Academic Master

Health Care, Medical

Is ADHD a Real Disorder?


The paper aims to study the subject of ADHD and its related notions. The notion is whether ADHD serves as a real disorder, and therefore, for the purpose of studying the topic, a book is utilized. The book is “Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Psychological Issues.”

Is ADHD a Real Disorder?

A number of present controversial and critical issues are involved in the form of debate. The students raise these questions to develop an interest in their course for the purpose of increasing critical thinking skills. Taking Sides is a volume that also includes the learning outcomes, the summary, the exploration of the issue, and the additional resources to study the topic. According to the book, it is important to reflect that not every overly hyperactive, inattentive as well as an impulsive individual does not have ADHD. At some time in their life, children face the issue that the behavior shown by them is ADHD. The diagnostic guidelines also contain certain guidelines. The issue is the myth surrounding ADHD, yes, it is a disorder however, the traits present in an individual suffering from ADHD are not necessarily ill. For instance, research states that the behavior is supposed to appear before the age of 7, and has to continue for a period of six months. After this period, the child must be interrogated for ADHD, and then if the disorder is positive, they must also be given additional leverage and attention. ADHD is an early development disorder that has to be diagnosed before it occurs on a larger scale. There are certain observations stating ADHD is a disorder.

Some of the observations are that sudden changes in the life of a child, especially a parent’s divorce, or the death of a close family member will lead to ADHD. Moreover, undetected seizures are another observation that is present in only ADHD individuals. They also suffer from petite temporal lobe seizures which do not occur in every hyperactive individual. On the other hand, a middle ear infection that causes intermittent problems in hearing is also a cause of ADHD. Other medical disorders are also involved and eventually affect the brain’s functioning. In short, the function of hearing, listening, as well as brain functioning is insufficient in the case of a patient with ADHD. Finally, further researchers have found a sense of underachievement in ADHD individuals which is led by learning disability, depression, bipolar disorder, and even anxiety. However, not every anxious child has this problem. Some people have a mild problem of anxiety, however, that’s necessarily not an ADHD treatment.

From a personal point of view, this book resolved several myths and misconceptions surrounding the disorder which can save many lives. According to recent research, it is examined that ADHD can even lead to death or a suicide attempt. According to the author, psychotherapy is the major solution to the ADHD problem.

In psychotherapy, the patients are said to talk with the therapist as well as discuss the upsetting behaviors and thoughts they usually experience. Due to ADHD, their short-sightedness makes them appear indecisive, confused, and even ineffective in their daily tasks. Another important solution is behavioral therapy, which helps people in a number of effective ways. It again reaches to identify the connection of feelings with the disorder. This helps in dealing with social skills and developing appropriate behaviors. The third solution is a medication that can help diagnose ADHD disorder. Hence, it is proved that ADHD is a real disorder that needs to be immediately diagnosed (Gantt, 2016).


Gantt, E.E., & Slife, B. (2016). Taking sides: Clashing views on psychological issues (19th ed.expanded). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.



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