Academic Master


Fahrenheit 451 Essay

Fahrenheit 451 is a book written by Ray Bradbury in late 1950s. This book displays the threat of book burning at that time, and how it affected an individual. Fahrenheit 451 shows the temperature at which the book is ignited, and how the society encourages in the book burning process. The lead character in this novel is shown as a fireman, who engages in destroying of books and further quits his job, influenced by reading books rather than slaying them. Knowledge is an essential part of a person’s life, which can be destructive or constructive varing upon the situation.

In the early days, it was a purpose to destroy any education medium, because it could lead to adverse consequences and negative results. It was believed that, if a person has more knowledge, he/she will make more arguments, which will lead to high risk of differentiation. So, instead of bookkeeping, they burnt them, which was meant as a social cause. Fahrenheit 451 was later considered a third tier book in schools and colleges, which said it should be removed because of the negativity it was providing.

However, nowadays people engage in book reading and have adopted it as a habit. It is no more believed to burn books. The argument on the book remains the same, that to provide better understandings to the students and society as a whole, everyone should pay more interest in keeping books rather than destroying them. At that time also, the novel tells about the changes in the lead character, that he has shifted itself towards the positive side of reading books, and refrained from burning them. The argument still stands that why we need to fire novels when we can learn everything from them. This argument can be the basis of this study, where further research can be done on the advantages and impact of books and education on the society.



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