Academic Master


Forest: Stay Focused

The advert is expected to have a psychological effect on the market. Since it is an advert for a more self-conscious product, it is likely to trigger an emotional trigger of fear.

Question 1

The Forest: stay focused advert is a very attractive piece that can appeal to the market and, while sustainable, gain their attention throughout the entire advert. This is achieved firstly by the use of very catchy phrases for tag lines. These lines have a good, unique sound when pronouncing them, making them very attractive to whoever is listening to them. Another key way we have managed to stay attractive is by the way it is branded. The advert has tried to select good colours that are very appealing to the eyes. This alone can go a long way in passing the intended message of the advertisers to the market. Colours have a way of instantly capturing the attention of an audience, and that is how the advert is able to be effective. In terms of getting attention, the key that was used to solve this is the advertisement’s messaging. The message has to be persuasive. This means that whatever it is, it needs to make the people feel better about your product than anybody else. Common sense logic has also been used in the wording and messaging of the advert. If the audience can see common sense and be challenged to think, they are likely to accept and choose the product and service. There also is an aspect of connecting the product that is being advertised to the desires of the audience. People always pay attention to things they like, that’s why it is very important to show how the product will affect and benefit them.

Question 2

The advert has been able to portray its message effectively both visually and with the use of sound. This has gone a long way in persuading the market to use the product. The video advert that is being used has incorporated very attractive colours that stand out. Moreover, the advert uses subtitles that accompany the narrator reading the text itself. This in itself makes the advert very simple and easy for the audience to understand and capture the message that is being conveyed to them. The use of beautiful graphics has also made the advert a lot more interesting, and this way, it is able to sustain the attention of the audience to convey the full message of the advertiser. Sound has also played a vital role. This is through the choice of a very good melody for the background music. The background music is part of the attractiveness of the advert, and it also is a way of reaching even those who are not paying attention watching. They can hear the advert without necessarily looking at it. This way, even the visually impaired can also get the message.

Question 3

The Forest: Stay focused advert uses very simple and explanatory messaging. This is in a bid to play against any preconceived notions that may have created a negative attitude towards the product. This way, the attitude that an audience will have towards it is positive, and this is how they will be able to accept the product and use it.

According to Marshal McLuhan, the theory of the mediation of reality properly explains how an advert is effective when paired with other forms of media and the environment as a whole. This theory is indeed effective and is able to change the minds of the audience because they can readily understand the message of the advert from their environment as well as the messages they are familiar with in other forms of media consumed.


Kimmel, A. (2013). Psychological foundations of marketing. New York, NY: Routledge.

Scott, D. (2010). The new rules of marketing and PR. Hoboken, N.J.: J. Wiley & Sons.

Cateora, P., Gilly, M., Graham, J., & Money, R. (2016). International marketing. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.

Kotler, P., & Keller, K. (2012). Marketing management. Boston [Mass.]: Pearson.

Nyilasy, G., & Reid, L. (2009). Agency Practitioner Theories of How Advertising Works. Journal Of Advertising38(3), 81-96.



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