Academic Master

Laws and International Laws

Traffic Police Consumer Complaint Division

Writing Process

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Date: 01-12-2018

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Dear Inspector in Charge Traffic Police

I have been driving in the winter season when the snow was blazing. I suffered a fiery accident during my drive, and I felt that there was nothing on the road to guide the drivers. From this, I have assumed that Driving is stated as the cautious practice and driving of the automobile. Consequently, it follows that driving is a skill, ability or interest which is reliant on a person’s independence. Fruitful driving is dependent on several features. These features comprise the psychological and bodily state of the person navigating, the atmosphere in which the automobile is being functioned, and the climate situation. There are substantial differences in weather patterns that are presented with seasons. In this respect, driving is relatively different during the different seasons of the year. More precisely, the experience of driving during the extreme seasons is different. Winter and summer suggest two different situations that result in different driving understanding.

There are discrete dissimilarities in driving in the summer and winter. Though some features are required for comparison, two different skill sets are often needed. Due to commonly extreme weather and supplementary challenging driving situations, like snowfall and hoarfrost, winter is undoubtedly the more problematic season in which to drive. Summer has a milder cold, and it has its encounters rather than winter. Striking sun, extreme thunderstorms, and temperatures that can effortlessly burn an automobile are some of its vulnerabilities.

In the summers, there is mostly less rain and snowfall, which makes roadway situations precarious. With dry roadways, cars and drivers respond faster to the circumstances, escaping accident possibilities. In the winter, rain and snowfall make the roads slippery and less forbearing in precarious situations. Even if a driver is focused, winter conditions may cause a vehicle to be out of control at the slimmest touch of the foot brakes. Winter drivers should be more careful of the distance between cars in case they desire to stop rapidly. Winter drivers may also have to contend with frostiness and condensation on the openings of vehicles. Both are the cause of reduced reflectiveness and decreased driver responsiveness. Summer is warmer and dryer, and it reduces the chance of frost and condensation problems.

Individuals possibly will be driving at much slower speeds in the winter. The speed zone might be 55 or less than this, but it is the other way around on extreme snow days with a speed of 40. In the summer, everyone enjoys the windows down, and the music is booming. In the winter, still enjoy the music, but the windows are up! During frosty road circumstances, any road can become hazardous. However, most accidents occur in the following areas: bridge flyovers and preeminent roadways, steep peaks, high-speed highway bends and others. And on all of them, driving gently and carefully could stop many accidents from happening.

Driving in bad winter conditions is a dangerous assignment and should be avoided. However, most people cannot prevent it and discover a way to make circumstances as safe as possible. Furthermore, driving in snowy conditions also makes it tougher to see. On scorching summer days, they even grasp bullying. When it’s hot, liquids and greases or oils can break down more quickly, tyres are subject to more worry, and an automobile undergoes more attire and split.

Driving in winter cops more hazards than driving in summer. This is what the whole thing will have to sit down. Don does not drive in severe winter weather at all, except it is compulsory. Meanwhile, winter and summer driving is entirely different, but there are occasions where numerous resemblances can be pointed out. The coincidences for driving during the two seasons tell that the significant hazards are modelled. However, these dangers can be observed as differences.

I am looking forward to your reply and need a resolution regarding the safety measurements on the roads during this time of the year.


Your name,



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