Introduction And Background
The practice of marriage between two men or women, also known as same-sex marriage, is regulated by religion, law, and customs in many areas across the globe. On approval of same-sex marriage in the United States, there have been many social and legal responses that have ranged from either criminalization or celebration (Olson, Cadge, & Harrison, 2006). During the late 1900s, the issue was highly raised in the United States and Western Europe. Same-sex marriage is likely to create some sense of political and emotional clash between the opposition and supporters of the cause. Same-sex marriage has many cultural and religious implications, and by the early 21st century, legal acceptance has become a norm in some societies within the United States.
The cultural force was not always in favour of same-sex marriage, and there were many jurisdictions that were seen when legalizing same-sex marriage. In some places, constitutional measures were adopted, after which laws were sanctioned. It also shows that there was a sense of cultural diversity in the way that opinions persisted in the 20th and 21st centuries. The cultural argument against gay marriage has also taken its form over the years. The opposition has argued that marriage is a term that should not be required when considering a relationship between two same-sex people. The opposition also opposes the fact that same-sex marriage supporters are being denied rights at a civil level. There are problems in the way that supporters view the rules and regulations, as there have always been strict policies that govern traditional marriage practices (Olson, Cadge, & Harrison, 2006). The opposition relates these practices to the fact that there is a public purpose for marriage. There can be private reasons to enter into a marriage, and humanity has seen many different forms of friendship. Opposition views will always support that marriage means the act of childbearing, and such views have existed since primitive times.
Controversial Nature Of The Issue
Same-sex marriage is part of a huge controversy in places such as Australia. It is something that is under high public scrutiny as compared to issues such as bank taxes and school funding. There are many personal stories of those who are affected more so than others due to the lack of acceptance. There are campaigning differences and upgrades in the way that personal stories are highlighted in campaigns. However, same-sex marriage has been able to keep issues at a personal level where people have been raised at star status when denied civil rights (Campbell & Monson, 2008). There are important elements of change that hold relevance when same-sex marriage is considered taboo due to health issues, as proposed by many. Big organization such as the Australian Christian lobby have shown their vehement opposition by threatening and publically pressurizing big organizations to pull back support for same-sex marriage, or their financial support will start to fade away.
Opposition has usually been placed forward by Church groups or similar organizations. There have been apocalyptic warnings of what can happen when same-sex marriage becomes the norm in these befallen societies. Open gay conservatives have shown their lack of support by stating that God does not show compassion or love for these people (Campbell & Monson, 2008). In 2004 alone, the majority of the votes were made against gay marriage, though there were differences in numbers in the past few years. Most of the debate about rights is cosmetic in nature. Civil rights are given to partners today, and opposition members point out that all marriage rights are already given to gay couples today.
Key Stakeholders Involved In The Debate
Within the domain of same sex marriage, the key components include the couple itself and children should they be part of the parcel too. Even if gay couples are given legal rights in America, two same-gender people will not be able to conceive or raise children without adoption or the intervention of science. There are many infertile heterosexual couples too that might go on a similar pathway where they require the intervention of science to conceive, or they would like to go for adoption. As far as the couple is concerned, the members-only would like to live a loving life with a loved one. They only want to lead normal lives and not live in fear of being persecuted or killed for their views and preferences. Discrimination has been present for decades, and it is only recently that some level of argument is present. Over the past few years, support for the struggle has increased, and more people have started to realize that legalizing same-sex marriage will not bring an end to the universe (Mucciaroni, 2009). The entire debate comes to the point that supporters of gay marriage would like to be treated as citizens and not low-class members of society. At a superficial glance, one can say that people are fighting for civil rights that is their basic rights.
Looking at the fact that couples are key stakeholders, the debate about same-sex marriage came to an end in 2015. The religion preaches against a man lying to a man, and one of the most difficult decisions was made when support was seen for same-sex marriage (Mucciaroni, 2009). Positive stakeholders are more than likely to be same-sex couples, and the opposition organizations that are related to the church are negative stakeholders.
The Debate For Gay Marriage
Much of the hatred against gay marriage is supported because the bible presents a bigoted view in the broad picture. Science also suggests that it is an epigenetic phenomenon where people are born differently. Arguing for same-sex marriage will be an argument for equal rights. Eventually, a civilized society does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, religion, or denial of marriage rights. Denying equal rights to same-sex couples is a proponent of homophobia (Powell, Quadlin, & Pizmony-Levy, 2015). Marriage is also a successful institution, and many people would like to be open to it regardless of their sexual preferences. The bond allows people to open up to society and also recognize the love that people have for one another. The commitment value is the same for straight and same-sex couples.
One of the main other reasons is freedom of choice as the state does not have any right to dictate the lives of people who deviate from the supposed norm. Marriage and love are purely a personal choice, and the government tends to interfere in many such situations. Individuals have freedom as it is composed of dangerous implications. It is in the best interests of people to disregard the old concept of marriage as gay couples would state so otherwise (Powell, Quadlin, & Pizmony-Levy, 2015). One of the key issues is that gay marriage will mean that there will be a difference in the way that children and procreation are viewed. These issues can be overlooked when considering aspects like gay marriage and religion. Legalizing it would mean that it has ruined the fundamental nature of the religion. Many Christian and Islamic scholars have spoken out against the issue, as it opposes the ideologies of many sacred writings. Essentially, gay rights ought to be considered something that ought to be civilly recognized. Such actions ought not to have limitations.
