Academic Master


Dwindling Fortunes of Pixar

The case study is about Pixar’s dwindling fortunes. Pixar Animation Studios is an American company that specializes in the production of animated films. The case study demonstrates how Pixar emerged as a strong company that performed well in the market. Initially, the company performed well because it produced and distributed films that received good reviews and warmly received in the market. This means that large volumes of films were sold on the market.

However, as fate would have it, the company’s performance would decline because people did not buy its films. The problem occurred after the death of Steve Jobs, who served as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Apple Inc. During his time at the helm of the company’s management, Steve Jobs used his managerial skills to move the company a notch higher. It was when the company performed so well and realized the large sales volume. Later, the company would start performing so dismally because of many reasons. One, its activities were poorly managed, especially in the later ages. During this time, the management never made feasible strategic decisions to be relied upon to develop the company. Two, stiff competition emerged in the market. Although Pixar had been enjoying a large market share, it reached a point when its films could not sell because it could not cope with the stiffening competition from the established and new companies now competing with it.

In conclusion, I would like to point out that Pixar suffered greatly because of the changing market dynamics. The new changes brought stiff competition which the firm could not cope with. It became extremely challenging for the company to fit into the new system no matter how it tried. The company must have lost its creativity and become a victim of changing market conditions. However, it still has a place in the market.



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