Academic Master


Working Woman, 1800-1930″ by Nancy Cott and Jonathan Trumbull

The article “working Woman, 1800-1930” is written by Nancy Cott and Jonathan Trumbull and is the sole representation of the women through the 1800’s. The focus was aimed to present the women participation through the times when the US was passing through the developmental stages. The woman was always a source of inspiration and motivation behind nay achievement, but their efforts were never acknowledged. The research conducted for this article short-listed the pictures and brought every female in Limelight who was responsible for achieving any milestone or brought a change in the society. The feminist community is getting with the passage of time. ‘The Women Movement’ by Joan Didion reflects the similar thoughts that when the females have been able to play their role equivalently to males then why they not considered equal in the status (Didion, 2017).

The article was published in the New York Times and was able to receive major appreciation because the thoughts and the hardships of the woman are though not the same but are relevantly similar to the 1800’s. The paradigm shift in the time and the circumstances have been able to raise the voice for the women through the social media, which is the quick and easy access to every ordinary person. However, it is observed that even the society is becoming a more prone feminist society, but the females are still vulnerable.

The numerous issues which are reported or go unreported may comply with the fact that the women have been productive since the inception of the new region and are still playing an important role in the building of the society. It is though hard to gather data for the accomplishments of the women so far and to compare that is the female gender being able to comply with the success for the society. The history is decorated with fewer female involvement but the article “Working Woman, 1800-1930” has been able to fill the void (“Women Working, 1800-1930”, 2007).


Didion, J. (2017). The Women’s Retrieved 26 May 2017, from

Women Working, 1800-1930. (2007). Choice Reviews Online44(12), 44-7046-44-7046.



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