Many people think of having plastic surgery to enlarge the breasts, to correct a defect of the face or to change some other part of the body.
This operation has risks and benefits not only for esthetics but also for self-esteem, which is extremely important for health – as explained by gynaecologist José Bento and plastic surgeon Murilo Fraga in Well Being on Tuesday, people with higher self-esteem can deal better with a number of problems.
High self-esteem promotes a kind of shielding in the brain, moving away problems related to self-image, such as depression, and even aiding in the recovery of diseases. Therefore, people who resort to surgery to improve their image end up having benefits beyond appearance. However, as there are risks, it is not indicated to seek surgery for any detail – the tip to know if it is time to seek a doctor is when something from the appearance begins to bother in such a way that the patient changes his behaviour and changes his habits, to avoid exposing and exposing this problem.
Autoestima (Foto: Arte/G1)
In the case of the housewife Reni Monteiro, from Guarujá, on the coast of São Paulo, for example, the unsuccessful attempts to reconstruct her breasts after cancer in both breasts made her feel ashamed of her own body.
With her breasts in different sizes and without looking in the mirror, she ended up hiding from the world and developing a picture of depression. Now, the housewife has found a new doctor and continues in the fight in search of her self-esteem, as Carla Modena’s report showed (see the video).
Regarding breast reconstruction after cancer, surgeon Murilo Fraga recalls that there is a law in Brazil that determines immediate surgery by the SUS if there are technical conditions for this. If not, the patient should be referred for follow-up until the desired clinical conditions are met before performing the operation.
According to the doctor, it is important to know that the decision to have surgery requires certain care since every operation has a risk of complications, especially if the patient has associated factors such as obesity, alcoholism, smoking and chronic diseases.
Even the less incisive operations leave small scars, which is important to take into consideration, as the surgeon recalled. According to the doctor, before the operation, it is essential that the patient prepares for radiological exams and cardiological and clinical evaluations, which take from one week to one month.
Arte Silicone (Foto: Editoria de Arte/G1)
It is still important to seek a surgeon at least one month before the day of the procedure. The recommendation of the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery is that, prior to surgery, a thorough medical investigation of the patient should be performed, with diagnostic tests. He still needs to follow surgical recommendations and inquire about the details of surgery and the postoperative. Overall, recovery can take anywhere from a week to a month.
In addition to the aesthetic and health benefits, plastic surgery can still be a way to improve functional issues of the body.
For the actress Maria Laura Soares, for example, the size of the jaw became a big problem and caused pain in the TMJ, head and also in the ear. To end this discomfort and improve her self-esteem, she resorted to orthognathic surgery and was able to make peace with her image.
According to dentist Luciano Del Santo, this surgery brings first the functional benefit, then the aesthetic and lastly, the psychological since it elevates the patient’s self-esteem, as happened with Laura, as shown in Carla Modena’s report (see video above). According to the gynaecologist José Bento, after plastic surgery, many women begin to worry more about their appearance and end up getting more beautiful in the set, the result of the complete change that the surgery causes.
This concern can even reach children, as in the case of the small Talita, who is seven years old, as shown in the report of Aline Oliveira, Fortaleza, Ceará.
After surgery to correct her cleft lip, she went to a beauty salon to do her hair and make-up and went to school without shame from her colleagues (see the video.