Academic Master


The American Society and its Problems including the Violence and Crimes in Sacramento

Sacramento is the capital of California, United States and is widely known for crimes like manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery, murder, and aggravated assault. These crimes are highly dangerous and unacceptable for the society and are the major problem for the American society. Since Sacramento’s peace is highly essential for the United States as it is rich in Gold mines and plentiful water as California is dry land and this area is important for the state. The crimes in Sacramento are highly violent, and they are mostly attempted because of snatching money, vehicles and adequately as well as force and threat the victims not to speak to officials for these issues. The main aim of the paper is to discuss the American society and its problems including the violence and crimes in Sacramento.

Living in comfort, peace, and harmony with his family is the necessity of everyone. The life would never be certain, but the surrounding conditions should be stable and acceptable to the human mind. Crime is Sacramento is rising day by day because of the poverty and lack of opportunity of career and job which causes people to be violent of not finding food, money, and shelter for themselves as well as their families. The Offenses include the home burglary, motor vehicle theft, arson, torture, larceny, homicide, and threatening. When resistance is performed it lead to the criminal to attempt man-slaughter, killing, over-aggressive assaults. Recently a child was found dead at home because of homicide and the house honors were arrested for reasons and discussions. It is the biggest problem in all over the city as well as in other parts of American society, and the government is requested to think about some proper and permanent solutions.

The violence is also one of the leading issues in the American Society. It is highly increased and caused hundreds of people being killed and many engaged in deadly chases and imprisonments. Violence is causing a disturbance in the American society, and nobody is living in the peace. Rob Porter’s case could be used as an example of the physical violence in the home. His two ex-wives accused him of attempting physical abuse and domestic violence due to which they left him. They stepped forward for the explanation as the United States government was not considering this issue more seriously and was taking it lightly. The entertainment business is focusing on producing the violent media which is also one of the leading reason of the road violence and courage to the teenagers to attempt a run from the police alarms even which caused many accidents and road violence as per see. The government is highly requested to conduct some psychological research on this issues and determine the core reasons for the violence issue in the United States and to find its solution.

In brief, the crimes and violence are the two most prominent issues in the American Society and are highly seen in Sacramento. The problem of violence should not be ignored as they are causing great trouble to the society. The faith in the government is essential, so it is requested to act as soon as possible for better future.



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