Academic Master

Health Care

Strategic Goals for the Healthcare Department

Establishing strategic goals for a healthcare department provides a clear picture of where it is headed, the objectives it expects to achieve, and the methods it will leverage to achieve the set goals. Strategic goals usually entail those goals in the near future, like in the following year, in the next two years, or in the next five years. Strategic goals for a healthcare department are fundamental because they enable effective management and steer the employees within the department toward a common objective (Saunders, Evans, and Joshi, 2005).

The following are two strategic goals that a healthcare department can establish: improvement of the quality of service, safety, and performance, increased accountability, and creation of an incentive program for the staff based on the referral volume. The strategic goal of improving the quality of service and increasing accountability within the healthcare department can be achieved within one or two years because it usually requires staff training and supervision, which can be jumpstarted without much deliberation or decision-making. The creation of an incentive program for the staff requires much decision-making and involves designing a better incentive program that rewards staff equally without cutting back the pay of others. This strategic goal can take a lot of time to fully design.

9-Box Matrix

The 9-box matrix or the 9-box grid is used to evaluate the contribution of employees in an organization and their potential level of contribution. This matrix is commonly used in succession planning to evaluate the talent pool of an organization and to help identify potential leaders. It can also be used for performance appraisal by managers to determine the actual and potential performance of employees. It can also be applied to coaching and talent management to assess whether a change in job or duties is necessary for an employee (Clutterbuck, 2012).

High Performers

High-performing employees within the healthcare department are seasoned performers who are currently doing well, and they can help the department achieve its planned strategic goals. They are known for their ability to solve problems and think big. They are also self-motivated. In the light of achieving the above strategic goals, they can help with designing employees’ incentive programs because they are good at decision-making and problem-solving ( Sasala, 2014).

Medium Performers

This category of employees needs extra coaching, especially in people management, to progress to the next level. They can be considered for job enlargement, and the role they play could position them for a chance to grow within the department. The focus should be channeled to helping them with strategic thinking to ensure that they align with the goals of the healthcare department.

Low Performers

This category is made up of employees who are performing dismally within the department. These employees can be reassigned to simple tasks to execute, or the department can fire them. They have reached their career potential, and even though they are still effective performers, they still need coaching on becoming more innovative and strategic thinkers. They can be relied entirely on in the design and formulation of the above strategic goals.

Action Plans for Low Performers

Since low performers are characterized by career limits, despite experiencing high performance, they are still valuable employees. They can be encouraged to develop communication skills and delegation skills to help them achieve the strategic goals, for example, increased accountability and delivery of quality service through interaction with the patients. They can also be coached on becoming innovative and thinking strategically.


Clutterbuck, D. (2012). The talent wave: Why succession planning fails and what to do about it. Kogan Page Publishers.

Sasala, R. L. (2014). The role of organizational leaders in the motivation of high performers.

Saunders, R. P., Evans, M. H., & Joshi, P. (2005). Developing a process-evaluation plan for assessing health promotion program implementation: a how-to guide. Health promotion practice, 6(2), 134-147.



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