Academic Master


Sequential Compression Devices

Deep vein thrombosis is a situation brought about once a blood clot occurs in a deep vein. If untreated, it causes pulmonary embolism, which is fatal. The nursing intervention, in this case, is applying sequential compression devices or stockings to avoid deep vein thrombosis. Sequential compression devices are devices wrapped around legs that inflate with air, preventing deep vein thrombosis by increasing blood flow to the legs. Evidence-based practice is an approach used in clinical practice that entails integrating the best evidence, clinical expertise and patient preference when making decisions about patient care. Sequential compression devices are evidence-based interventions that are best for preventing deep vein thrombosis.

Sequential compression devices are the sole measure in averting deep vein thrombosis in trauma patients. A study carried out to evaluate the application of the devices showed a successful outcome in non-ambulatory trauma patients who complied with the physician’s instructions. Out of 227 patients, only 42 patients were fully compliant while using the devices and were not at risk of developing the condition. Deep vein thrombosis risk factors, however, were common among 185 patients who were not fully compliant (Cornwell, Chang, Velmahos& Jindal 2002). The study, therefore, implicates that proper application of sequential compression devices in trauma patients lessens the threat of acquiring deep vein thrombosis.

Deep vein thrombosis is a complication in patients who undergo total hip arthroplasty. Colwell, Froimson, Mont, Ritter, Trousdale, Buehler, and Padgett carried out a study to compare the efficacy of sequential compression devices and low-molecular-weight heparin in preventing thromboembolic disease. Four hundred ten patients who underwent total hip arthroplasty randomly received prophylaxis with either low-molecular-weight heparin or compression devices for ten days. The level of bleeding occurrences was 6% within the low-molecular-weight heparin group and 0% in the group that used compression devices. In both groups, the rate of pulmonary embolism was 1%, with no fatal condition. Regarding the frequency of venous thromboembolism, there was no substantial variance between the two groups. The study, therefore, concluded that the use of sequential compression devices in preventing thromboembolism after a total hip arthroplasty is safer and more effective than low-molecular-weight heparin.

Compression therapy is recognized to be useful in the management of lymphatic and venous diseases. A study carried out by Partsch and the International Compression Club reviewed published literature on the use of compression devices to manage venous and lymphatic disorders. The researchers examined medical literature on the use of compression devices and random clinical experiments of the devices. The International Compression Club met after conducting research and reported that sequential compression devices are efficient in managing varicose veins, telangiectasia and prevention of deep vein thrombosis (Partsch 2008).

Applying sequential compression devices as an intervention measure will give me as a nurse job satisfaction in that I will be in a position to ensure that patients who have undergone surgery do not acquire deep vein thrombosis while recovering. Secondly, the intervention will enhance my profession as a nurse since I will gain additional knowledge and skills through training on the correct usage of the devices to avoid putting patients at risk. Additionally, applying the intervention measure will help me be efficient as a nurse by using compression devices rather than physical therapy to prevent deep vein thrombosis, therefore serving more patients simultaneously.


Studies carried out by researchers have provided sufficient evidence proving that sequential compression devices are effective in preventing venous thromboembolism. Applying sequential compression devices as a nursing intervention measure to avoid deep vein thrombosis will be useful in preventing the condition in patients recovering from surgery. The intervention measure will impact my profession as a nurse positively as I will be able to explore my skills, gain more knowledge, and, in the process, help patients prevent venous thromboembolism.


Colwell Jr, C. W., Froimson, M. I., Mont, M. A., Ritter, M. A., Trousdale, R. T., Buehler, K. C., … & Padgett, D. E. (2010). Thrombosis prevention after total hip arthroplasty: a prospective, randomized trial comparing a mobile compression device with low-molecular-weight heparin. JBJS, 92(3), 527-535.

Cornwell III, E. E., Chang, D., Velmahos, G., & Jindal, A. (2002). Compliance with sequential compression device prophylaxis in at-risk trauma patients: a prospective analysis. The American surgeon, 68(5), 470.

Partsch, H. F. M. S. P. C. (2008). Indications for compression therapy in venous and lymphatic disease consensus based on experimental data and scientific evidence under the auspices of the IUP.International Angiology, 27(3), 193.



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