Academic Master


“The Black Walnut Tree” by Mary Oliver

Rhetorical Form Analysis

Human memory is an important element that shapes and develops one’s life. It makes the humans improve their lives. The human memory allows the human to remember events, incidents, knowledge, and information. It is a kind of remembrance of life events. The selected works for this paper includes, “The Black Walnut Tree” by Mary Oliver, and The Writer by Richard Wilbur. Wilbur and Oliver use several literary techniques to show the importance of memory and the defined characters of the poems are representing some important aspects of memory as it is a process to remember the life events and store the different important memories occurred in one’s life.

Both poems are based on different aspects and perspectives representing different themes on the scenarios of life. In “The Writer” story is based on a life scenario of a person who is a father and handling the days of distress due to his daughter. Another poem, “The Black Walnut Tree” is based on a story of a family which is representing the strong bonding of family relationships and need to select money or their honor. Oliver represented his interest in the family life by showing the deep hidden meaning of a family inside the poem. He chooses a family that is suffering from some issues and needs money. They have an option to get money by tearing down the black walnut tree that is considered as the part of their family. The mother and daughter are deeply connected with the tree as their so many memories are linked with its existence. The family is attached to the tree as it represents their family love and values.

Their love for the tree is precious enough that they are not able to tear it down even the worst financial scenarios of their lives. Throughout the poem, family expresses their love and important memories regarding the tree. With the idea that “an edge” emerges that is “sharp and quick as a trowel / that wants us to dig and sow,” Oliver uses different figurative language and imagery aspects to explain the constant care that is required by the tree (Oliver 17-19). Another important point here is that there were several dangers linked with the existence of tree as it could fall off on the house and its fruits are very difficult to collect. But due to the linked memories, the family is not able to tear down their tree as it is a part of their lives and they do not want to become the ones who prefer money over their honor and memories.

In the other poem The Writer the father used the memory aspects to show his love towards his daughter. In the poem, Wilbur uses several literary techniques to show his love towards his daughter and express his selfishness as a father. Poet is showing the factor that father needs to develop the character and personality of his daughter positively. “Young as she is, the stuff/Of her life is a great cargo, and some of it heavy:/I wish her a lucky passage.” (7-9). It shows and represents the good feelings of the father towards her daughter and wishes that shows he loves his daughter. He wants that his daughter should explore her abilities and should learn to live her life with freedom.

Wilbur and Oliver use several literary techniques to show the importance of memory and the defined characters of the poems are representing some important aspects of memory as it is a process to remember the life events and store the different important memories occurred in one’s life.

Works Cited

“A Look At ‘The Writer’ | The Poetry Of Richard Wilbur.” N.p., 2010. Web. 15 Apr. 2018.

“Mary Oliver – The Black Walnut Tree.” Genius. N.p., 2018. Web. 15 Apr. 2018.



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