Academic Master


Ethical Decision-Making For Organization Success

Ethical decision-making is key to organizational success. Walmart Company embraces and values decision-making. First, the form ensures that its employees are part of certain decisions that the firm makes. This has made employees fell to be part and parcel of the organization. It is important for the management to engage in some of the decisions they are yet to take because it is the employees who are expected to implement such decisions. Moreover, it is important for the management to effectively engage employees before making decisions regardless of their leadership style. Lehnert, et al. (2016), propose that the strategic leaders must have definite abilities of decision making especially those decisions that seek to give a company a competitive advantage or those relating human resource management. Further, decisions of this nature are very complex to make. Hence, successes rely on the blending of abilities across the company (Wang et al. 2015).

Also, ethical decision-making considerably contributes to the efficiency of strategic leadership. This, therefore, needs leaders to possess specific knowledge at the international and domestic degree, personal qualities and skills in order to cope with the ambiguous and unambiguous decisions they are supposed to make. Additionally, the capability assimilates skills, knowledge and individual qualities to appropriately apply the knowledge of decision-making in either familiar or unfamiliar situations (Goetsch & Davis, 2014). The dependent on their abilities, leaders are capable of taking actions with ambiguous results. Thus, it requires the leaders to have courage, creativity, emotional stability and initiative.

Social feasibility considers motivation and job satisfaction from an employer (Wang et al. 2015). Thus, if employees are effectively engaged I some the decision making process, they will have job satisfaction as well as motivation. Employee motivation is an important aspect that ensures they maintain the knowledge needed in their operation. To implement this, the creation of electronic systems that contain the guidelines and the methods of transactions and communication required in an organization is also another means of reminding the employees what is expected of them.

Through the conduction of the above processes, an organization can manage the employees to work within their expectations and for their benefit in the long run (Goetsch & Davis, 2014). Also, benefits and bosses increase job satisfaction and, thence, high employee retention. Productivity: If the manager wants to measure employee satisfaction should see the output of employees. If employees are satisfied with their jobs, it leads to increasing their performance and productivity in the Organization. Also, if the Organization gives their employees rewards and good incentives, employees will be encouraged to perform well, which leads to increasing the profitability of the organization, and the output of the organization will be high.

The gap in the decision-making that could cause risk in both internal and external stakeholders is ye ability to engage them before certain decisions are made. The management may sometimes make decisions without informing or engaging the stakeholders. This may discourage the stakeholders if there are other issues with the decisions which have been made.

Embracing Corporate Social Responsibility

Business and the community should coexist. The business depends on the community. For Instance, the community provides a consumer base (Wang et al. 2015). Thus, the company should undertake to embrace the principles of corporate social responsibilities. Walmart Company undertakes to embrace CSR. The main social responsibility of the company is to create job opportunities just like any other company within the region (Goetsch & Davis, 2014). All the societies hope that when an organization is established, it will be capable of generating jobs for all the local people living in the area. Therefore, Walmart, like any other company, creates jobs for people in the region where the outlet is established. Further, the department of human resources is committed to the honesty as well as fairness of the workers.

Moreover, the human resource sector encourages employees to be treated with a lot of respect, honesty, and fairness while at the workplace. Preferences of the employees and customers with the management and fellow customers are discouraged as it discourages the workers who are working hard and may also create an issue in the workplace (Certo, 2018). For the employees to feel appreciated for all the work they do, then they should be treated with both honesty and fairness in the company. Also, hiring the right employees and failing while hiring is an issue to be considered. Walmart company is always ethical when hiring its employees and while dealing with both customers and workers within the company. At the time of hiring, all the individuals that have applied for the work are given a fair and equal opportunity to join the workforce of the company (Wang et al. 2015).

Moreover, the organization encourages all the candidates applying for a position in the firm from all diversity of people, and all are treated without discrimination at the time of hiring. Having a varied workforce will make the company provide opportunities to all the people who feel disfranchised. The principles of CSR propose the procedures in terms of conduct that the organization ought to follow while conducting its activities. Normally, these ethics are based on the notions of right, wrong or considered fair, and it concerns the suppliers, employees, customers and stakeholders in the business (Wang et al. 2015). Therefore, it is imperative for the Walmart Company to conduct all business operations ethically to pass their beliefs, morals and values down to the customers and workers. Similarly, social responsibility is equally vital in business ethics since it regards caring for the organization’s employees, being responsible socially and environmentally, as well as ensuring that they give back to society (Goetsch & Davis, 2014). Additionally, the company undertakes to motivate its employees. The employees are effectively compensated especially for those who are injured when in lie f duty. Furthermore, the firm protects the environment.

