Academic Master


Vigorously defend Globalism. Explain why it is superior to Nationalism.

Globalism is an ideology of free movement of the people that encourages inter-cultural exchange which focuses on the priorities and interests of other states before focusing on their own. It is a political ideology that emphasizes the importance of international interdependence and cooperation which is based on the belief that the world is interconnected. Nationalism, on the other hand, is a sense of pride and a state of affection that a country and its citizens have in itself. It spreads the belief of protecting and promoting the culture of people and their way of living as a state putting their own interests before focusing on others. For instance, if a citizen of South Africa moves from their home nation to the United States, a host nation, they uphold their own culture even though they now live in the U.S. preventing inter-cultural exchange and interaction that could improve their way of living. Building on the illustrations of Globalism and Nationalism, it is inferred that Globalism is superior because it promotes and reinforces international peace, cooperation, and stability around the globe.

In contrast to Nationalism, the ideology of Globalism promotes open borders, free trade, and the free movement of goods, ideas, and people beyond national boundaries. This ideology also encourages the sharing of knowledge and resources among different nations to promote progress and innovation. It believes that nations should work together to address global challenges such as terrorism, climate change, and poverty (Hutchinson, 2003). This makes Globalism superior to Nationalism because it recognizes that we live in an interconnected world where nations can collectively achieve more than they could alone, and one nation has a significant impact on other nations. By working together, nations can achieve stability and peace under the umbrella of Globalism by reducing tensions and fostering mutual understanding between nations. Nations through adhering to this ideology can also help nations to address global problems that no single nation can save alone.

Furthermore, the reason which supports the argument that Globalism is superior to Nationalism is that the latter encourages competition between nations which may lead to conflict and war as it promotes closed borders, restrictions of immigration, protectionism, and the restrictions of trade. The political ideology of Nationalism emphasizes the importance of national sovereignty based on the belief that each nation should pursue its own interests without any interference from other nations. However, Globalism focuses on the conscious integration of countries, societies, cultures, and economies around the world and is associated with numerous benefits as compared to Nationalism including economic growth, greater cultural exchange, and improved living standards (Farina, 2021). Thus, Globalism is superior to the ideology of Nationalism as it emphasizes the recognition that human beings live in an increasingly interconnected world where global issues require global solutions.

In conclusion, Globalism is the expansion of interdependencies and interconnectedness that shape the view of the world and supersede laws and norms of the nation-state by subverting the law of the people. Globalists, therefore, want to create a world that would subvert national sovereignty and foster the positives of greater interconnections promoting cooperation, collaboration, and economic integration in the world. Nationalism and country-first policies in today’s world can no longer work because the world is in search of a wide array of opportunities that connect the dots between different nations and contribute to the overall productivity and prosperity of the globe. Summing up the debate that Globalism is superior to Nationalism, the former ideology is associated with positives such as growth, development, and maturation in comparison to the latter which is often linked to conflict, bigotry, and protectionism which strongly favors that Globalism is about the overall success of the world over the success of any single country.

Pretend you are currently a successful manager at an American company based in California. You have just been told you will be transferred (same level job) to China for a three-year assignment. How will you go about it? What will you do differently?

As a successful manager currently serving at an American company, I would be excited and overwhelmed to take on a new challenge and embrace the opportunity to work in China for a three-year assignment in order to thrive professionally in my field. However, I would also be aware of the challenges and differences that come with the change in culture and working in a foreign country. Firstly, I would ensure that I have all the necessary documentation including a visa, work permit, copy of the contract with the Chinese company, and Z-visa required for work in China. I would also make sure that my original university certificates and criminal background checks are notarized in the country I am currently working in. Secondly, I would research the cultural customs and norms of China to better avoid the conflicts and differences in culture which will help me better understand Chinese people and their way of living. The prior research about the culture and customs of China before actually landing in the country would help me to communicate more effectively with my officials, colleagues, and clients and avoid any cultural misunderstandings.

Based on the ideology of Globalism to work in a completely different country and culture of China, I would try to learn basic words and Mandarin Chinese in particular, as it is the most widely spoken language in China, in order to avoid conflicts that could arise due to the language barrier. This would also help me embrace the differences between Chinese and American culture and I would be willing to learn from my colleagues in an effective manner. This ideology would also help me become open-minded and flexible when it comes to adapting to the new environment, new workforce, new staff, as well as new ways of living and working. Regarding my candidacy for a managerial role in a completely different culture and environment, my approach to management through flexibility and adaptability would allow me to be a role model for others to follow. I would pre-plan my managerial role while I would be in California so that I could set the course and direction as being a visionary leader for my subordinates working under me while taking care of their needs and understanding their strengths so that they can reach the highest of their abilities.

Furthermore, I would also familiarize myself with the business practices and etiquette in China which can differ significantly from those in the United States. As per my knowledge about business culture in China and other Asian countries, building relationships is a key to doing business successfully. Therefore, I would prioritize building strong relationships with my clients, colleagues, and other stakeholders. Moreover, I would also make an effort to understand the local market and consumer preferences to tailor the company’s products and services accordingly. To ensure a smooth transition from American culture to Chinese culture, I would seek guidance from my Human Resources (HR) personnel about the rules of employment for foreigners in China to make sure that I follow all relevant rules and regulations of the country as well as the workforce. Overall, as a successful manager in an American company in California, I believe that with proper preparation and an open mind, working in China for a three-year assignment can be a rewarding experience both professionally and personally.


Farina, J. (2021). Nationalism, Globalism, and Religion. Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia, 77(Fasc. 1), 411–426.

Hutchinson, J. (2003). Nationalism, globalism, and the conflict of civilizations. In Nationalism and its Futures (pp. 71–92). Springer.




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