Academic Master

Environmental Science

Environmental, Economic and Media Issues


In the twenty first century, there were many new problems, or challenges emerge that faced by the globe. There were at top environmental issues that faced by the world. Environmental issues are one of the most critical issues that currently faced by the world. Due to the vast industrial development and the economic activates human destroyed the environment. Due to substantial industrial growth in the twenty century economic is one of the critical positions in the international politics. World scenario change and economic supremacy are deciding factor of power. World change from geopolitics to geoeconomics in this era. Due massive development in the field of technology especially in the communication technology media got more attention and played an essential role in national as well as international politics. Now media is considered as the fifth element of change. In this era, a war fought on the economic and media front.

Environmental issues:

The industrial revolution starts in nineteen century that plays a significant role in the development. The industrial development of the twenty century play an essential role in the modern development and play a crucial role in the development. Due to industrial development, all the industries man use all the possible resources that are needed for their industrial development. In these industries fossil fuel (coal and oil) use as the primary source of energy (Harper and Snowden, 2017). Due to the use of fossil fuel in this industry as the primary source of energy they reduce the high rate of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that are very dangerous for the planet. Due to the massive use of fossil fuel in the industries they badly hit the atmosphere and disturbed the volume of mainly carbon dioxide.

Due to a massive increase in the volume of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, there were many climatic changes were occur that directly or indirectly hit the human life on this planet. Due to human activities now we face many environmental problems that we cannot deny.


Due to massive industrial development now the most challenging environmental problem that is pollution. That pollution includes contamination of air land and water. Due to this polluted environment human face many issues. Due to considerable developments in the industrial sector, we destroy our air and due to which we face many health issues (Harper and Snowden, 2017). Air pollution is caused by the toxic material of the industry that released in the air. Due to that, there was the threat of acid rain and other serious health issues. Due to industrial development we also face pollution of water, and now 90 percent of the world have not pure drinking water they drink polluted water that causes many other health problems (Hackmann, Moser and Clair, 2014). We also face pollution of land due to the massive industrial development. The industrial development badly hit the life on this earth.

Global warming:

The second crucial environmental problem that faced by the globe that is global warming. Our industries release a tremendous amount of greenhouse gases in the result; now we confront global warming. During the nineteen and twenty century there was a massive increase in the volume of carbon dioxide in the environment (Hackmann, Moser and Clair, 2014). It is the century of when there was an enormous development in the field of industries. Due to the massive use of fossil fuels such as coal and petroleum they great share in carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases that are the primary factories of the global warming. During this period of nineteen and twenty century annually 4.3*10810 of carbon dioxide were added to the atmosphere. Due to this massive addition of carbon dioxide, the global warming will start (Harper and Snowden, 2017). During 1850 to 1950 these ten decades were an enormous increase in CFCs gases in the atmosphere.

In most parts of the world, the season can change in one region if the people face drought situation while on the other hand, people face floods. Due to the global warming, the temperature of the earth is increasing and threaten the life (Hackmann, Moser and Clair, 2014). Due to high-temperature glacier were melt and due to the melting of the iceberg, there is a rise in the surface of the sea. The due increase of the surface of the sea the life who live in the coastal areas are in the threat (Hansen et al. 2016). There was more than fifteen percent of the whole population lives in the coastal regions. Due to that there were many states and cities diminish from the map of the world such as Maldives, Dhaka, and Bombay, etc.

Depletion of natural resources:

The other main environmental problem that we are faced that is the depletion of the natural resources. Due to massive use of fossil fuel in the industries now we face scarcity of the oil and gas (Hackmann, Moser and Clair, 2014). Due to the shortage of oil and gas, people move towards renewable sour5ces of the energy such as hydroelectric, wind energy and solar energy. We also face the lack of forest due to heavy use of wood in the industrial sector and due to urbanisation.

Disposal of waste material:

Another problem that is faced by the globe that is the disposal of solid waste. Due to the creation of plastic material now the destruction of waste material is emerging as a global crisis. Many countries dump waste material in the oceans. Nuclear waste, plastic and other cheap resources are hazardous to human health. Disposal of waste material is a dangerous issue for both developing and developed world that currently faced by the globe.


Due to human activities, another problem that we have faced that biodiversity. Human activities destroy the ecosystem. Due to air and water pollution many species loss, their existence and some face considerable threats to their survival.


Due to the urbanisation and use of wood in the industries, we destroy our forest. Due to the destruction of the forest, we also threaten the species which lives in the forest many species lost their survival due to human activities.

Depletion of Ozone layer:

There was an invisible layer around the earth that protects earth from the harmful rays of the suns. Due to the human activities and on the large-scale production of CFCs we deplete ozone layer that is very dangerous for earth (Harper and Snowden, 2017). Due to the depletion of the ozone layer we face many serious issues like skin cancer. Ozone layer prevents UV radiation from reaching earth.

Economic issues that faced by the globe:

In the current world economic development is the top most agenda of any state. Every state tries to achieve economic supremacy without the considering of means only focus on their goals. In the current world, there were many financial issues faced by the world. Economic is a vast field. In the late twenties, the world is changing from geopolitics to geoeconomics. That increase the importance of economic development due to that we face many economic issues

The globe meets many economic issues.

