Academic Master


Who Am I?

To address this question, “Who am I?” I have the ability the determination my social position and also to analyze the reasons behind it by applying Cooley’s Looking Glass. This is the theory by which we develop ourselves by means of interacting with others. Here, I will address various sociological aspects and factors which had an impact on me and contributed to creating what I am now. I am Maria, a person who loves being social and friendly with people around me. Since I am an American and was born and grew up in a rural town, I am much of an outdoor person.

Exploring people and places is what excites me the most. I seek day-to-day excitements and adventures. I find routine boring. In fact, I wake up every morning keeping something in my mind that must be different from the previous days to make me happy or satisfied. This new thought can be any goal or something good that I expect to happen. When I notice that my life is going on without any excitement or something new, I do things like having a haircut, or going for a trip, etc. These things fill that gap which I feel in such situations. I am not a person who goes with the flow. I work hard on what I want and tend to control the situations taking place. I am not a person who takes an interest in other people’s matters, and nor have I thought about what others think of me. I follow my own rules and choices.

My family and the people around me have always taught me that I am not inferior but equal to the opposite gender. And therefore, I have been a strong girl who has never felt weak in front of any man. Moreover, I adapt well to the changing environment if I like the change. Sometimes, these changes also disturb me, and extreme frustration overcomes me. As far as education is concerned, I believe that it is the most important part of everyone’s life. I am not a nerd, but I study enough that I feel it is sufficient. I don’t keep competition with my fellows as this induces feelings of jealousy, and then the sincere sentiments fade away from my heart. I focus on my work and keep competing with myself. In fact, I encourage my fellows and siblings to study more and work hard.

Sometimes, I get too lazy to perform any activity, and on other occasions, I am very active and enthusiastic. In my lazy times, I don’t feel like interacting with anyone or getting socially inactive. And this usually happens when I am disturbed about something. My parents are always worried about the financial means, and this keeps me disturbed. On the other hand, it urges me to work harder to fulfil every need of my family.

I am also very sensitive regarding my private life and do not like people invading it whom I don’t allow. I am socially confident, and this helps me get through many problems of the outer world. This confidence I have gotten from the problems I used to face earlier. I couldn’t even ask a shopkeeper to buy a thing. My nervousness, I feel, was due to my mother as she also has a nervous nature. I am good at explaining and describing things. Due to this, I am considered a talkative person. Often, I have noticed that talkative people are not trustworthy, but as for me, I keep others’ secrets and open my own. I am like an open book to all the people who are close to me: family and friends. I am straightforwardly honest, and that creates problems sometimes. However, in that honesty, I don’t insult anyone.

One thing I valued the most in my life was the bond between my parents. This bond has always been impacting me both positively and negatively. When they are together and have a good time, it gives me the happiness and that energy that nothing in the world can give me. On the other hand, whenever I see them arguing or fighting, I get disturbed and lose my faith in marital bonds. Negativity overcame me, and at that time, I thought not to get married and stay single all my life.

I can’t bear those people in my life who give negative vibes and do not show any sincerity to anyone. One of my friends always gave me such kind vibes, and I always felt that she wasn’t sincere with me through her body language and words. I started keeping a distance from her gradually. One of the negative traits I possess is that the people with whom I get friendly and frank, I expect the same honesty and sincerity as I am towards them. Every member of my family is broadminded which made me this way, and thus I don’t interact much with the people who are narrow-minded. I don’t feel like making them understand things since their responses and reactions arouse aggressive emotions in me.

My temper is short, like my father, and I try my best to control it. Hence, I try not to argue with the people who can’t or don’t want to understand my views or opinions. I also don’t like people being fake. I can’t pretend things. What’s in my heart gets expressed through my facial expressions and the way I react. My mother says that not being able to pretend is not a very good thing since sometimes there come situations in life when we have got to pretend our emotions. Hence, the things which I think are important for my life are honesty, sincerity, a humble attitude, and being real. This is how my qualities, both positive and negative, shape my social life. These are partly due to the family impact and genetic influence and partly through the day-to-day experiences and interactions with the people around.



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