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The Good War By Studs Terkel Book Review

The book is based on the experiences of different people at the time of World War II. The author conducted numerous interviews with the people who remained a part of World War II. The author tried to depict all the related experiences that were the live part of the war. Terkel used different aspects to attract the audience towards the book and the experiences of World War II.

The young GI men were exploited by humorous tricks, and young women were attracted to the young soldiers. The most important factor of the book is that it targets real experiences without making any personal bias against the author, and he did not follow the pattern in which he should interact with the audience by providing his own opinion. He simply followed the method in which he did not provide his own opinions and considered that the most important thing was to provide the experiences of the interviewed person to the audience. This is an approach that allows the audience to form their own opinions and perceptions regarding the piece of literature.

The book includes the personal accounts of the attacks that were experienced by people present at Pearl Harbor. The soldiers, entertainers, pilots, and women workers were the ones who wanted to be part of World War II. The author also interviewed the political aspects, figures, pilots, and journalists, and he discussed their real-life experiences of World War II. Later, the author added several factors that are considered to be the financial gains of the war, and he evaluated the benefits of the war at that time. The pilot point of view is also targeted in the book, and the author wrote different perspective views of the journalists. Later, the criminal aspects of the war are examined by the author in the most appropriate manner. It includes the bombing attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki that resulted from the most horrifying situations.

In the book, Terkel states that “When you first come in, you’re a hero, but enough sailors come through these ports, and social disease, alcoholism, rape, mayhem, and they’re not popular anymore. I learned a lot on that merchant ship” (A Sunday Morning, pg. 37). It shows the experience of a person who considers different aspects of the war, including the social diseases, alcohol addiction, rape, and the myth factors. In another part of the book, Terkel states that “About five hundred people died that night. Allied bombers killed allied prisoners. Just one of those goof-ups that happened so often in war” (A Chance Encounter, pg. 52). The author is trying to picture a night of war that swallowed more than five hundred people. The Allied prisoners were killed, and their murderers were Allied bombers. Moreover, the author states, “How could American boys do this? If you’re reduced to savagery by a situation, anything’s possible” (Tales of the Pacific, pg. 62). It shows the different aspects and traits of young American boys.

World War II is considered the most deadly war in human history, which killed numerous people and wasted a huge amount of capital and resources. Numerous people in the United States had taken part in the journey of war with the purpose of winning and ending the signs of the great depression era in the country. The book explains the real-life experiences of the people who were part of World War II and explains their real scenarios with the author. The author did not target bias measures but used simple techniques to write the book.


Terkel, S. (1997). “The good war”. New York: New Press.



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