Academic Master


The Ideal Parenting Style

The western parenting is also ideal as it allows the children to acknowledge diversity. The world is becoming more and more diverse with more people leaving their native countries to live abroad. As a result, many countries ethnic and race mix has been changing over time. The western parenting allows parents to take the decision that they feel is the most correct for them and their children. There is therefore less of criticism for one culture as compared to the eastern parenting, where people feel that their style is the best. As the children are brought up in the western parenting style, they too develop the appreciation of other people’s way of life. At the end of the day, the country becomes more unified amidst the many races and ethnic groups that live together (Wells 203). The children are the parents in future and thus have to be taught on the ways to appreciate other people as well as their culture. The western parenting cultivates for this while the eastern parenting denies some sought of freedo

The western parenting style is also better as it gives the children a chance to make choices in life. In the first place, the parents give what they feel is the best for their children. As such, they teach them to balance between different aspects of life. For instance, the parents teach their kids to balance between the love they have for other people and their self-love. In addition, the children are taught how to ensure they respect the elderly and also respect themselves. The western parenting allows flexibility on the decisions that the parents make on their children (Sunderland n.p).

The western countries have many people from different racial backgrounds. However, the culture in such countries allows each of the parents to offer that which they feel is the best. This means that the community does not offer something in specific that all children must be given or taught. On the other hand, the eastern parenting is not ideal as the community decides what the parent should give to the children. In this case, the children are not given what they need but what is dictated by the tribesmen and women. The western parenting solves this challenge.

Again, the western parenting style is better as it allows the parents and their children to have a close relationship. After all, the parents are supposed to the best friends to their children. Parents owe a lot to the children and their lives and play an integral role. Thus, there is need for a close and free relationship between them and their children (Gottfredson 87). For instance, the western parents take their time and play with their children from time to time, strengthening their bond. This provides an avenue for the families to enjoy their lives as it is the main aim of families. On the other hand, the eastern cultures present parents as untouchables. The children are advised to keep off parents bounds and give utmost respect. This creates a gap between the parents and their children, making the western parenting style a better one.


Bothe the western and the eastern parenting styles have their advantages and disadvantages. However, the western parenting proves to be better as it attains the main aims of having a family. The western parenting style allies the parents to be flexible in their decisions, allows a close parent-child relationship and thus builds more love. The eastern style of parenting seems to create more division between the parents and their children (Brand n.p). In addition, it creates a society that dwells more on criticism rather than flexibility on offering what is best for the children at a particular time. Therefore, western parenting style more effective than the eastern style.


Brand, Leah, et al. “Training vegetable parenting practices through a mobile game: iterative qualitative alpha test.” JMIR Serious Games 3.2 (2015).

Gottfredson, M. R. (2017). The empirical status of control theory in criminology. In Taking stock (pp. 85-108). Routledge.

Sunderland, Margot. The Science of parenting: How today’s brain research can help you raise happy, emotionally balanced children. Penguin, 2016.

Wells, Nancy M., Gary W. Evans, and Kristin Aldred Cheek. “Environmental psychology.” Environmental health: From global to local 203 (2016).



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