Academic Master

Laws and International Laws

the ADA policy for Disabled individuals

Most people prefer basketball as their favorite outdoor activity. Some have participated in the game since they were young teenagers. They also follow international teams, such as the NBA, in their competitions and match fixtures. Some have remained big fans of the game despite the fact that they have developed injuries and broken limbs, with the worst scenario where some break their spine, leading to paralysis of their lower body part. However, the inability to move on their legs has not prevented them from taking part in the game.

While strapped on wheelchairs, most people have continually participated in the game against even healthy people. Most have dreams of becoming a coach but are limited by their disabilities. We will assess the ADA policy which can be significant to such individuals.

One must be conversant with the ADA policies and rules, which are useful and must be followed. One of the policies is Title I, which is mainly concerned with employment. The policy mainly assists individuals with disabilities in enjoying employment opportunities without discrimination. It is applicable where there are 15 or more workers. Disabled individuals are offered reasonable accommodation and, thus, a conducive environment (Kozlowski, 1994).

The other requirement is referred to as Title II. This protects the disabled from discrimination by public entities such as local and state agencies. The ADA Act requires that these agencies make their activities, programs, and services accessible to persons with disabilities. Another requirement of the policy is known as Title III, which is mainly concerned with public accommodations and services operated by private entities. Just like Title II, this provision prevents discrimination of the disabled. They give individuals with disabilities access to publicly-owned and managed accommodations such as hotels and fields, among others (Kozlowski, 1994).

From the above discussion, it is clear that the law has considered disabled individuals. This means that one can play despite injuries and disabilities and can participate in one’s activities of choice. The immunity and privileges given to them by the ADA policy have protected them from discrimination, allowing such individuals to work or play in their areas of interest.


Kozlowski, J. C. (1994).League Policy Banning Coach In Wheelchair From Sidelines. NRPA Law Review June 1994.



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