Energy crisis:

There is a very close link between energy and economics. The current economic development is based on industrial development, and the production of the industry is highly based on energy. That may be oil, gas and electric city. There was a very close relationship between economic activities and oil prices. The oil price has a massive contribution to the great economic recession of 2008 and 2009. Due to an enormous increase in the prices of during this period, they were slower the economic growth rate. There was a gap in the demand and supply of oil, due to newly emerging economies of India and China (Rivoli, 2014). The consumption and demand of oil rise and production were same in the result of this gap between demand and supply they caused slower the rate of growth and their many countries in real trouble due to this global economic recession of 2008 and 2009. In this economic recession, oil prices play a vital role.

Due to this highly influential role of energy in the economic development of the country. Most of the states move to words new sources of the energy that are available and cheaper than the oil and gas (Rivoli, 2014). Due to this most of the countries move towards the alternative source of energy that more easy and continuous availability. The energy crisis is one of the leading economic issues that faced by the globe.


The second most important economic issue that faced by the globe that is poverty or poverty-related issues. Average 21000 people died per day due to poverty and its related effect. The poverty rate is higher in Asia, Africa and Latin America but the situation of central Africa is very worst (Rivoli, 2014). That high poverty rate causes many other problems like conflicts between the states and societies. There was a much international organisation that works for poverty but now cannot achieve their targets.

Competition in a new era of globalisation:

Another economic issue that faced by the glob that is competition in the modern era of globalisation. Globalization increase competition between the players of the world that cause many financial problems many global actors are desperate for a small regional player to compete with them.

The gap between North and South:

Another important economic issue that faced by the globe that is increasing the gap between the north and south. Due to high industrial development in industries and technology north become richer and south is impoverished that increase the pdifference between two parts of the world that is very dangerous for the globe, and it is one of the emerging economic issues.

The rise of new power:

The rise of new power such as (BRICS) is another economic issue for the west. These emerging blocks challenge the hegemony of west mostly members of BRICS belongs to the south, and it is a threat to the sustainable economic development.

Global Corporation or MNCs:

The most critical economic problem that are currently faced by the globe that is increasing role of Multinational Corporation (MNCs) (Rivoli, 2014). The current economic structure MNCs are more potent than many Republicans. That is an alarming situation for the globe, and that has a monopoly in the global financial market.

Global Media Issues:

Due to substantial technological development especially in the communication technology media emerge is one of the most critical elements of global power. This the era of media the states that have an active media they rule over the world. In twenty-one century media considered as a fifth element of the states (Coombs and Holladay, 2018). In the current world, media play a dominant role in world politics. The countries that have a secure media network it helps to maintain their supremacy over the world. It is the era of media warfare in which media is best tool of propaganda medial helps to controls the minds of the peoples. Due to that, many global media issues faced the world

Media is an essential element of current society that allows significant powers to rule the world. Current media structure cannot highlight the genuine problems of the world (Coombs and Holladay, 2018). They only serve the interests of the powerful states and person. In current world scenario, the media power mostly use for your interest rather than the collective interest.

Current media more highlight the negativity as compare to real issues. Due to the media, the secrets of were not safe, and they cause many problems. Due to media, many threats faced by the globe such as peace of the world (Coombs and Holladay, 2018). Media cause many psychological issues. In current world media use as the primary tool of propaganda that causes many severe problems. Due to mass media, the current peace in threatens they are used for spying and propaganda that threatens the world peace. The current media present only one perspective that they support (Coombs and Holladay, 2018). Media set their values and norms that is against the social rules and values. There was no international authority which regulates the media laws and their responsibility.


In the current world, many problems faced the globe that is environmental issues, economic and media related. Due to massive industrial development in the past, we face many issues related to the environment. Due to extensive production of greenhouse gases during last century we destroy the planet atmosphere. And now the human face many threats due to this industrial development like climate change, global warming, pollution and many other serious issues that are threatening for life on earth. Another main problem we faced from economic sector, many financial problems were encountered that is poverty, increasing role of MNCs and growing gap between South and North that is most challenging issues for the globe.

Newly emerging media power is also an issue for a globe that got more tension in the twenty-one. Media is a threat to global peace and security if this is not regulated. Currently, no international medial regulatory authority regulates and minimise their role and draw certain limits. We need to do proper planning to protect globe from these burning issues.


Coombs, W.T. and Holladay, S.J., 2018. Social issue qua wicked problems: the role of strategic communication in social issues management. Journal of Communication Management22(1), pp.79-95.

Harper, C., Harper, C.L. and Snowden, M., 2017. Environment and society: Human perspectives on environmental issues. Routledge.

Hackmann, H., Moser, S.C. and Clair, A.L.S., 2014. The social heart of global environmental change. Nature Climate Change4(8), p.653.

Rivoli, P., 2014. The travels of a t-shirt in the global economy: An economist examines the markets, power, and politics of world trade. New preface and epilogue with updates on economic issues and main characters. John Wiley & Sons.



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