Academic Master


The Statues of Confederates and their Relocation/Removal

The discussion over the statues of Confederates and their relocation/removal is a sensitive topic for many, and it has frequently been debated. Although the statues present a dark era in the American history, it is still unethical to have them simply destroyed. There are many examples such as Gen. Robert E. Lee, and Gen William T. Sherman present a historical perspective which is not utterly cut and dry. On the topic of the statues and their removal, a suitable solution to satisfy both ends can be practiced through the example of Gen. Fitzhugh Lee if he is displayed wearing the 1865 U.S. military uniform instead of 1865 of the military uniform of Confederate States. The issue of Confederate statues is related to the practice of most people that have been to be composed to extremely racist. This routine has been going ever since the Industrial Age. Most of these monuments have only attracted activities that have resulted in acts of series of racism. However, the monuments are only representation from a historical point of view, and their placement was never based on an intention of promoting racial disputes.

In consideration of the above mentioned points, before arriving at a conclusion in regards to the statues, it’s imperative to understand the value and importance of these statues and their symbolic representation. The statues placed in the Travis Park have become a target of various debates. The articles of secession, which gives an overwhelming concern for the defense of “patriarchal and beneficent system of African slavery while it opposes the doctrine based on equal rights for every man, regardless of their color or race (Slattery 2006). Considering that most of the statues were constructed and placed to present the supremacy of white races against the blacks, back then. However, the statues need not be destroyed since they form an important element of history and represent a specific era for American history. Relocating these statues can ensure that both sides that have an issue with the placement of these statues can be resolved peacefully.

Works Cited

Slattery, Patrick. “Deconstructing racism one statue at a time: Visual culture wars at Texas A&M University and the University of Texas at Austin.” Visual Arts Research (2006): 28-31.




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