The Changing Debate Of Same-Sex Marriage
When examining both conservative and liberal journals, there is a difference in the way opinions have changed. Religion, culture, and legal issues are some of the main reasons that peculiarities exist. Many recent developments in the United States suggest that Donald Trump is against same-sex marriage. This was seen as Sean Maloney called him out during a Republican speech. There are media accusations that claim that Trump is against same-sex marriage and would vouch for a change in the ways via the Supreme Court. There have been differences in the way that Trump has handled the question in the past. Trump said during an interview, “I think the institution of marriage should be between a man and a woman (Clark, 2016).” Moreover, during an interview with CNN, Trump also supported that traditional marriage ought to be a norm, skillfully rejecting all movements that have been by supporters in the past decade and the previous century.
The very special issue of the Journal of Homosexuality examines that there should be an impact of marriage inequality movements. More recently, there was the Supreme Court decision that legalized same sex marriage in the United States, Obergedell v. Hodges. There are complicated ways in the way that the marriage has changed the lives of people in America (Clark, 2016). There is an assimilationist dilemma, truth regime, and discursive cooptation and integration. Same-sex marriage has changed complex ways of the already present heteronormativity. As a result, there is likely to be a backlash by traditional and bigoted people. Trump and other famous personalities have come out in the open when expressing differing opinions about same-sex marriage.
The National Association Of Social Workers (NASW)
The National Association of Social Workers (NASW) tends not to take sides when debates are done. However, when same-sex marriage was legalized, they lauded the U.S. Supreme Court that cleared the way for marriage for same-sex couples in as many as 50 states. The social work profession clearly supported the decision that was in line with the 14th Amendment, which requires two people to recognize out-of-state marriages. The ruling was to benefit hundreds and thousands of people, as per the NASW. The National Association has been a supporter of same-sex marriage for a long period of time, and it also joined the American Psychological Associated and other organizations when it was looking to file the case with the Supreme Court to counteract the wide injustices (Swank & Raiz, 2010). There are many psychological benefits that same-sex marriage’s acceptance has brought to the LGBTQ community. Additionally, the economic implications are not to be undermined. The NASW also parted with the Center for American Progress and the Movement Advancement Project, which shows that there is some level of recognition for same-sex couples and their families. The NASW has stood for equal rights and will continue to do so.
Looking at the way with which there have been increases in anti-gay and lesbian rights in the legislation in the past, public policies and bullying towards minority groups have increased. There were many damaging effects, but recognizing their relevance and also promoting same-sex marriage has resulted in an increase in positive attitudes in the community (Swank & Raiz, 2010). Cultural competence and justice support are required in either case. One can support the statement that same-sex attraction is only a natural part of sexuality, for some more than others, and they are also capable of raising children equally, if not more, as compared to heterosexual couples.
Personal Position, Social Work, And The Grand Debate
Essentially, the PIE theory can be used to explain those who are against same-sex marriage. There are views that associate same-sex marriage with situations where only heterosexual couples ought to be married. One can see that the federal government recognizes rights for same-sex couples, and that has been the norm when such cultures and traditions are considered (Baunach, 2012). In the most basic sense, same-sex unions would mean that there has been a drastic change to the entire way that marriage has developed. A man and woman are the only two people that have long been considered a couple, and any opinions that differ do not hold any value as the truth. Moreover, one can also link this view to the fact that marriage has been linked to children and their protection.
For many who support same-sex marriages, the reason is that it seems fair and that there should be no distinction in marriage. Same-sex marriage would eventually prove to be a modern-day fight for the civil rights movement in the 19th-20th centuries (Baunach, 2012). If one ignores judgmental observations, same-sex marriage is a result of social change that has been setting foot towards a more modern society. As far as the social work profession is concerned, the national association has long been in support of same-sex marriage due to similar reasons mentioned above. There is a general agreement that same-sex marriage is a sign of a progressive society that was highly required as part of entering the second millennium. My personal opinion is that same-sex marriage ought to be made legal in all countries across the globe. It is in the best interests of the LGBTQ group and helps them from succumbing to social and cultural factors.
There is a mystique associated with the concept of marriage is the myth of the “heterosexual assumption” that underpins all of the American legal and religious tenets and perpetuates the idea that all persons are (or should be) heterosexual. No state in the United States is required to give a judicial proceeding of the relationship between same-sex couples (Sherkat, De Vries, & Creek, 2010). There are likely to be differences in the way that same-sex marriage is viewed. The legal recognition of same-sex relationships remains an important but also divisive issue worldwide. In Canada, Belgium, the Netherlands, South Africa, Sweden, the U.S. states of Massachusetts, Spain, Norway, Vermont and New Hampshire and among the Coquille Tribe and Mexico City, same-sex couples can legally marry. The legal recognition of same-sex relationships, particularly via the route of same-sex marriage, comes along with significant controversy, which the political and cultural discourses reflect on daily. There are many opposing views that would state that many of these issues are present to destabilize society, and there is a problem with the way that homosexuals tend to demand the right to marry. Much has also been written in the social sciences literature about same-sex marriage and the entire concept. For social workers, as advocates, practitioners, educators, and administrators there is an essential need to have a grasp of the social work policies, practices, and ethical concerns on same-sex marriage.
In the past, same-sex marriage has been denied to homosexuals. There has been a blatant rejection of recognizing any rights for the people. However, 2015 marks the time that there was an official acceptance of the ways that marriage was accepted. Even today, religious organizations and Donald Trump oppose its very basic routes.