future. The scientists inferred that parents’ mindfulness of the phenomenon of being overweight was poor.

Right now the United Kingdom has an exhaustive approach to liquor and tobacco that is viewed as a standout amongst the most all-around conceived strategies on health issues. Cairney explored a portion of the critical components associated with the active general health crusades on the fulfillment of liquor and examinations the obstacles making issues development in the quest for stringent liquor control. Both liquor and tobacco are legal addictions in the United Kingdom. Researchers from the restorative science and general health disciplines examine the risks related to the utilization of these both, assemble evidence, and promote the arrangements that are intended to control liquor and cigarette utilization and the health dangers associated with it (Cairney, 2014).

General health bunches are more worried about examining the degree to which the public health arrangements are u

unforeseen as answers to the issue. They search for the positive relationship of mechanisms given by the strategies on the lessening of liquor and cigarette. Be that as it may, the reaction has been discovered feeble or lopsided towards the issue approaches. Strategy reaction may take a very long time to make its expected extent to issue. Cairney’s examinations propose that there is a hole between arrangement reaction towards liquor and cigarette. UK health approaches concerning alcohol and cigarette utilization are among the best far and wide (Cairney et al., 2012).

The United Kingdom’s Department of Health (2009) has contrived rules for the healthcare segment and overall population to ensure the health of the youth of the country from 5-19 years old named as Healthy Child Program. The HCP has furnished with the proposals that in what ways distinctive social establishments like family, instruction and healthcare can put aggregate endeavors to considerably enhance life odds of child and youth of the country between 5-19 years. HCP has additionally concocted rules as in great practice system for intercessions and anticipation benefits in the early years of children. The Health Ministry led a review in 2004 named “Each Child Matters” in which youthful children and teenagers recognized the basics of their lives which turned into the establishment of a Healthy Child Program. These five vitalities of children and young people’s lives are; to be healthy, well-being, appreciate and accomplish, make commitments to the general public and gain economic success.

The rule of nonmaleficence in healthcare makes it compulsory for the worries to cause and direct no damage. This guideline is viewed as imperative since the systemized healthcare rehearse exists. It has fitted for healthcare experts to act in a helpful way, yet if that isn’t conceivable, they are urged to make no mischief in any event. There is a thin line of distinction between the two ideas, making individuals confound these and think about them as one and a similar thing. Nonmaleficence is a rule that “one should not perpetrate shrewdness or damage” (Beauchamp and Childress, 2013), though helpfulness is tied in with following the three standards “one should avoid underhandedness or hurt, one should evacuate malice or mischief, one should do or advance great” (Beauchamp and Chidress, 2013).


Public health has attracted scholars from various fields, and a huge body of research has been established in this area. Many public health phenomena associated with social science, psychology, medicine, education, communication and information, and public administration have been studied and investigated. Research provides a great deal of help to social and official concerns of public health. Obesity in children has become a public health crisis around the world, and effective interventions are associated with it as prevention and control strategies. Present systematic review attempted to review the government documents and research investigations on the topic. It is concluded that there are some causes found in the evidence giving rise to childhood obesity but several interventions applied at the public level by government and social establishments can help significantly in the prevention and control of obesity in children and adolescents. The primary and extended knowledge of health issues in parents and peers is hugely important to reduce or eliminate the causes and prevent the consequences. Studies reviewed suggest that there is a gap between practice and research suggestions as to educating the parents, teachers, and other social peers on the subject of overweight, its causes, and consequences.

Parents are found to be least aware of the overweight and obesity illness in children, the majority of them perceive it as either wrong or normal health. They are also unaware of the effects of obesity on a child’s mental health and growth, self-esteem, behavioral modes, and social relationships with their fellow kids in schools and playgrounds. Children themselves are not aware that they are suffering from a certain kind of illness which is obesity. Studies also suggest the use of effective communication strategies at the public level to raise awareness level on health issues. Mass-mediated education through effective channels and technology as per the needs of communities and social sectors is an enormous potential intervention strategy that can raise the health education levels in society. The systematic review help formulate the research questions for further studies.


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