Academic Master

Health Care

Reforms In The Health Care Sector

Actionable Research

Actionable research is a mixed-method type of research that is appropriate for emphasizing context. This type of approach guides the researchers in the manner of integrating the local context into the research procedure. This integration will eventually lead to the researchers providing actionable recommendations. In addition, actionable research applies a broader framework for the organization of context, which serves as a technique through which the results of the study can be collected and integrated across the study (Pearce & Huang, 2012). Hence, actionable research provides steps for addressing the common challenges in the study. For this reason, actionable research utilizes the mediator variable to explain the relation between a set of variables, such as the dependent and the interdependent variables. Understanding the association between the dependent and the interdependent variables will require the researcher to define the extent to which a variable influences another variable.

An article should be actionable and provide insights into organizational and managerial practice (Colquitt & George, 2011). Thus, (Obama, 2016) demonstrated its actionability by providing counterintuitive insights into the existing healthcare system and offering to provide reforms to the system through the Affordable Care Act. The federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is a law signed on March 23, 2010, amended by the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act and officially put into action on March 31, 2010. This law was enacted with the objective of ensuring that all Americans have affordable access to health insurance (Obama, 2016). The consumers of insurance are offered a discount known as the tax credit based on the health insurance plan sponsored by the government and the expansion of the Medicaid program to include more people who are not able to pay for health care.

Methods Used To Approach ACA

According to (Xue & Hollier, 2016), the methods used to approach the ACA involved the federal provisions which were intended to expand the access of consumers to insurance, increase customer protections, improve the performance and quality of the system, emphasize wellness and prevention, expand the human resources in the health sector and limit the rising costs of health care.

Expansion Of The Access To Insurance Coverage

The ACA planned to expand public and private insurance to 32 million Americans who were uninsured by extending health insurance coverage. This plan required employers to ensure that they covered their employee’s failures, for which they would be penalized. The plan also aimed at providing tax credits to small businesses so as to cover their employees’ health insurance. Individuals are required to have insurance, with exceptions to religious beliefs and financial hardships (Obama, 2016). This is made easier by the provision of Federal subsidies, insurance exchanges, expansion of Medicare, creation of a high-risk pool, allowing young adults to be covered by parents’ health insurance, community support and assistance services and consumer protection.

Increasing The Consumer Insurance Protection

The enactment of various reforms on insurance had the objective of prohibiting monetary caps and limiting annual caps on insurance coverage (Obama, 2016). In addition, it aimed to prohibit insurance plans from rejecting children with preexisting conditions and rescission of coverage. Also, it aimed at establishing state reviews, the office of the ombudsman, and the minimum medical loss ratios.

Emphasize Wellness And Prevention

The ACA had provisions that would ensure the prevention of illness, such as the establishment of a fund for public health and prevention, the provision of grants to states for prevention initiatives, and the creation of a council for the nation’s prevention and promotion initiatives (Xue & Hollier, 2016). Besides, it required insurance plans to cover particular preventive care with no sharing of costs. Moreover, the provision aimed to increase Medicare payments and establish home visits, tobacco smoking, and restaurant guidelines initiatives.

Improve The System Performance And The Quality Of Health

The ACA incorporated several provisions for the improvement of the performance of the system and quality, such as comparative research, demonstration projects, and projects to develop a payment system that would improve efficiency (Obama, 2016). Besides, to ensure system performance and quality improvement, the provisions aimed at investing in information technology, improvement of care coordination, health homes, data collection, and reporting would address disparities in the population.

Promotion Of The Development Of The Health System Employees

The workforce issues were addressed by several provisions, such as the increase in scholarships and loans to the health professions, reforms in the graduate medical education training programs, advanced primary care frameworks, increased funding for health centres, and support for school-based and nurse-managed clinics. Limiting the Rising Costs of Health Care

The ACA has key provisions for addressing the rise in the cost of health care, including the provision of controls for the practices and insurance premiums, emphasizing primary care, effective treatment and prevention, and prevention of abuse and fraud in health care (Xue & Hollier, 2016). Also, the provisions aimed at the reduction of uncompensated care, improvement of price transparency and competition implementation of the payment reforms, and using advanced models for delivery and payment in Medicare and Medicaid

Therefore, the study covered all perspectives of the reforms in the healthcare system, providing insights to help practitioners understand the realities of the system. The ACA can help reduce healthcare costs, eliminate ineffective practices, and determine patient outcomes.


Colquitt, J. A. & George, G., 2011. Publishing in AMJ—Part 1: Topic Choice. The Academy of Management Journal, pp. 432-435.

Kathryn Oliver, T. L. S. I., 2014. New directions in evidence-based policy research: a critical analysis of the literature. Health Res Policy Syst., p. 34.

Obama, B., 2016. United States Health Care Reform Progress to Date and Next Steps. JAMA, pp. 525-532.

Pearce, J. L. & Huang, L., 2012. Toward an Understanding of What Actionable Research Is. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 11(2), pp. 300-301.

Xue, Y. & Hollier, L. H., 2016. Review of “United States Health Care Reform: Progress to Date and Next Steps” by Obama B in JAMA 316:525–532, 2016. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery, pp. 2199-2200.



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