Academic Master


To Keep a Republic

Benjamin Franklin allegedly said, “A republic, lady, if you can retain it,” as he was quitting the Constituent Assembly. Despite the widespread belief that we reside in a democratic society, understanding the distinction between a “Republic” and “Democracy” can help us appreciate why Benjamin Franklin referred to the United States as a “republic”. When the government was established, it made considerable efforts to establish a republic with a small number of elected representatives. The Republic is a system of governance where the citizens hold authority, but legislators are appointed to wield it. The US is a republic and an absolute embodiment of democracy. True democracy, which frequently leads to populist control, was dreaded by the forefathers, versed in history. A democratic republic isn’t intended to achieve that since it will soothe people’s enthusiasm. (Metaxas, 2016)

“A democracy if you can retain it.” I think with this comment, Benjamin Franklin was speaking about people’s choices, active engagement and making a system effective, the people must contribute to selecting their elected politicians. It depends on people’s activities and engagement to make it operate. In a democracy, legislation is passed by a majority vote, however, in a republic, the constitution restricts the leadership’s power to pass laws. Individuals and ethnic minorities are safeguarded as well. Franklin was merely emphasizing that it is the duty and obligation to keep the Republic strong. Voting, becoming an educated voter and contacting your elected officials are all ways we can help change the law.(Kendall-Taylor & Nietsche)

Although this governance has been carried along from generation to generation, it is not free. The unwritten rules are equally as significant as the written ones in a society ruled by laws. For the U.S to be a constitutional republic, the people must do their civic obligations. Otherwise, the country would fall apart like the ancient Greek ruins. By completing some civic tasks, such as being knowledgeable about the democratic establishment and current events, voting, and contributing, one may help prevent a disaster like this from occurring. (Metaxas, 2016)

These customs are essential to the country’s continued survival since they help its citizens determine what they require at any given time. In the absence of these activities, democracy will collapse, and society will suffer in the meantime. Being aware of the world’s current events, especially in one’s nation, is an essential aspect of civic responsibility. To make wise judgments, you must be interested in the political arena and the latest news. A fundamental awareness of how the government works is required, even if one does not know everything about it. To be uninformed in today’s world is one of the most heinous sins one can do, particularly with the wealth of information that the media has made widely available. (Paul, 2000)

Media is practically impossible to avoid. Not realizing what is going on today is unacceptable given the widespread availability of the internet via smartphones, computers, televisions, or any other new gadgets. There are many public libraries and facilities in our nation, even if people do not have exposure to their technology. To vote wisely, one must be well-versed on the current state of affairs of the nation and the methods employed by the government to carry them out. (Snyder, 2011)

Voting is a precious right. A dreadful atrocity would be the loss of one’s voice. An election is not a must in our country, but there is a cost to not participating in the process. The Republic fails to fully represent its people if their citizens do not use the right of vote. This means that only those who cast ballots will have their voices heard in governance; those who do not vote will have none. People must exercise their freedom to vote if the United States remains a genuinely federal republic free from oligarchy. (Edwards, 2010)

County and national votes tend to be even more critical in voter participation than presidential elections since the elected officials who represent those communities are elected by their constituents. To sustain the United States’ stability, citizens must be knowledgeable and actively participate in the political process. One must do more than cast a ballot to be a part of their country. To cast an informed vote, a person must engage with their community.

Even while volunteering is generally beneficial, it can provide a new perspective on specific issues that may impact one’s voting decisions. Volunteering in society is arguably the most important civic responsibility. Volunteering helps bridge the gap between the rich and poor. Volunteers may have to speak for the impoverished, who are less likely to vote because they don’t advocate themselves. See the conditions wherein the poor life and, ideally, this will influence the way they vote in terms of improving their surrounding residents, is an excellent picture of the nation’s status in which they reside. Volunteering is sometimes forgotten, but it is an essential element of being informed about what’s going on in our nation, both personally and politically.

Americans, I believe, have managed to preserve the Republic’s integrity. Citizens are allowed to vote for their leaders, which makes me believe this. To lead, leaders must return to the people, but only after the voters elect them can they lead. When the US president was forced out of office in the past for violating the rights, it demonstrates that American residents have maintained a Republic. This demonstrates that the people will be in control and that they may have chosen leaders to put that control to good use. To put it another way: The people are in charge of deciding who serves in the executive and parliamentary branches of the federal government, including President Trump. (Edwards, 2010)

To preserve the country’s current system of governance requires the participation of its citizens. Though there are specific challenges, the people who came before suffered and died so that subsequent generations might enjoy liberties they had never seen before. To avoid government failure, it is necessary to play a role in maintaining order inside the country. “Doctor, do we have a Republican or a monarch here?” was once posed to Benjamin Franklin. “A republic if you can retain it,” he said. And we’ll make sure to hold on to it. The waste of those who have made sacrifices in building our country would be tragic. It is up to the current residents of the US to ensure that it does not become a distant memory. This nation will not stand by and do nothing. It must carry out its essential civic responsibilities. It is now the responsibility of citizens of the US to pay close notice to the directions in which the country is moving. (Snyder, 2011)

The people must engage in and assist the government for it to succeed. The Republic’s administration is based on the involvement of everyone regardless of the involvement of racial or ethnic background. An individual citizen’s participation in government is crucial because governments act as the voice of their constituents. If individuals do not participate in the democratic process, their voices will be absent from decision-making. As long as its residents support it and prevent corruption, a republic can endure, and if the people of the United States so want, they can sustain Republic.


Edwards, L. (2010). The Legacy of Mao Zedong is Mass Murder. The Heritage Foundation.

Kendall-Taylor, A., & Nietsche, C. Democracies under threat: Inclusive economies and (economic and political) institutions go hand-in-hand with a stable democracy–a way forward.

Metaxas, E. (2016). If You Can Keep It: The Forgotten Promise of American Liberty: Penguin.

Paul, R. (2000). A Republic, If You Can Keep It: Lake Jackson, Tex.: Foundation for Rational Economics and Education.

Snyder, T. (2011). Hitler vs. Stalin: Who Killed More? New York Review of Books, 10, 35-36.



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