There are some risks that the company has to take into consideration to succeed and to be profitable. The Spree Watches Company faces the risk of government policies imposing certain restrictions which require complying with such specific production standards, which may, in turn, increase the product cost. This may affect the price and the profitability of the company.

Revised Strategy Plan/ Potential Risk And Improvement Of CSR

The manager should innovate new strategies in addressing issues concerning corporate social responsibilities. The phases involved in innovation include the implementable stage, short-term objectives as well as near-term developments (Certo, 2018). The first phase, which is the identification of goals, deals with the recognition of the course of action to be taken as well as the motivation aspiration needed for the entire innovation system. The second and thirds phase in innovation requires implementation and execution of goals to realize success. The manager should encourage knowledge sharing as well as the worker’s problem-solving capability. The two researchers found that the supportive behaviour of management is directly or indirectly associated with knowledge sharing (Wang et al. 2015). Every organization may experience some challenges that need to be resolved. Effective management will have a working mechanism for solving their problems. Thus, problem-solving is a skill that leaders and managers are expected to embrace within their organization.

To establish if employees are indeed satisfied with their work, organizations frequently carry out surveys to measure and determine employees’ intensity of job satisfaction (Goetsch & Davis, 2014). This identification will enable the management to identify areas of job training as well as employee incentive programs that will boost their motivation for job improvement and enrichment. One of the proven ways to improve job satisfaction is by rewarding employees according to their performance as well as their positive behaviour and attitude. Moreover, as a strategic manager, I will look at the issues of employee motivation. Further, the company ensures that they have an effective and sustainable relationship with their customers. As a result, communication has been a core ingredient in ensuring the success of the company. Also, the feedback that the company obtains is used to ensure that all the concerns are addressed and that all the clients are satisfied with the products they offer. Moreover, I will also embrace competitive pricing in that the company sets the prices relevant to those of the rival companies to make sure that it sustains a high profitability degree for sustainability and development. Overall, I will motivate both the consumers and employees (Certo, 2018).

Motivation is another factor that drives the consumer in deciding on what products to purchase or not. Motivation comes from within, and it greatly influences the psychology of consumers on what products to purchase. Each brand has a motivational factor that influences the consumers to like it. Some brands are deemed to be durable and not expensive. This factor can motivate the consumer to go for this brand. Some, on the other hand, are expensive and less durable. This takes away the motivation of the consumers to purchase the brand. Therefore if the consumers are motivated by a particular brand, they would look for it and purchase it.


In summary, effective decision-making helps the company to target unique and specific customers, especially the professionals in the market. The organization appreciates the fact that over the year of establishment, the company has been able to realize most of the objectives and goals it had formulated. The most significant thing is that the individuals getting the services are satisfied with both the products and employees’ relations. Further, firms were able to identify their primary target in the market, and this knowledge has been relevant in the strategy and development of the products obtained. As stated earlier, the central target market of the company mainly includes professional who prefers the latest fashion in the industry. Moreover, corporate social responsibility helps the company target customers who have a great preference for an extra and specific feature within the industry. Therefore, the company has both pre and postpaid services to facilitate the smooth operation of the company. On the other hand, the firm believes its target market to broaden in the future as the clients become more aware of the services and products via the internet and the company website. Further, the company ensures that they have an effective and sustainable relationship with their customers. As a result, communication has been a core ingredient in ensuring the success of the company.


Certo, S. C. (2018). Supervision: Concepts and skill-building. McGraw-Hill Education.

Goetsch, D. L., & Davis, S. B. (2014). Quality management for organizational excellence. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

Lehnert, K., Craft, J., Singh, N., & Park, Y. H. (2016). The human experience of ethics: a review of a decade of qualitative ethical decision‐making research. Business Ethics: A European Review25(4), 498-537.

Wang, S., Gao, Y., Hodgkinson, G. P., Rousseau, D. M., & Flood, P. C. (2015). Opening the black box of CSR decision making: A policy-capturing study of charitable donation decisions in China. Journal of Business Ethics128(3), 665-683.



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