Academic Master


My Ideal Job


My ideal job is a job where I am supposed to manage a project that involves planning events such as the Olympic and World Cup games. I would like to work for a company or an organization that orchestrates such large events. Since this job will guarantee me to travel a lot I would like to report to a top-level manager who is perfect, passive, and proactive management. This kind of manager has the qualities to relate well to a team and is committed and innovative in making the events a success.

1. What would be your levels of expectancy? Which outcomes would have high valence for you on this job?

My ideal job in the organization requires heavily staffed personnel in order to carry out the actual planning before, during, and also after the big events. My levels of expectancy would be on employee performance and extrinsic motivation (Arnold 129-130). I would, therefore, need high-level expectancy by having enough resources, the right skills, and the right support for the job. A high outcome, such as rewards in the form of profitability and a good image for the outcome, would have high valence for me in my ideal job

2. Steps done by my manager

The manager should establish mutual communication in order to develop a productive interpersonal relationship with me and other employees (Cappelli 22). This will create equity and job satisfaction. The manager should offer training services and establish equal job appraisal on performance by rewarding equally on merit. I would approach the top-level manager for a salary increment request.

3. What goals would you strive to achieve?

I would strive to achieve good customer relationships and satisfaction by making the events a success. In this way, my organization will have a good image of goodwill and also win the confidence of other prospective customers, leading to high expected profitability. The role of the manager would be to track quality, motivate employees, and support them by providing resources required for the job activities (Mullins 30).

4. What behaviours would your manager positively reinforce on this job?

The manager should show interest in employee relationships and performance in a sincere manner. The manager is expected to seek out more genuine responses to workers’ suggestions and ideas. The manager should be respectful in communication and be competent at running the activities (Mullins 54-55). As a manager, keeping promises and involving employees in decision-making is good behavior that should be positively reinforced in this job.


The most important element of this job is passion and competence to create a job satisfaction environment. It will enable me to motivate the junior employees, leading to high-quality work.

Works Cited

Arnold, Hugh J. “A test of the validity of the multiplicative hypothesis of expectancy-valence theories of work motivation.” Academy of Management Journal 24.1 (1981): 128-141

Mullins, Laurie J. Management and organizational behaviour. Pearson Education, 2007.

Cappelli, Peter. New deal at work. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1998.



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