Academic Master


Embryonic Stem Cells

Embryonic Stem cells, also known as ES cells, are pluripotent stem cells that are a derivative of an inner cell mass of an early-stage embryo prior to implantation. This early-stage embryo is known as a blastocyst. Embryos of human beings reach this stage four to five days after fertilization, where it will consist of between 50 to 150 cells. The pluripotent cells offer the viability of having renewable sources for tissue and cell replacement in order to treat different kinds of diseases like spinal cord injuries, burns, heart diseases, Parkinson’s disease, and arthritis, among others (TXT).

Ambassadors for oral argument on this harvesting of the cells point out that an embryo has to be seen as a person or a potential person from its embryonic stage. This is immediately after fertilization. In the same way, an infant is seen as a human in its infant stage, so the embryo should be accorded the dignity and respect that deserve a person (TXT). The argument continues that if there is no clear-cut surety of whether an embryo is human or not after fertilization, then it should not be destroyed. Just as it is in a real-life situation, if a hunter is not 100% sure whether the target he is aiming at is a man or a deer, he cannot shoot. By extracting some of its cells, an early embryo is denied its normal development as it is programmed to be, that is, to be a human being (TXT).

Religious views differ from one religion to another. Christians believe that human life starts immediately after fertilization, while Islam believes that ‘ensoulment’ occurs 40 days after fertilization (TXT). The Jews also hold the belief that 40 days after conception is the beginning of human life. Though they may differ at which point human life starts, all these religions view embryonic stem cell research as interfering with human life and going against the teachings of their respective books (TXT).

In general, embryonic stem cell research needs to be advanced if it offers a better alternative to better alternative to conventional disease. For example, having a cancer patient opt for stem cell replacement could prove to be less painful, less expensive, and less time-consuming than goingfflifeeege11wra TV through radio and chemotherapy sessions that would not give a guarantee of full recovery.



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