Academic Master

Education, English

Hate-Speech Hypocrites Essay


The freedom of speech and the hate speech cross each other when using the first right which is the freedom to express. According to the constitution of United States of America, every person has the right to speak or to express anything and no one have the authority to stop anyone. But the concern raised by Will Saletan in his article “How can we ban insults against Jews but not Muslims” that the influence of perception on the right to speech is causing great distress on different community sharing the world. As the name suggested that in America a common perception gives the open platform to everyone for speaking in favor of Jews but when it comes to Muslim community, speaking in favor of them directly indicates that the person is supporting the terrorism. It’s not just limited to religion but calling Gays promiscuous and all the crimes commit by black community also comes in that perception. The suggested views on this attitude is being the hypocrite which only gives right to people they wished to and is not commonly shared.


The writer indicates on the foreign policy of America is influenced by the Jews because all the policies goes in favor of Jews and against those countries where Muslims are in majority. This is purely the violation of freedom of speech because it is not considered to be Nobel to speak which everyone is not speaking. The policies and constitution is being designed by the conservative and racist people who are always against the Muslims and blacks. Even after the civil right revolution in which Blacks secured their rights but still they are facing discrimination which causing their socio-economic condition badly. The people living in Islamic countries are angry on this hypocrisy and protesting against such acts of America. When it comes to hate speech for Prophet Muhammad America consider this as free speech or freedom of speech but people are not allowed to speak about the Holocaust.

The writer further gave the reference of UN General meeting in which Presidents from the Muslim community proposed the banning of such speeches that promoting the hate among different communities. President condemn the video which was spreading hate against the Muslims and the Switzerland president who always speak against the hate speech was found silent when the magazine provoked and offended the Muslim community. The east and west is always found arguing on this topic and it should not be ignored that the Arabs have gone through different difficult phases in order to stabilize the condition of their country. All the Muslim countries are against this attitude of America towards the hate speech and raising their voices on this issue. The ambassador of Pakistan openly expressed that in Europe and America the discrimination towards the Muslim is a double standard.

Throughout the developed countries it is forbidden to express anything which hurts feelings of any community. Those who will show any support to Nazi will have to face jail but if anyone show hatred and express hate towards the Muslim community will be praised rather the law applied to him/her. Even in the Germany which was once showed the most hatred toward Jews now following the laws which forbid people to express hate and hurt the community. Furthermore, the writer gave the similar examples of different countries from Germany to United Kingdom and also referred to international laws against hate speech. Unfortunately, all of them only providing support and shows sympathy to Jews but nothing for other communities and races. The hate speech is not limited to religion but to gays as well. Several examples have been given by the writer who provided the example that religious people spreading hate against them and even there are places where homosexual people have to hide their views in order to protect their well-being.

In the end, the writer argue regarding the laws which were imposed by the human right organization and constitution of the countries regarding the freedom of speech being used as hate speech. The writer emphasized that all the laws should be implemented regardless of any favors to particular community. If Jews have the privilege to be protected by the law then why don’t Muslim have such rights? We all should live in peace by eliminating the hate against each other (Saletan, 2018).


The writer have stated many strong points including the examples he had provided which showed that how biased the law implementers are that they ignore the sentiments of Muslim communities and always blame black people for criminals. The article is convincing enough to agree with the writer that the conservative and racist law makers are exploiting constitute of America. Molding the laws according to their own benefits. In the meantime, it should also be considered hat freedom of expression gives the power to those who have the right to speak what is right and when the wrong thing happen. The perception against Muslims have built by the terrorism and people are afraid of them which turned into such hate speech. The sentence structure of Saletan becomes vague when the name of article is different then what actually is being expressed. As the name suggested that in America a common perception gives the open platform to everyone for speaking in favor of Jews but when it comes to Muslim community, speaking in favor of them directly indicates that the person is supporting the terrorism. It’s not just limited to religion but calling Gays promiscuous and all the crimes commit by black community also comes in that perception. The suggested views on this attitude is being the hypocrite which only gives right to people they wished to and is not commonly shared.

Works Cited

Saletan, W. (2018). Hate-Speech Hypocrites. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Mar. 2018].




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