Academic Master


Ethical Theories Involved in Criminal Justice

The criminal justice includes that of an overspeeding driver. Mr. B goes against the rules of the land by driving at a high speed of 20km/hr, Above the stipulated rate. The over-speeding happens in town K, which makes it dangerous due to the large crowds gathered and going on their business.

The over-speeding driver is caught on camera, and the same is kept as a record for reference. The capture attracts the attention of the police officers on patrol as well as those commanding and controlling traffic. The signals are sent, and the police attempt to stop the car after some kilometers. Noticing the crime committed, the driver fails to stop and decides to speed off from the police. This leads to a police chase, endangering the lives of the other road users. After a long time chase, the speeding driver is apprehended by the police, who decide to take him to court. They feel that this is the best action against the defiant driver. However, the driver explained that he was rushing to the hospital to see a loved one. Investigators found that the information given was true and the driver could have been under pressure to speed.

Ethical Theories Involved

Various theories come out in the case study presented above. The first theory is absolutism. Absolutism defines personal character in the form of life that one ought to lead. In this case, the driver is under the condition that he should live a life that is true to the rules of the country, even though he decides to disobey them (Lucas, Van & Maat 2016). Eudemonism also appears in the case study. Eudemonism indicates what kind of a person one should be in life. In the presented case, the driver is expected to be a person who is careful about his safety as well as that of the rest of the road users. However, the driver portrays a picture of a person who does not care about his life or other people.

Deontology also comes out in the case study. The driver is under an obligation to drive safely and within the provided speed limits (Christensen 2018). The driver is also responsible for stopping when police officers stop him along the way. The driver fails to obey the orders of the officers and thus becomes a criminal.

Contractarianism also applies in this case. Contractarianism requires that the driver is not ignorant of the road signs and rules. Therefore, the driver is expected to slow down along the town center and stop when ordered to do so by the police (Goetghebeur et al., 2015). The driver goes against ethics, which also means that he is on the wrong side of the law.

Solutions to remedy the case to an ethical end:

From the investigation, the driver is seen to be driving under pressure due to the hospitalized loved one, which is determined to be the truth (Monteverde 2014). Therefore, it is necessary to treat the driver as one who becomes a victim of circumstances (Ho 2015). To solve the case ethically, the police ought to consider imposing soft fines on the driver instead of engaging in the court process. The fine will act as a deterrence from over-speeding. It also restores the ethical character of the driver, the way he should live his life and the character he should take up.


Christensen, A. M. S. (2018). What Is Ethical Cannot be Taught’–Understanding Moral Theories as Descriptions of Moral Grammar.

Goetghebeur, M. M., Wagner, M., Bond, K., & Hofmann, B. (2015). Analysis Of Ethical Theories And Principles Embedded In Holistic Mcda: A Primer To Ethics-Based Appraisal Of Value In Healthcare. Value in Health18(3), A101.

Ho, D. (2015). Making Ethical Progress without Ethical Theories. AMA journal of ethics17(4), 289.

Lucas, K., Van Wee, B., & Maat, K. (2016). A method to evaluate equitable accessibility: combining ethical theories and accessibility-based approaches. Transportation43(3), 473-490.

Monteverde, S. (2014). Undergraduate healthcare ethics education, moral resilience, and the role of ethical theories. Nursing ethics21(4), 385-401.



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