The paper will have the interest of talking about the how leadership can result in the improvement of security situation in the country. Officers are supposed to do their job willingly without being forced by those in authority. In most cases, police officers end up not doing their job willingly as a result of the leadership styles in use. The type of leadership put to use by any form of management can have a great effect on the ability of police officers to do their job willingly and increase the quality of security that citizens have in return. Most countries that have the best security have employed the best leadership strategies to ensure the police officers are motivated to work (Yahaya& Ebrahim, 190). An employee can only do good work if they are motivated to work. They will perform better under rules that take care of them other than rules that rules that try to push them around.
The research will concentrate of providing information about the current situation in the sector as well as the things that should be improved. The study will be interested in creating a relationship between the areas that need improvement with the leadership of the sector. The type of services that the leadership should concentrate on will be highlighted by the research. It is the only way that the country will be sure to solve all the problems related to the police sector. It will also be aimed at improving the overall performance of the police by motivating them to provide better quality services.
The research will look at the different styles of leadership and the effect that they can have on the morale of employees. By looking at the various aspects of each leadership style, one will know the specific profession that such rules can be applied. Not all employees require the same type of leadership so that they perform their duties. Motivation is the key aspect that any leader should always consider before they come up with any rule. Rules will affect employees directly; it is therefore mandatory that leaders should consider how the employees will feel about the rules so that they avoid making mistakes (Della Corte 187). Most employee unrests are always caused by the inability of the management to make rational decisions that can improve employee morale to do their work. This paper will look at methods such as like the transactional, transformational or the laissez-faire type of leadership.
Rules determine the extent to which any form of organization can be successful. This paper will also look at the things that can contribute to the well being of any organization. When coming up with rules, the management has to consider the type of employees they have. Police are only ready to work will if the rules they use to operate favor their operations. They are not always willing to work under conditions that put them under stress. Stress makes it hard for the police to focus on their role which is to provide the best quality security to the citizens of the country. The police will also look at whether the conditions they use to operate can favor their work or not. In most cases, the management of any sector has to ensure that they keep their employees motivated to provide the best quality services to their clients. Just like in the other sectors, security is a crucial sector that can only be left to the people who are interested in offering such services. One cannot expect police to offer the best quality services if they do not have the motivation to carry out the work (Garbarino, Sergio, and Nicola Magnavita 12).
One of the things that leaders can look at before they come up with the best rules for the police is the nature of the job they do. Police are among the employees that have high rates of suicide. They are always affected by adverse conditions that make them experience stress during their work hours. They are not always able to perform well because the laws that govern their job do not give them the authority and power to make certain decisions. To reduce the rate at which people in the police sector commit suicide, the management should come up with a way of examining the possible cause of the cases. Once this is done, they can also come up with a measure to ensure police go through guidance and counseling so that they can avoid the many cases of suicide. The best system that police officers can have is one that understands the nature of their job. The management should be made up of people who were in the sector for a long time. Such people are the only personalities who can come up with possible solutions to the problems that the police face in their work (Achim, Adrian-Constantin 13).
The reason why we need to look at different types of leadership styles is because we have to explore different styles so that we choose the best. We can only be able to get the best solutions to the problems that the police face as they carry out their tasks. It is also possible to solve the problems that the police officers face in their work by merging two or more leadership styles. Not all the situations require rules that have to be followed without any sort of question. In some cases, the police can also have the chance to make decisions based on the situations they face. There are different features of the leadership styles that can be combined together to come up with good rules for the sector (Asrar-ul-Haq, Muhammad, and K. Peter Kuchinke 62). The research will look at the different research models that can be put in use to come up with laws that can favor the work of the police officers in the country. The problem with the current structures is that people are not always able to come up with laws according to the nature of the job the police do.
The leader has a role in ensuring that he or she put up the structures that can make police officers be satisfied with the job they do. In most cases, police officers have been doing other jobs to supplement their income. Security is a sector that requires the full concentration of an individual. If police officers do not have the laws that look at after them well, they will be able to perform. In every sector, the quality of services that the employees can offer depends on the type of motivation they get in return. It is important to research this sector so that guidelines on how the new laws are implemented can also be formulated. Apart from the process of getting new laws to govern the sector, leaders can also look at the manner in which they relate to the employees. In many situations, police officers always feel that their work is to take orders from their seniors. Such cases make it hard for them to perform well. Sometimes, the best performance is a result of individual decisions that the employees make.
Coming up with a good leadership style also involves looking at the structures that such leadership styles use. Each leadership style has structures that have to be in place if they are to operate well. The research will also put into consideration the structures that each leadership style requires, the costs associated with using such a leadership style and its ability to perform. The process of creating the structures to be used in running the sector should not be hard to get. There are some structures that require a lot of things to be in place. This might be expensive for the sector. Instead of using a lot of money to come up with such structures, the sector can make a decision of using the money to train the police officers on their job and pay them better (Asrar-ul-Haq, Muhammad, and K. Peter Kuchinke 62). Sometimes, it is such small decisions that determine whether a sector will be successful or not. The leadership of the sector should come up with good decisions that can help them create a system that is friendly to both the police officers and the citizens of the country.
Another thing that the research will concentrate on is the relationship between the citizens and the police officers. In the security sector, it is most likely that police officers are not on good terms with the citizens of the country. Citizens form an important part in the improvement of security within a country. In a case where police officers are on good terms with the citizens of a country, they find it easy to provide the security services. The process of creating a good working relationship between the citizens of a country and the police officers is the duty of the leaders.
The leaders are the ones who decide on the manner in which it should be done. The ability of citizens to work well with police officers will be a result of the leadership style in use. If the leadership style recognizes the roles that citizens play in the security sector of any country, then it will be easy for them to blend in. They can find police officers to be very useful in the country (Della Corte 187). As a result, they can always provide them with any information that relates to the security of the country. The quality of security services will be better if citizens are part of the process. The research will look at the leadership styles that can provide a chance for the citizens to be included in the security structure of the country. When citizens are included, police officers will feel that they apply for a very important role in the lives of the citizens as a result of the collaboration.
In conclusion, quality of security is also related to the type of leadership in the sector in the sense that it determines the amount of money that each police officer will earn. Currently, the security sector is among the sectors in which employees get low income. This might be one of the reasons why they end up not performing their duties to the best. The leadership style that can be in use in such a situation is one that allows the management to decide on the amount of money that the workers should earn. Once they are allowed to dictate the income of the police officers, they can create a payment plan that provides the officers with a good income compared to what they earn. The leadership structure should also allow police officers to be promoted based on merit. They should be promoted according to the quality of services they have been offering as well as the duration they have stayed in the profession.
Works cited
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